According to the AM Chart the devs provided us with..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aggro, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Sore Steadfast Player

    I was at SOE Live talking to Spytle in August and I mentioned Awesome Mechanic in front of him. He cut me off immediately and went on a 5 minute rant on how it is a pet peeve of his because they never called it an Awesome Mechanic and that it was an awesome "level" of execution available originally to some powers through clipping/jump cancel, all powers currently through weapon mastery and then also to all powers in the future through Advanced Mechanics. He was emphasizing at great lengths that the term is Advanced Mechanics and that SOE never said Awesome Mechanic and it was the wrong term to use and it was a player originated term born of misinterpreting that post.
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  2. Sore Steadfast Player

    For sure. I'm certainly not in here defending status quo. I also think passive implementations of pets is very similar to DoTs and not really doing justice to the idea of even having a pet as a central mechanic. Managing pets should be a more active experience. I don't know if I'd waste Loadout slots or trinket slots just for generic combat behaviors when those slots could be about synchronized attacks from you and your pet with abilities that play off each other whether via PI or whatnot. I was thinking a Fury being directed to attack wherever a Circle of Destruction is cast could be a cool technique for directing behavior.
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  3. HersheyKiss New Player

    OK thnx, finally someone giving the info where they said it, ill check it out, ty again.
  4. Lacedog Loyal Player

    I had a similar idea with earth and totem. I know you aren't for the status quo, so I'm sorry I keep quoting you. But......
    But my feeling is those weapon combos get old. And fast. It would be nice to have another option, or in earth's case a viable option, other than those weapon combos. It's especially frustrating when ya see all of the cool mechanics that have come since pets. I even like fire's even though it's highly inconsistent in itself.

    If they ever made pets something viable and more engaging then maybe I'd see it as something worth looking into. Ritht now if just prefer an aftershock am. It's more fitting of an earth theme in my book.
  5. damagedealr New Player

    rage has no pets so why would it have a pet am? lol sorcery and earth got pet Ams because they already had pets in their power. If anything they'll buff the pet mechanic to be on par with other advance mechanics.
  6. Errorcode1058 New Player

    So take away 2 useful powers and give Rage some useless pets. Problem solved, balance achieved. Doesn't seem like Earth will be fixed until the Useless Pet Mechanic is a problem shared by a larger percentage of the community. I nominate Rage (or any power cutting the line in the next GU) for that distinction.

    Rage was FOTM for an extended period not too long ago. Only 2% of the 112+ player base is using Earth on USPS. Daybreak will make significantly higher profits if Earth is given FOTM status because it has the lowest basement. BUY LOW, SELL HIGH...basic economics. Highest DPS power always gets nerfed, why is the first part of the equation always ignored?

    On a side note, when Larry Liberty first announced the makeovers, he was the one who referred to the new mechanics as 'Awesome Mechanics.' Look for his post in the announcement archives. I just use that original vocabulary fecicously. There is nothing AWESOME about sending power to Crystal...she was more Advanced when she was capable of performing cleanses in PVP.
  7. damagedealr New Player

    bottom line rage is still to gets its advance mechanic so all you earth users just be patient your am will get buffed later just like nature/elec did. and giving rage a crappy am would just set the game even further back causing another revision for rage.
  8. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Lord have mercy. Rage has it's AM already it just needs to be tweaked and buffed. They are in the same boat Celestial was in just before they got tweaked and buffed.
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  9. Aggro Well-Known Player

    Im just saying if we buff pets to hit that much people will be raging in pvp, let's say fortify Golem triggers that 70k, while a pvper is a attacking me, crystals doing her own thing, the second I get the mechanics set up to hit u there's no stopping crystal from hitting you has hard has 70k, no I'm not comparing powers with powers you misunderstood, I was using it has an example, emp, time bomb, artic gust, light blast etc. Any of the updated ams channeled or not, there's no interrupting crystal from 1 shotting you in a pvp match.
  10. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    What if in PvP the damage the Pet gets pass to the player? Then if you target and hit Crystal, the player will get damaged.

    Just an idea.
  11. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Earth and sorcery pets are an awful mechanic. It doesn't actively change the way you play your character at all. It's either spam WM or spam WM and dump power to a pet..

    Earth deserves a full aftershock mechanic, and honestly I think they need to go back to the drawing board on sorcery and try not to take the easy way out this time.

    Poor fire :(
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  12. damagedealr New Player

    tell that to my power bar, done with this convo.
  13. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    LOL What? Your power bar has NOTHING to do with whether or not you have AMs. The power back was not initially part of the AMs described. Rage has its AM. ALL powers now have an AM. That's not up for debate.
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  14. damagedealr New Player

    ok bud even the devs came out with a chart that clearly shows rage doesnt have its advanced mechanic so what are you on about?
  15. NerdGeist Well-Known Player

    I'll be another voice here, shaking my fist in angst, to the fact I love Sorcery and it is frustrating how it is being treated by devs.
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  16. Errorcode1058 New Player

    Accrording to Larry Liberty, Rage was designed with its' AM (combo) in place.

    Now Sit in the corner and wait your turn.
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  17. damagedealr New Player

    if constructs were an advance mechanic then why would hard light get power return and infinite combos with increased damage on continuous combos? read between the lines.
  18. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    And what chart, pray tell, was that lol? The chart in the OP, which was done almost a year ago by the devs clearly shows rage already having its advanced mechanic then. Heck, very soon after that chart came out, the devs came out with another chart comparing how the then advanced mechanics damage compared to weapon mastery damage. Guess what. That particular chart showed that rage had the most damaging advanced mechanic at that time. So as Jack Ryder would say, "You are wrong." Now, since then, rage has taken a hit. A little bit of research before you spread even more utter BS would do you some good lol.
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  19. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I see I see. Well that settles it. I was wrong. I concede defeat on the subject.
  20. Aggro Well-Known Player

    umm idk what damage dealer is talking about the chart does have a green check next to rage, that chart should be all green atm, and now they are just tweaking every power in balance now, just wish they didnt leave earth in the forever alone corner like they always do.

    Of course the chart doesnt say which ones are and arent balanced but yea, just posted it for the people who keep saying earth has a am and thats it pisses me off. It just isnt a "UPDATED AM" like the current ones are.