So I thought that my new character - the Polish Guardian - needs some good merchandise to be fully recognized as a true DC Hero . I'm less than an amateur in Photoshop, so this "creation" is just a way to have a bit of fun with my toon, and some action figures photos I found on the web. Behold: the Polish Guardian in his "Heritage Costume" as a New 52 DC Action Figure! I will most probably do more stuff like that with him... including maybe some more exclusive packaging, and other Costume/Armor variants. Anyway - hope that there's at least one person out there who likes it. I do... despite all flaws of this "creation" .
OMG he looks just like he does in game, that's so epic! But on a serious note, nice job. Out of random curiosity, is there a Polish Hammer character in the game? Maybe tall, bald, with fire (boom shaka-laka!) powers?
If we could have them like they do for World of Warcraft (or did... no idea if it's still around) it would be epic! DBG should add such merchandise - I'm pretty sure many people would buy that. I would... and in different costume variants.
It would be awesome to be able to purchase a figure like that of your toon in game when you get it to look how you want.
You know dc would make a lot of money if the gave the option to make action figure versions of our characters