According to the AM Chart the devs provided us with..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aggro, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

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  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    To be honest if they just adjust earths pets... Let me rephrase ... If they fix sorcery pets as copy paste earth to be the same again and not bother with aftershocks as an advance mechanic I'll ride out earth til serums comes out and then leave the powerset and not look back..

    I'm certain serums will get a great tank mechanic and a great dps am..

    Only thing I'd miss about earth is jack hammer ..

    Honestly with the way earth users have been mostly ignored since it's inception and even when we got a revamp they canned the many upon many of requests to focus on aftershocks .. They gave us a copy paste ...

    At the time yes pet mechanic wasn't horrible ... But most people who were earth never wanted that .. Few people did suggest while they were rebalancing earth to also work with the pets a bit but most wanted aftershocks...

    I dunno it's just an under appreciated powerset along with those who use it ... No wonder yet among all the servers all earth users 111 and above total out to not quite 700 users betting most of those are alts that just tank
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  3. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    The is actually for Awesome. Somewhere down the line people started saying advanced instead of awesome and it just stuck. That it why topic about the new mechanics not being complex enough to considered advanced perplexed me as they never said advanced to begin with.
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  4. Lacedog Loyal Player

    If I wanted to act like a controller, guess what role id pick......
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  5. Lacedog Loyal Player

    In the pet suggestion thread, it always broke down into either making the pet completely op or making the user a controller for the pet.

    Neither sound like a great option to me.
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  6. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Same which is why I say if infact we jus get an update to pets I'll be waitin to leave as soon as serums comes out

    I love tanking

    Ice tanking bores me

    Fire and rage look ugly as a power sets to me

    Earth is the only tank power I like the looks and feel of the tanking aspect ...

    But being a controller for my pet .... I just won't even want to in fact I would just stop dpsing anything higher then duos .. It's my fun to be a troll and watch my pet have all the fun... And I'm flat out sick of having to use a weapon to do damage using earth ...
  7. Veritech Loyal Player

    Your post is spot on.

    My earth (2nd to main) is 113 both roles, and I don't mind joining any content as dps to get my marks/drops etc.

    Just watch out if I'm top dps cos I'll rub it in with some tongue in cheek "You know you're 2nd dps to earth right? :p" lol
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  8. Errorcode1058 New Player

    Speaking as an Earth player (I use one of your awesome load outs for my Nature healer and have never used Sorcery) I can tell you that in order to use Crystal to maximum benefit already requires 4 powers.

    Summon Golem
    Fortify Golem
    Totem (to heal pet)
    PI applicator...because Crystal does not reach maximum damage unless the target is either Dazed or Crushed

    Maybe Fortify Golem should have an aftershock mechanic to siphon more power to Crystal for future use though. Right now, when I send her power, she immediately tries to use the power and I have no way to tell her when to hold off for a juicier (more healthy) target.

    Still, Rage needs to wait it's turn. Only 2% of toons capable of running AF2 content are Earth. This is not acceptable and the developers need to do something immediately to make this Powerset viable/attractive to the casual player base.

    April 22 is Earth Day. Dev team and Council are hereby on the clock.
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  9. Sore Steadfast Player

    You're doing convergent thinking, I'd stay divergent at this point. There's always WM, or a second AM. But in terms of pets, being able to act like a controller while also acting like a healer could be pretty unique in terms of DCUO as a whole. But you don't have to focus on just the power aspects of pets. What if Fury was doing blood magic? What if he converted his health into damage upon your command. It was your job to keep commanding his self-harm attacks and to heal him back up. What if he only took healing from you and you needed to keep him summoned because he'd be expected to die a lot. Maybe his self-harm attacks would do more damage when he's at lower health (risk-reward). In the end, I'd spend more time trying to generate many different ideas and find various ways they could work than spend too much energy worrying why any of them wouldn't work.
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  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. I don't think the game developer would formally name something an "Awesome Mechanic." Something like that is far too casual. Somewhere along the line I do recall Spytle eventually saying Awesome Mechanic in some FNLs, but the official name has always been Advanced Mechanic. I'm looking for the original thread for proof, but haven't found it yet. I'll keep looking but if you find it before me and it says otherwise then by all means please correct me.

