Twice in a row, in the themy command centre, WW just stays in the room trying to kill an ally ad after the ads are defeated. She won't move on. Another time when she progressed to 2nd boss, she did the same thing after, fighting an ad we can't kill, and won't move on. I believe it was observed in test but it is still occuring. We tried dying to see if that would reset WW, but no joy. Pretty annoying.
Yes happened to me three times in a row.She stays in command center and keeps killing the dead Elite. Hope they fix it soon.
the lightbringer feat is buged , if u go touch hera statue WW bugs the instance but if u dont u can finish the alert.
Actually that doesnt matter. She bugged in both ways for us. On rare occasions we can finish it but thats pretty lucky. Someone should teach WW not to beat up her own allies especially when they are already knocked out <_<'
well since all in my league skip that part we all finish it without exceptions idk if its luck or cause we ate luck with the spoon :O
Hmmmm interesting Wonder Woman did this earlier today with the group I was in for the first time. Interestingly more is for the first time I did not go to the statue (in the previous room before teleporting to that room ) to get the light and none of the others in my group did. My group could not advance because the guard could not be attacked until Wonder Woman got to her and had a conversation..... before I left, I saw Wonder Woman (near the three circles suppose to stand on to do some ritual thing), fighting an invisible monster or she was attacking an elite that was laying on the floor, preventing her from advancing to the guard...
When you stand on the portals don't kill mobs. block/heal through it and once it completes kill the mobs. She bugs when you kill mobs before the portal sequence is finished.
I've had the same problem with this, happened twice yesterday. Only thing you can do is pull the adds towards the door, ww won't bug out if she's near the door when the final add dies.
Also WW will eventually move on past this bug given enough time. Unless you have awesome healers who heal the mob she is beating up.
yeah the problem i see with waiting for her to kill the add is that, being a nature heal, all my HoTs heal that add to full health and frankly thats gonna take about 30 minutes for WW to finish that add off