Actions To Be Taken

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. Gokaigerbay New Player

    small slap on the wrist the glitchers are laughing at the devs. with most not losing anything if any because they get their 101 from the other 2/3s of the raid.
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  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    Why? Do you want to know which of your glitched pieces you'll lose? :p
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  3. ReAni Mator New Player

    IDK, people shouldn't take it too seriously. If exploits are to be had there are always people that will be eager to have them. Just the way it is, period. What seems super important to some people, say 'loot drops' in a video game for e.g, may influence people to 'earn it honestly' as if it really matters, even though in a month or so new loot makes it worthless. Other gamers not as invested in this one particular computer game probably see it as a semi-rebellious and humorous opportunity to easily get what fully serious players carry on so much about. Both sides are equally right and wrong in their own way, and in the grand scheme, it just doesn't matter enough to make a big deal out of. Enjoy the game with people you like to play it with, and avoid players that annoy you, you can't go wrong.
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  4. HersheyKiss New Player

    If i were them i wouldnt give anyone who exploited that raid a dime back. Anyone who did it made a choice to glitch it and made a choice to replay it. In the end we are all responsible for our own choices.
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  5. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Why do they get to have better gear then me?

    I'm usually all for it but guys, these people have no reason to replay these raids, or even play them, no reason to collect marks, no reason to run the raids with new people or get the rush of getting useful gear (which is way rarer then it should be).

    Do you want to watch them executed on television?

    No one is getting permanently banned, at the very end of the same thread you quoted dude says, theres no more discussion or input being taken.
  6. Sbel Devoted Player

    I'm pretty sure the people suggesting that, know that and are trying to get the glitchers to try it, so they'll be laughed at by the CC company. Or the CC company will do it, and then they'll have PSN mad at them.

    That's my theory anyway. :p
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  7. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Nicely done by developers & design content team.

    Badly from community, i really expected this was gonna happen somehow soon in 2015. I know this is an important subject to fix, its peoples real money - including mine - on game. But i should advice all ignorants be patient - cause game wasn't created from 1 day to another. Let them do their job. Capisci?..

    Looking forward to these great news about how to solve this issue.
  8. Baycitytrollers New Player

    no I want to know which mods to pull! Thanks!
  9. DoIAmuseYou New Player

    So Dc finds out about the glitch on day one (maybe day two at the latest) they let it go on for weeks while taking in money from it then abruptly decide YOU (the customer) were in the wrong and you don't deserve your money back or what you spent your money to obtain. This mentality is why companies can basically get away with murder these days. Sure, people were in the wrong to exploit it but that doesn't make it ok to exploit their wallets. You'd be a fool to think Dc is in the right here, damn fool.
  10. HazeTA New Player

    I guess, still not happy with this but oh well, nothing we can do about it now. Hopefully it is just a warning and future exploits will see MUCH stiffer penalties.
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  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

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  12. HersheyKiss New Player

    Its amazing to me the people who cant grasp the concept of cheating. Wth kinda world do we live in that people think they can spend $ to cheat and when they get caught they should get their $ back? Unreal. Well time to go check the apps and ignore the 400 or so people that exploited the raid bcuz when cross play happens i dont want to ever have anything to do with these people.
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  13. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Hmmm.. I'm curious what would PSN do. I know that SOE will permaban your account if you do a chargeback.
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  14. HersheyKiss New Player

    The vid i saw had people doing the glitch on the judges. So im baffled by the decision. If they glitched all 3 bosses then gear from all 3 should be stripped. Whats sad is they keep some 101 gear and we all know none of these players could even beat 1 boss in there legit.
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  15. Sbel Devoted Player

    AHAHAHAH! Thank you Triplight, whoever you are! This whole thread has made me feel much better about the Devs response. :D
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  16. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    The ones with names blocked out? lol. Gotta protect the innocent eh?
  17. damagedealr New Player

    doubt they will or would even have to refund, it is int their terms and agreements if you glitch you've violated their rules and thus have no grounds to ask for a refund.
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  18. Omega Boy Committed Player

    This is kind of a weak punishment. Hopefully, it at least comes with a warning for everyone that future glitching will be more severely punished. If this becomes the standard, there's very little risk involved in glitching next time.
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  19. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Soo... how are the glitchers reaction from this announcement? What are they saying onLFG, Trade channels on PS? Their tears are delicious!
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  20. Wildboy Committed Player

    A very poor resolution from the developers to let the offenders keep a size-able chunk of their ill-gotten gain. Only the Hades drops? Who's to say this gear didn't aid them in their next RB-fueled run to get even more gear from the first bosses and then, glitch Hades again. More RBs into the coin slot and another run through the first bosses fortified with additional Hades drops. Glitch again. Etc.

    I think the devs view the glitchers as the "Cool Kids" and get off with a non-punishment because, well, they're the "Cool Kids" so we don't want to rub them the wrong way. All the rest of you, nyah.

    It was a bad idea in the first place to have 101-102 gear in the Elite Raid while the vendor gear tops out at 99.
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