Adding new feats later to instances in the most recent episode - a step in the right direction?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Jul 16, 2021.

  1. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I quite like this change and would like to see this return in future episodes.

    I think that the new feats to recent instanced content should be added earlier, maybe midway through the episode as supposed to towards the end. But nevertheless this is a positive change.

    It gives incentive for players who have finished with the episode to run the content again to get those feats. A significant part of keeping players playing the episode (and DCUO) is from running content to get feats. Once players have feats they log out.

    What do you guys think? Is staggering out feat additions to new instanced content, or adding new feats later, a good thing?
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I like the idea, but some of these feats are a bit too hardcore for my liking. I get that they’re optional but I’ve gone from having 100 percented some of these instances, to not knowing if I ever will now.
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  3. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I don't mind them I wish however is that we can track them on screen and or have the feats for the particular episode have categories like world of flashpoint duo feats , alert feats , open world feats etc.
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  4. Akaiko Well-Known Player

    Yes, sorting the feats by type would be great.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I also like them but was a little thrown off by the timing too. The one very positive thing that came from it is when I went to switch phases I saw a lot of full phases from people getting on to get the new feats. I finished all open world and duo feats yesterday plus the reg alert ones. I’m getting a group today with my league for the elite and I think we will do raids either today or tomorrow.

    With these new feats I was also expecting the final double currency since it does tend to happen a month after triple currency and a month before the episode ends. And next week was confirmed for be legions spotlight. So this definitely changed a lot lol
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  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    It's a good idea in my eyes tbh. Gives more to do, refreshes the content abit.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    As long as it's not 'count' feats added to the things we've already done other 'count' feats to completion on, sure. Something like the Circe stones being added to the WV bounty rotations when some people had already pounded out their 100 rotations and all the Aether purchases, same with Mordru's stones in Legion. Yes, in theory you will be running those bounties once a week anyway, but you might not be doing full rotations and at 9/11 stones per go, it was going to take 6-8 months to knock out the counts...meaning you were back to doing rotations for a while.

    The new 'counts' don't stack on already done counts, so no issues here...Although I'm a bit confused on the Duo, inmate waves count feats. How are we supposed to make the inmates be 'Chumps' vs the other inmate types? The only thing worse than random list feats are random count feats....we just have to hope for RNJesus to give us 21 and 30 chumps?
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    It works better with pure ST. When the wave first pops you will see a mix of chumps and the other inmates. Only kill the chumps. They will keep spawning even if the other inmates are still alive. In regular 1 chump spawns every couple seconds, and in elite 2 chumps spawn. Keep track of how many you kill and finish the rest of the waves
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Cool. Good to know. I only ran it with randoms yesterday, so I'll need to grab someone up to ST with me, as randoms do NOT do that.
  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes this is one that’s definitely better to do with someone you know who won’t just kill everything ASAP lol
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  11. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I'm not a fan of it personally. Once I got my feats, I'd rather focus on the content, not focus on feats all over again. With someone who works lots of hours, I have limited time to play.
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  12. Ekart Committed Player

    I personally stoped chasing after feats. If i get some as I play along good, if not, I don't care.
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  13. inferno Loyal Player

    It gives me something to do at this later stage of the DLC, though I wish there was a gear style to buy with all the marks i've accrued. Also, please don't put any feats that has RNG in it. Still trying to get the Top come up on FV while his statue is also out; 5 runs a day, two days in and FV is fast becoming a raid I am getting traumatic in.
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I did that feat yesterday with my league. We basically just got to that fight and did whatever combos were up. When we were at the last few we went over to each of the statues, if the one we needed weren’t up we disbanded. If the statue was up but didn’t see the right boss than we killed 1 boss to see who the hidden boss was. If the last hidden boss wasn’t the one we needed than we disbanded. It was a little annoying but it was honestly better than the combination feat lol.
  15. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Technically you already have categories. If you look at the little icon next to the feat you can determine if its a raid based, duo based, alert based, general based etc. feat is.

    In terms of tracking i agree.
  16. inferno Loyal Player

    That's what we've been doing so far. The problem is maintaining the group together for so many attempts.
    If you guys finished it already, you're lucky. I'm taking a break from FV for a day or so and will resume at another day.
  17. FrostMighty New Player

    We absolutelly need this, new/returning players especially, needing to figure it out from which episode/dlc the instance is from and then needing to find which feats you can get there, and the feat description not being fully on the screen is a pain.

    They should add a page for the in-instance on-duty menu showing at least the name of the feat, preferably it could show the feat description once you click on it tho.

    As for adding feats late into the episode/dlc, I really like it, maybe don't do it so late and only once, wouldn't mind they doing it more often per episode.
  18. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    me too.

    just as I've nearly stopped going to FP because the generator mod 40.4 situation disgusts me, they add paradox reapers?? cuz sure, y not?
  19. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    My opinion is NO. For me, it sux. I am one that prefers to blitz content and be “done” this allows me to
    1) be max elite day 1 so i get to “enjoy” the gear longer before replacing it
    2) free’s me up to just help others which is more enjoyable to me.

    In this case, i was done with the content and now i need to go back and re-feat hunt it.
    Sure im happy for the extra sp but i work an odd shift so i pug everything an do so on limited time. Its quite hard to get a pug group to do what you need them to do.
    For me, i’d rather know what i need to do up front.
    Also it seems cheap from a design perspective.
    Why add more feats later? Tryin to bump the activity? Make more engaging content from the start and this wouldn't be necessary if its the case.
    Just my thoughts on it for my playstyle an time
  20. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    I kind of like it, it breathes a little new life into a DLC. I had some fun on Saturday catching up with a leaguemate over drinks and we spammed the duo on both modes until we finished every new feat and some old ones he still needed :)