Account refuses to Renew?

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by Piqued Pixie, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    I am an All Access member, and I do have a credit card on file set to automatically renew. Yet today when I log on to play, the All Access has been revoked from my account, I have no access to DLC, and the charge for my membership is listed as "Pending". There is no option to remove the card, and enter it again to get the charge to go through, so my account seems to be stuck in limbo.
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  2. Wicked Banana Well-Known Player

    Try to contact your CC issuer and ask them if you have a block on it for some reason.
    Sometimes, a fraud alert on their service can block all payments for a couple of days.
  3. TSR-AlexS New Player

    Since this is an account specific issues, I'd recommend submitting in a support ticket so we can review these transactions. We might be able to pull the details to why it was declined.

    Answer Title: Billing Problems (Credit Card Errors)
    Answer Link:
  4. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Strange thing was, it wasn't declined. I called my company, and the charge wasn't even attempted. After I went in game, and fiddled with the in-game browser links, I was able to remove the credit card I had on file and re-add it. Which allowed it to charge for the month.
  5. TSR-SeanF New Player

    Do you currently have a ticket open with us? We would need to check out your account in order to see what exactly has happened. If you do, please feel free to send it to me and I'll be happy to take a look.
  6. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    I did, yes. Someone named Stephen H. is looking into why it happened. The ticket number is 140713-000480 if you want to hack and slash at it too! :)
  7. The Johnny army New Player

    I have a league mate with the exact same issue, she has submitted a ticket and is waiting for an answer. Any idea how to fix it?
  8. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    I'm having the same issue. Ticket number #140723-000873.
  9. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Yeah, tell her to log into the game, and go through signing up for an all access account like she didn't have one. It will take her to the in-game browser, and he can attach her credit card that way. It will put her charge through, and it won't charge the pending charge. (IE, she will only be charged once).