"Action figure" of my new character

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by dogmaticus83, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. dogmaticus83 Active Player

    So I thought that my new character - the Polish Guardian - needs some good merchandise to be fully recognized as a true DC Hero ;).

    I'm less than an amateur in Photoshop, so this "creation" is just a way to have a bit of fun with my toon, and some action figures photos I found on the web.

    Behold: the Polish Guardian in his "Heritage Costume" as a New 52 DC Action Figure! :)

    I will most probably do more stuff like that with him... including maybe some more exclusive packaging, and other Costume/Armor variants.

    Anyway - hope that there's at least one person out there who likes it. I do... despite all flaws of this "creation" :D.

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  2. Draxton Well-Known Player

    That is pretty cool
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  3. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    No Articulation!:eek:
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  4. Bhanqwa Well-Known Player

    OMG he looks just like he does in game, that's so epic!

    But on a serious note, nice job.

    Out of random curiosity, is there a Polish Hammer character in the game? Maybe tall, bald, with fire (boom shaka-laka!) powers?
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  5. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I wish I could buy a 3D printed version of my toon. I think it'd be awesome to have.
  6. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Maybe it's a bendy rubber figure...
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  7. dogmaticus83 Active Player

    If I only knew how to do it :p...

    Also... no articulation, because...

  8. dogmaticus83 Active Player

    If we could have them like they do for World of Warcraft (or did... no idea if it's still around) it would be epic! DBG should add such merchandise - I'm pretty sure many people would buy that. I would... and in different costume variants.
  9. Draxton Well-Known Player

    It would be awesome to be able to purchase a figure like that of your toon in game when you get it to look how you want.
  10. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    U would only break it in an hour
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  11. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    The DCUO Figures from DCC that never materialized.:(
  12. AlienNomad Well-Known Player

    A "paperdoll" in a package. Very creative. Thumbs up.
  13. OANGL Well-Known Player

    You know dc would make a lot of money if the gave the option to make action figure versions of our characters