Advanced Play Calling in L&W

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

  2. King Felsa New Player

    If you're in a league run, you shouldn't be yelling anything.

    The group should know to block (or stop attacking) when the red skull pops up. Someone telling them that they need to block does not help them understand and learn to avoid it themselves. You're essentially carrying your leaguemates if you need to yell block for them.

    If a mate keeps dying as a result, keep rezzing them until they figure it out.

    If you're in a situation like IOP feat or a vexer comes out, I understand the need to yell, as people might have their cameras away from WW/CF and never see the skull.
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  3. Flightboy New Player

    Agreed, if you read we yell to lunge for WW's skull and it's hilarious. This wasn't really intended for league runs, but more for the pugs that think blocking is the way to go.
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  4. Little Sister New Player

    I thought when that skull appears you are supposed to dance ? o_O:eek:
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  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    to be honest its hard as damagedealer to see the skull/chevron on the model in time simply because of all those crit bubbles all over the screen but u can see it on her name/life bar very fast.

    in our runs its always the healer who dies @ carol special attack they stuck in animations or something... but maybe its only because we mostly pug the healer...
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  6. Flightboy New Player

    Totally stealing this ^ LOL :D
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  7. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Now the question is can you get to the dance emote fast enough when the skull pops up.... :D
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  8. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I do it out of habit from bad PuG groups.... Next time we run a league run of it I'm going to mute my mic and see what happens. LOL
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  9. Little Sister New Player

    I can, I type super fast lol
  10. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    I take the whole blocking at Wonder Woman as practice to blocking with carol ferris. Wonder Woman is the warm up.
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  11. Gambeezy New Player

    In defense of some people, even when they block Carol stil One-hit KO's them. But i understand exactly what you mean. There are people who disregard blocking and eat 15k dmg and expect to get picked up each time. You would think they would know by now since the Raid has been out for weeks.
  12. smoove76 Committed Player

    Thanks I'll file that under THING PPL ALREADY KNOW! o_O
  13. Heartsbane Committed Player

    Sometimes the ads will get a skull. I'm not stopping because an ad is about to slap the tank.
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  14. Flightboy New Player

    File it wherever you like, but not ALL people know or I wouldn't have posted my OP. Actually, some get upset when you're not blocking when WW's skull pops...
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  15. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    im going to start yelling lunge lmao can't wait till tomorrow
    Edit-I'm gnna make a vid to follow up
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  16. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Said it before and I'll say it again, I understand the mechanic and actually like the mechanic but reflecting 18K damage on 200 tap triangle (range) attack is absurd
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  17. Benn 10 Committed Player

    LOL you guys are getting outrageous on this post.
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  18. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I just audible "B-29. Alpha, Alpha".
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  19. Hraesvelg Always Right

    A team of 8 people wearing armor and spandex flying/superspeed/acro into a room and start using handblasters and swords to take down the leader of an alien planet and her Amazon associate...and the bracer part is what you find absurd? That's...just the mechanic. Attack -> You die.
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  20. Flightboy New Player

    OP LOL!!! I dig it!!!