According to the AM Chart the devs provided us with..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aggro, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Everything Crimons Jonni just said ^^

    So many people think that AM = Power Back Mechanic. No. Just stop it. No.
    • Like x 6
  2. damagedealr New Player

    Ive been arguing i dont feel constructs are competitive enough to be considered an advance mechanic and obviously the players base felt the same or there wouldn't have been an outcry when it came to hardlight and celestial. It seems this conversation started off trying to say rage didn't need an advance mechanic update because some how earth deserved it more and now your just trying to say *hey look it has an advance mechanic* Dont forget earths pet am=advance mechanic so by your logic should neither power get updated? No. Because if thats how we thought then celestial and hardlight would have never been brought in line with other powers.
  3. Sore Steadfast Player

    There's a difference between having an underperforming AM that warrants improvement and not having an AM at all. You seem to be mixing the two concepts up as if they mean the same thing and everyone arguing with you is just trying to clarify that for you.
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  4. Aggro Well-Known Player

    The correct term is "Power Mechanics" the updates we got for celestial and now rage are "Awesome Mechanics" the reason why gadgets got emp and battle display is because they didn't have a "Power Mechanic" and the reason why those hit harder is cause of the "Awesome Mechanic" of that "Power Mechanic" confusing, but this chart makes more sense now.

    At this point, All the powers should be green, Quantum was the last power to get a "Power Mechanic" / "Awesome Mechanic" the powers missing the Awesome part are Earth ,Sorcery ,Fire ,Mental.

  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Did I ever say no AMs needed an update? No I did not. You stated that Rage did not have an AM. Period. Rage has had an AM since the day it was released. Was it up to par with other AMs in recent months? No. The AM got updated. End of story.

    Saying Rage doesn't have an AM and saying its AM needs updating are two entirely different things.
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The correct term was Power Mechanics. They are now officially known as Advanced Mechanics. Awesome Mechanics is a name given by the community.
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  7. Sore Steadfast Player

    That is my understanding.