Addressing Community Concerns and Suggestions for DCUO's Future

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by XBlue, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    At the end of the day, people need to vote with their wallets if they dont like a product. Maybe if the income goes low enough the guys at DI will get their stuff together and start being more innovative with this game.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    EG7 never had plans to upgrade the graphics, that was all just fluff to keep investors interested. Mepps shut that rumor down on two separate occasions.
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Well said.
  4. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    While I agree that E+ has generally been tuned a little extreme (TTe+ was good) the game needed a 3rd endgame difficulty (event is not endgame). What a lot of people fail to acknowledge is that with the introduction of E+ (including sever/crit levels for TSDe & FFe) was that the standard elite versions from that point and going forward have been undeniably easier. That is really the part that has been done to please a large sect of the player base. Before that there were a lot of players who got pretty bored pretty quickly with the button-mash-easy difficulty of reg/normal but weren't quite at the level to run elite or didn't have a good league and had to resort to pugging with players who weren't quite good enough for elite. Now, "elite" is more accessible to a much larger portion of the player base and still provides challenge for many even this far in to a DLC (I've definitely pugged in to some CTe struggle runs).

    Like I said, I personally haven't consistently enjoyed a lot of E+ content. When it can still easily be a 2-3 hour run even with a top group who have all beaten it, that's a little extreme. Sometimes I'm in the right mood for that, most of the time, nope. And don't get me started on the necessary 5-tank setup for TSWe when it came out. Personally, I enjoyed the difficulty of elites prior to this setup (SGE, Fie, MoMe, PCe, ClocktowerE, etc) where they were really tough to start and even after getting max gear still required a good group who was focused and/or communicating well in order to beat with few or no wipes. But I also recognize there was a large portion of the playerbase who was underserved and lacking engaging gameplay back then. In that sense, the current three-difficulty level engage setup is better for the community IMO.
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  5. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    A: Nobody should ever consider leaked information intended for a private insider audience as any kind of announcement, hint, spoiler, hype or any other form of indication of things to come. There's a good reason is was not disseminated to the public, at least until speculation over the leak was so rampant it needed to be addressed. The same goes for datamined info (not applicable with DCUO but certainly with other games).

    B: This game could never be updated graphically to "the modern era" nor did even the leaked information indicate it could/would. Certain improvements in shading, textures, light reflection etc can be made but ultimately only within the framework of what we already have. One great example is if you look at the difference between original metallic textures (think original cyborg iconic style) compared to the steel neon chroma and then again compare the steel neon chroma to the shadow bender chromas released for this years anniversary. That's about the extent to what could even be possibly done. Anything more was pure unrealistic speculation from players who know little to nothing about video games development.
  6. XBlue Well-Known Player

    This was not a leak, but rather official information to the investors of Enad Global 7 stocks. And I am also invested in Enad Global 7. It doesn't surprise me that the stock has since plummeted by almost 90% when investors are misled like this. Just to clarify - I'm not talking about the developers' roadmap or any YouTube videos. The graphical update was officially announced by Enad Global 7. So no insider news or leaks!
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Game development is like a long pipe. You feed content/updates into one end and we get to be entertained by what comes out the other end. When real world events happen, a pause happens to what goes in. So us on the output don't see a change to development before that bubble comes through. (Example would be SOBA still released on schedule after the jackster incident.) It's been hard for them to catch up with what happened. There are a lot of bubbles in the tube.

    The new Creative Director was just hired, it will be a bit before the air bubble gets through the system and we actually feel any changes.

    On the other hand, I really wish we would get a roadmap or producer letter or something to quell any big concerns.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    SoBA didn't release on schedule.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    You are right, I was thinking Death Metal. SOBA was the bubble proof. Thanks.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    This is really what it all comes down to, regardless of what is going on (or not).
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  11. MEMO2 Level 30

  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Umm? So we shouldn’t just notice the lack of communication in the last two months? I guess if we just went on our merry ways and didn’t say anything since we might offend others who’d consider it “beating a dead horse” that’s fine and all but Daybreak as a company shouldn’t see the complaints players are having on having more transparent plans for the future? Because if you don’t say anything it doesn’t get fixed you know?
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  13. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I saw it more as the game being the horse being beaten...
  14. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    What's the point? There have been similar forum threads over the years by players regarding the state of the game, both on the PvE side and PvP. What has been the end result of all that discussion?

    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." — not Albert Einstein

    So let's say Al Rivera takes on board some of the suggestions given over the years and goes to Daybreak CEO asking for "X more people and Y more $"? What's the reply gonna be?

    Its gonna be no more budget increase other than what has already been planned and allocated to keep DCUO functioning.

    It all comes down to $.

    Just look at the presentation by Enand Global 7 over 5 months ago (full video link here or see ObsidianChill's video summary and Google Sheets Breakdown). DCUO is the highest profit maker in Daybreak's current game portfolio. But as for the future, a DCUO remake/improvement isn't in the pipeline. Instead, we have things like Mechwarrior and H1Z1 return.
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  15. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Seriously, an AI bot will likely do better in handling the marketing across the various social media platforms / handling customer feedback / communication with current player base.
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  16. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I get and somewhat agree with your points I just don’t think we should completely give up yet. I truly believe the squeaky wheel gets the grease and if it takes for a few of us to be louder for them to take the hint so be it. I also don’t think it’s completely up to EG7 to veto updates or not. If Daybreak is able to pull their crap together they could flip this game. Hopefully I guess?
  17. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Most of the people on these forums tend to have the emotional regulation of a muppet on adderall. There have been "THIS GAME IS DEAD!" and "RIP DCUO!" since roughly February 2011. People throw bones and read tea leaves about the impending doom of everything...and then nothing. It's like certain people forecasting the return of a certain Palestinian carpenter from 2000 years ago. For some reason, people are still doing it and people are still buying into it, despite the abysmal track record.

    The only permanent thing in life is impermanence, so enjoy it while it's here. Neither the game, or you, is promised a tomorrow.
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  18. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Information divulged to investors at annual or quarterly private investor conferences is privileged information, not public. An investor making that information public would be in violation of their stockholder agreement and would open themselves up to legal action. Of course, that would rarely, if ever, happen (a company suing their shareholders isn't a good look). But more importantly, investors shouldn't be divulging non-public information because it could potentially undermine and even sabotage strategies set forth by the company, potentially causing said company financial harm and thus, risking a depreciation of the value of the investor's shares. Not a smart move.
  19. XBlue Well-Known Player

    This investor information was public on the website of EG7. Everyone could see it :)
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  20. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I would NOT worry about it. I've been playing since launch in 2011 and not a day goes by that you don't see a thread or exchange claiming that the game is "dead".

    I hope that the rumors of MY death turn out to be so greatly exaggerated :)