    Edit: Yup, Advanced Mechanic. mechanic&o=date&c[title_only]=1&c[node]=107
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  11. Lacedog Loyal Player

    Do you really think this dev team could really come up with a mechanic like you describe? If they could, why wasn't that what was originally put in game. I think it would actually be interesting but I'd still want earth to have an aftershock mechanic.
  12. Biester New Player

    Kinda hard to do when they dont even have pets. Rage is next, sorry bro but we dont have any pets so ill just accept the combo damage buff (hopefully they do more than that since rage only has one ranged combo power). Dont worry, earth will receive another tweaking but in the meantime, let us rage players enjoy our update (or you can just keep damning any other powerset that isnt earth).
  13. Aggro Well-Known Player

    Buffing the pets wouldn't fix earth, or fortify Golem either, can't make a pets hit 70k like quantums time bomb, they need to remove fortify or merge it with totem. Give us a power back mechanic. And has long as crystals up we get a mechanic buff to increase are powers by whatever % has long as crystal is Active/Live

    Without Crystal jackhammer hits has is
    With Crystal jackhammer it's X amount on whatever crystals Attack damage buff % will be.

    Merge the pet and aftershock into 1 am if crystal dies u lose am if she's up u keep breaking ground while she goes beast mode on adds.

    what 2 weeks? Do you know what I did to beat any earth dps using crystal? wm rumblecrush because it was a 50% modifier and we didn't have max damage home turf mod at the time to use striking stones. I tried crystal in those 2 weeks and still wasn't good. Pvp yes, pve no.

    Is this cycle accurate or did you assume it? Mepps already said something on 46 in tweeter rage is coming, just want to know so I don't look like my sig.
  14. Aggro Well-Known Player

    They have to merge instead of giving power to pet to do damage, pet gives power to you and damage buff % has long as she lives, so jackhammer can really BREAK the floor! If crystal dies, no buff, no powerback. But if she stays up its over.

    Get fortify and merge it with totem have it give health and power, Reinforce 10% Crit, totem replaced with something else. And boom

    Sounds like a good option?
  15. Sore Steadfast Player

    I still don't get why people feel a need to say "X won't work, only Y will work." I don't have a problem with a hybrid pet/jackhammer AM. I don't have a problem with a pure pet AM. I don't have a problem with a pure jackhammer AM. Any one of them can work with appropriate design efforts in place. There's nothing inherent to these things that would make them not work. You're just employing an argument technique to make your preference appear to stand out more. You could just simply give your preference for a hybrid AM and leave it at that. It's not like I'm in here saying that Earth needs an improved pet mechanic and only that alone will work. I'm offering a wide range of ideas for the sake of creativity.

    You're not really saying anything when drawing a comparison to a pet mechanic to a single damage number from Quantum. Of course pets won't hit 70K. They're not a charge-up burst mechanic. DoTs won't hit 70K either because they're also not a charge-up burst mechanic but they're viable. If you want to draw comparisons between powersets, it's better to talk effective damage-per-second. I know this is not the case with quantum but lets say it took 10s to get that 70K hit, that wouldn't be a very impressive number then.
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  16. Veritech Loyal Player

    It's pure speculation based on the order that the AM updates were released.
    Quantum was the last AM to be released, then they have gone back to the first in the cycle with celestial.
  17. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I have always been of several miss regarding pets.......

    You should be able to set behavior patterns,

    When you block they lunge your target
    When you block they block
    When you range they range
    When you range they melee, etc etc

    I've also ever since trinket belts though lets should have a loud out you could activate with three or four slits just like your trinket belt. They will act on their own but you can also tell them what to do and there should be some degree of clipping, you camps clip your power with their power or their power with your power.

    And pets shouldn't have to worry about you feeding them power on top of the fact they are far to power hungry
  18. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    They never started heightened the word advanced until the community did. All their previous posts used the term awesome.
  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    No dev called it an "Awesome Mechanic" in there (at least not in the first few pages - I didn't search all 27). They called it Power Mechanic and stated that powers that already had their mechanics were operating at an "Awesome" level. Technically we're both incorrect, and the first official name was Power Mechanics. That name has since evolved into Advanced Mechanics.
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  20. Lacedog Loyal Player

    To me, the current pet mechanic works most similarly to nature and electric dots. I say this because all three rely on weapon combos the most after properly setting up the other portion of their mechanic. Whatever it takes to make crystals damage anything comparable to what can be accomplished with nature and electric is the idea I'd get behind for a pet mechanic.

    But that goes back to what the real problem is with the pets, they don't hit hard or frequent enough.