so my PSN account got hacked and I lost all my stuff is there a way for me to recover my dcuo stuff from that account cause I had everything thing on that account if there is please let me know
To this day I never figured out how someone's PSN account gets hacked.... Do you people purposely give out private information?
Same as PC hacks, virus on your computer can read what you type. So for example if you sign on the forums using your PSN and your password for the forums happens to be the same as your PSN account...
Works sadly dead simple in more than just one way. 1) People who sell their old PS3 or PS4 (to get some money on buying the newer PS4) forgetting to erase their data/account on the machine they are selling. A lot of people handle selling an old PS of any kind like selling an old toaster or some old dvd player, simply forgetting steps in securing their old data. The buyer notices the old account info still working, changes the password (locking the seller out immediatly) and then the email-address. And people claim to have been hacked because no one would admit being that kind of stupid. 1a) same scenario, but the account was (no matter if against the ToS) part of the deal, and then the seller tries to get his progress in online games back a week afterwards when realizing that it is "too much work", claiming to have been hacked and asking for a transfer to a fresh account. 1b) same as 1a) but from the buyer's perspective 2) Kids, immature and dumb adults not knowing the basic things about account security register their PSN with the email address "" and picking "myPSNaccount" as the actually displayed PSN name. "Hacker" runs into "moron" in game and decides the account is worth to call Sony's customer service, claiming to be the owner of "myPSNaccount" and having had to reset the PS, and now realizing to have forgotten the password because it was never again used after registration because it was saved. "Moron" never even took the time to set a security question, "hacker" plays the customer service to also not being sure about the old email address, but is sure it was a famous online mail service, maybe even gmail. Wait, not gmail? Then it must have been! Yes, of course! And customer service is persuaded to speak with the owner of the account and changing the outdated email address -> account "hacked"! 2a) same scenario, but "hacker" calls unknown "moron" on skype, "moron" accepts calls from anyone because "moron" is on top socially arkward and needs any "friend" available. "Moron" also uses "myPSNaccount" as skype handle. 3) People who are socially arkward looking for online "friends" which will be treated like real world friends, giving access to the PSN info away freely because that new "friend" has so much time and will grind up some characters for free. And do some PSN trophies also.... 3b) same scenario just taken worse to an online romance.... Lots of easy shots, mainly because people are allowed to use "the internet" while not being anyway ready for "the internet". IQ tests with every registration -> Make the Internet great again!
Just a question I have been wondering about: how many times can you enter a wrong password to log in to your own account? Daybreak Games accounts seem to have infinite password attempts, but since the log in ID is secret, it is impossible to hack a specific account - unless the log in ID is obvious or had been shared. My reasoning for asking: it is ridiculously easy to program something that enters a lot of possible passwords in the website to try finding the correct password... This works easily as long as there is no limit to wrong log in attempts.
I want to add, that PSN offers a two step authentication. If, by any means, you have the necessary hardware (smartphone), then set it up.
LOL they're fobbing you off. If you can prove you're the owner of the account they can change both the email address and the password, don't put up with their atrocious customer service, ring them back and tell them what happened. If the Customer Service Rep won't provide you with satisfactory service, request to speak to their supervisor.
How can anyone even know a password like some claim? For instance early posters claim that user forgets to change/delete account before selling and buyer notices the account still good and locks the original user off. Well first off all, there's no way for anyone to do that, because whenever you change password it forces you to enter your original password first before entering a new one. And unless there's an option the passwords even at login ate all ******** so...
The password is saved on the system by checking the "save password" box. People forget to delete their account from the system leaving the "save password" box checked. If that happens, there is a way to view the saved password on the console. Also, there are programs called "password crackers" that will keep trying until the account is locked for security reasons or a password is found.
I know the programs and apps and what. But I'm telling you this from first hand there's is no way to change the password whether it is saved on console ot not, there's no way to change the password without reentering it. If the ppl changing these passwords through hacks then that's a different situation. I was just making a point of, if anyone goes and changes the password through ps4 or ps3 it tells you to renter your pass which shows as ***** But you are roght about the other ways I'm not sayin it's not possible that way. It sucks how some ppl get their acc stolen or worse they forget to deactivate it. But def should be called stupid or anythin along those lines just because they forget wither. ( not saying you said it lol)