Advanced Play Calling in L&W

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    ***Strictly speaking for the Wonder Woman fight by herself***

    I know once she gets that neat Skull next to her name / above her head you want to yell "BLLLLLOOOOCCCCKKKK", but this is truly not the case.

    I get that it's the easiest to get the Pew Pewers to stop attacking, but how about, "STOP ATTACKING".

    My reasoning behind this is if everyone is blocking who is pumping power and who is topping off health loss prior to?

    Also, as a DPS you could be setting up a supply, trinket, SC combination ;)

    So no, you don't have to block and stop essentially doing your role. You just have to stop attacking Wonder Woman.

    The end. ;)

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  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    This works in league runs.... Not so much in PuG runs... At least that's been my experience.

    Always someone who hits her and then she KO's people. I'm assuming you guys are just ripping through the new stuff easy peasy ???

    Last time I pugged it I told the guys to block when Carol had the chevron pop up over her head, and then wait for her to move again before letting off so you know the move is done....

    Nobody had a clue what I meant. I seriously don't know how some people made it off brainiacs ship. LOL It's a flipping huge red and white chevron with a skull above the NPC, how do you not see it ?!?!?
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  3. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the only reason you stop attacking wonder women is because of her bracers its Carol that everyone needs to block when the skull pops up
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  4. Hraesvelg Always Right

    We usually use "Shield" or "Stop"...but that's in league. PUGs will be PUGs, yo.
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  5. Flightboy New Player

    For the most part, but believe it or not one of the funniest/ most fun runs recently was when we wiped multiple times while having a newer rage mate(he typically trolls or dpses) tank.

    I literally couldn't stop laughing... :D

    Like I said though, I get that it's easier to getting people to just block, but it can sometimes lead to wipes due to the tank not getting needed heals or power, adds spawning on the group etc etc.

    Also, I think it will point people in better direction on "what to do" in this specific instance.
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  6. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    IF you have Carol targeted lock, the skull pops up by her name, thats how i usually know when to block.
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  7. Flightboy New Player

  8. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Do you not see the huge one above her head ??? We learned about the damn thing on brainiacs ship, how people still don't know about it I have no idea....

    I'm actually curious about it, I always see it but I'm the tank and always next to her anyway. Does it not show up at a distance or something?
  9. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Sometimes those runs are the most fun when you're just totally not caring what happens and wiping like crazy.... :D
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  10. Fools Fire Loyal Player

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  11. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    I see it but to me, i see it easier when i have her targeted.
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  12. Flightboy New Player

    You'd be surprised how many do not know this :D
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  13. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I yell block because if you yell "stop attacking " you get that one dps who says " you can keep attacking if the healer knows how to heal"
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  14. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Honestly it makes me wonder what people actually think the skull means.

    "hey, i see this skull but i think it means i am going to get a HUGE buff that is going to let me one shot the boss"
    *keeps attacking*
    *blames healer for death*
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  15. Flightboy New Player

    "Vote to kick"????? Lol again I get it. I just don't like bad practices being spread out on game mechanics. Because IF it becomes the regular you will start hearing "My bad about the power/heals I was blocking"

    Also, we can pick up the pew Pewers ;)
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  16. Flightboy New Player

    League runs, we yell "LUNGE" and laugh at who eats it :D I know we're terrible people to each other lol.
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  17. Msstat1c Committed Player

    Skull icon is an indication that if you keep attacking you will really do a lot of damage while its up. I can hear the sweet sound of button clicking through mic's just before instant death occurs.
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  18. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Lol i would probably be one of those people that eats it. :oops:
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  19. Flightboy New Player

    I may or may not get caught lunging bc we also use the same saying with carol and her light blast hahaha.
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  20. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    code for second and last boss of L&W

    light blast= BLOCK
    One shot attack=LUNGE

    Anyone who says this code is wrong is lying! You will wipe if you block her one shot and lung her light blast! ;)
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