According to the AM Chart the devs provided us with..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aggro, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    From the Fire perspective, I don't like their definition of "Awesome".
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  2. Veritech Loyal Player

    1) A is for advanced not awesome (theres def not much awesome about fire's am lol)
    2) Fire should be next in line after earth if the cycle I mentioned previously is followed.
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  3. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    I agree with you and I'm clear on the fact that AM means Advanced Mechanics.

    What I meant is that Advanced Mechanics and Weapon Mastery Combos are suppose to bring an "Awesome" level of execution upon a power and their definition of "Awesome" in Fire is not the same that I got on my dictionary. LoL
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  4. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    It clearly shows that according to the devs earth and sorcery have AMs. Per the devs, pets are their AMs. They may not be awesome or even worth using but it's there. Now me personally think making pets the AM is a cop out so they wouldn't have to spend much time on those powers.
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  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Earth got an update last May. The update was great for 2 weeks, Crytal got nerfed and that was the end of Earth. Crystal was AWESOME for 2 weeks. PVP killed her. Enough said.
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  6. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Re-reading the original thread of Tunso I'll say that Earth and Sorcery got pets as a Power Mechanic but not an Advance Mechanic. And that power mechanic currently are not at an Awesome Execution level.
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  7. Solar Well-Known Player

    The pets in sorcery and earth need a buff to make it feel even a bit awesome.
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  8. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Besides buffing their stats, the pets consume their power too fast, their powers cost should be reduced so we don't have to replenish their power so often.
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  9. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    what am does rage have? it gets no power back at all unlike gadgets,quantum,HL,celestial and even ice gets some power back. rage is in dire need of and update ,it has been nerfed into the ground on the dps side to the point where its the bottom dps power

    dreadful blast is the only rage power that hits even close to halfway decent and it only hit 5-8k
    its sc used to last 8sec now last 3 or 4 making it worthless
    outrage hits like a pillow now
    ferocity,blood lust and the other crit adding sc (i forget the name) are all team buffs so using them will keep you at the bottom of the score board and 1st on the kick list if you're in a pug group

    rage has become nothing more than a weak support dps and an ok tank so rage is long overdue for a real am
  10. Solar Well-Known Player

    Agreed. Some tinkering that and those powers can compete again.
  11. Sore Steadfast Player

    I wonder about that. Now that some AMs have seen refinement which can include new mechanics, I wonder if the entire approach for managing a pet should be revisited. But I do think a pet-based AM should require a lot of management. What if it took 4 of 6 (if not 6 of 6) powers in your loadout to maximally manage your pet. What if you were more like a controller but just for your pet. You could give them PoT. You could give them instant power transfers. You could cast a 12s buff for them. You could instruct them to do a specific heavy attack with a long cooldown. You could setup PIs for them on your targets. You of course need to summon and banish them. You could put a pet-taunt on a target to make them focus attack on that target even if you change targets (Earth). You could heal your pet (Sorcery). Each of these abilities would do some damage from you as you cast them so you're feeling active too.

    But like some powersets, there's a balancing act needed between investing more in an existing AM, investing in their WM, or investing in giving them a second AM.
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  12. Sore Steadfast Player

    Rage has a combo-based AM that isn't performing at an awesome-level. AM doesn't equal power back. That said, we all assume Rage is going to be revisited and that will include a power-back mechanic added to it.
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  13. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player


    On reducing Pet power cost of there personal powers.

    I feel there should be a small menu that you access like Utility belts. Instead of holding on the key to unsummon your pet you press it once.

    It could bring up a another menu like Utility Belts were they'll have a (Stay Close, Stay Back, & attack!) Commands.

    Now that would be awesome. A dont use your power command would be nice for watcher.
  14. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Even thou that idea will require reinventing the power trees for Sorcery, that sounds like a very nice mechanic, not only for the DPS side but also for the role.

    I like it.

  15. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    I will like that also for the Sidekick and the Backups from the Home Turf Mainframe, specially a command called "Don't Kill it, I need that Feat".
  16. MetalMario Loyal Player

    This is a really great idea and could probably be implemented by altering what certain moves do while the pet is active. The ranged PI move could focus the pet on that target, the aoe dot could buff the pet when the PI is active near the targets, the power move already exists, the burst move could be an instant power transfer, and another could be used to heal them. That also leaves a reasonably viable weapon mastery loadout if for some reason you don't want to spawn the pet.
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  17. Sore Steadfast Player

    Some powersets have abilities in their trees that grant more than one power to be able to be put in your loadout. I believe Fire is like that with Meteor. Nature can be like that with shapeshifting. Maybe some of the Sorcery abilities could be like that to ensure you're not sacrificing too much of what's been established.
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  18. Veritech Loyal Player

    It actually already does take 4/6 to maximise pet potential.
    1) need the pet in your tray
    2) need fortified golum for power/gem shield
    3) need totem to keep it's health up, and crit buff your supplementary wm attacks.
    4) need a crushed PI (usually rumblecrush) for Crystal's max damage
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  19. Sore Steadfast Player

    Good point. I wonder if access to a pet-taunt and on-command attack would make it feel more like you're instructing your pet instead of passively supporting it.

    Otherwise, maybe those are good considerations for focusing on a second AM (aftershock-oriented) instead of going deeper in the pet AM. Maybe Sorcery should get the heavier pet commands. And then longer term round both classes out between AM 1, AM 2 and WM. (Even though we already know Sorcery WM is pretty good).
  20. Veritech Loyal Player

    For sure.
    Sorcery should delve deeper into pet interaction with maybe multiple spawns and advanced AI control, and earth should really move away from pets into a well supported aftershock AM imo.
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