According to the AM Chart the devs provided us with..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aggro, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Humane Committed Player

    All I can see is that this will be a never ending series of tweaks.
  2. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    HL always have infinite combos. it was just garbage. That's why HL went on to start the Jump canceling trend. The devs jsut created new loops that were purely range or purely melee. HL always had an AM is was just not effective. Rage's AM was created effectively but not made with WM in mind. The further nerfs to it made this more apparent. Rage and Celestial play very similarly in that It is a base power to and enhanced enhanced version. I fully expect Rage to have the same buffs that celestial received.

    I. E use of combos in succession will result in increased damage and a power return. This means the return of outrage loops. They might have channel hate work like thermal absorption just to add some filler to a rotation. They can call it something like Hate Fueled.
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  3. Errorcode1058 New Player

    Finally we have a small agreement. HL did not need 3 AM's added over 5 updates.

    The HL community hijacked just about every power related thread until the developers finally came full circle and gave them the proper original mechanic destroyed by GU 36.

    Earth players have been very patient. Too patient.

    This is why I am encouraging the remaining Earth players to follow the example set by the HL community. Hijack every 'make my Powerset OP' type thread. Ruin Christmas for everyone until we get what we deserve.

    Occupy Earth.
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  4. Aggro Well-Known Player

    It has to be done, We need a Revolution type thing going on to just get a AM smh, we got to be on their tweeters, Facebooks, Youtubes, FNLs, PMs Emails. to get earth something

    its sad, and it sucks cause Earth should be Tectonic Breaking DC upside down making the volcanos in the sea active and crazy earthquake mayhem
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  5. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Hey, we sorcerers need a touch up too lol. With all the recent AM updates, like rage, we too have lost a step. Sorcery can't burst for 75k like quantum or total 100k in a 5 second power combo like some mental and gadgets players I know lol.
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  6. Errorcode1058 New Player

    So please...join us.

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  7. damagedealr New Player

    hardlight needed those updates to reach its balanced state that its currently in, earth will get advanced mechanic updates when they get to it. Patience.
  8. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Personally, I think earth should have 2 advanced mechanic options like hl. 1 based on the pet mechanic but improved from its current state. And 1 based on aftershocks. Would make you guys so much better with both those options open to you.
  9. Aggro Well-Known Player

    they should just put sorcery and earth into 1 update, they both use the same mechanics the differences would have to be Aftershock and Bad Karma Aura so yea give us 2 ams so there is a different feel for both powers.
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  10. Stark23 Committed Player

    End thread.
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  11. Prosser Dedicated Player

    I don't have an earth toon, but I have earth friends! And tbh it annoyed the heck out of me the way HL got updated in every GU until they got their way.

    So I fully support your cause!
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  12. Aggro Well-Known Player

    thumbs up!
  13. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

  14. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    The fury technically already has a bad karma mechanic, but it's a mechanic that's laughable compared to what I've heard and seen quantum, mental, gadgets, and ice put out lol. I've seen them routinely burst for 50 to 75k or total that in an advanced power combo mechanic that doesn't even take 5 seconds to pull off. Heck, a quantum dps in my league bursted for over 120k in throne recently. Neither earth nor sorcery can even come close to those numbers. Sorcery used to be near the top. With the recent AM updates, I'd put it more toward the middle with rage above fire and earth.
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  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You are incorrect. Rage does posses an AM (which is just in need of updating), it's combo system. The Power Return feature that some powers have is NOT the Advanced Mechanic, just a separate feature added. There are currently two power sets that have their AM in place (in SERIOUS need of some tweaks) which do NOT have a power return feature: Sorcery and Earth.
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  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    What chart are you referring to??? Rage has an AM just like Celestial did/ just needs some adjustment. That's all that is happening to's AM is getting adjusted. Stop being so thick headed.
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  17. Prosser Dedicated Player

    You know what they say, ignorance is bliss :rolleyes:
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  18. damagedealr New Player

    well rage advanced mechanic is now confirmed gu 46 by spord so im done with this convo, just wait your turn. Simply what you consider an advance mechanic and what i consider an advance mechanic are two different things, i feel advance mechanics refer to a power that gives power back in dps role and causes increased damage after a sequence of combos just like nature/elec/light/gadgets/quantum and hey even fire even tho it does need an update. These powers aside from maybe fire allow you to maintain a high damage output no matter how geared or not geared your trolls are, i personally like the game veering away from dps who consume way to much power because it actually allows trolls to crowd control and debuff properly in alerts/raids, so respectively im not going to agree with you.
  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club


    Rage has had an AM since day one. This is an update to it, just like how Celestial got an update to its AM in GU45.

    And the chart clearly shows that Rage has an AM. (second from the bottom just in case you can't see it)
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  20. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Light being the first dlc power was designed to have combos. That combo mechanic is the "Advanced Mechanic", and much like Celestial and Rage the combo mechanic was built into the power long before the "Advance Mechanic" Schpeal was even brough up. To bring other powers up to par with the three combo powers, Other powersets started getting updated with in depth Advanced mechanics. However, this didnt happen until after the introduction of weapon mastery and the subsequent animation passes. With animations standardized to a specific amount of time, certain powers suffered more than others. Celestial and Light were hurt by animation passes as the damage was built by stacking weaker attacks in rapid succession, and lowering speed essentially lowers the rate damage could be put out.

    Celestial and light have both received power back mechanics, but the powerback mechanics are NOT entirely new Advanced mechanics, they're additions that every updated powerset is receiving. As far as the increased combo damage, that's an update to the outdated system said powers were running on. Even though the combo powers had already received their AMs, they were noticeably outdated in comparison to the newer ones being developed and were thus updated.
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