According to the AM Chart the devs provided us with..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aggro, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Aggro Well-Known Player

    According to this old chart since June 10, 2014, the green checks indicate Power Mechanics that already "Supposedly" meet the "Awesome" Level according to tunso's post. So they started with gadgets, mental, electric, nature, fire, ice, light, quantum and now celestial

    Wait, what? Light, Celestial, Nature? Didn't they have "Awesome" Level already since June 10, 2014? WHAT?! Rage is next? Interesting.. where does earth and sorcery come in.. honestly.

    So for the people who say earth and sorcery already have a AM "UPGRADE", I'm Jack Ryder and YOU ARE WRONG!

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  2. Errorcode1058 New Player

    Yeah, I was hoping someone would bring this up.

    When the 'Awesome Mechanics' idea was first introduced, Larry Liberty told us that Celestial and Rage were designed with their AM's already in place.

    If Rage gets anything other than a Useless Pet AM, there will be hell to pay.
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  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    He also said they were gonna do something with earths combos and we got pets instead so .. C
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  4. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Next 3 powers....

    Mutition - Pet (do not have a Pet Controller power)
    Atomic - another healing power with DOT stacking
    Serium - Mobile Focus Attack tank power

    How about that for a stab at what the new powers AM will be.

    Earth and Sorcery have a PET AM. The Pet AM needs some tweaking but it should stick around.
  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    They already told us last August that Munitions will be Mobile Focused Attack and Serums most likely be Advanced Imteractions. They suggested that Atomic may be DoT stacking due to chain reactions but that they hadn't decided yet.
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    That chart is a chart of the Advanced Mechanics that were already in place as well as upcoming. Celestial did not gain an AM this week, it had its AM updated.
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  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Oh...It would have been cool for mutiion to have a small tank following them around and the power up would result in the tank have a SC type move like a shooting missle or adding rail guns, etc...I like that idea better.
  8. Errorcode1058 New Player

    Give me all a Useless Pet AM and call it a day.

    Yours Truly,
  9. Aggro Well-Known Player

    You mean earth or sorcery? Not rage? Lol and yea, i had to put this up earth needs it!!!
  10. Errorcode1058 New Player

    No. I mean if Rage gets anything it should be a Useless Pet AM...OR NOTHING!
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  11. Aggro Well-Known Player

    So wheres earth's am update? This is my point
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  12. Trial 1 New Player

    Questions you should be asking, succinctly, in one post, devoid of emotion, and minus suggestion (for now).

    1. Does earth's intended Awesome Mechanic involve, (describe earth's AM)?
    2. If so, do you (as a development team) feel that it is currently competitive when compared to those in a similar role?
    2.5 If so, are you open to feedback that counters development opinion?
    3. If you agree that it's not competitive, do you have resources available for reevaluation?
    4. If so, will you please start a new thread on the feedback forum for suggestions from your player base?
    5. If not, can you please suggest a future date to circle back to this subject again?
  13. Sore Steadfast Player

    You're looking back at the last 9 months through the lens of a perspective set in June. Perspective and direction has continuously evolved throughout that timeframe. You can't articulate everything that happened from a static 9-month old perspective. The definition of "awesome-level performance" has evolved over that timeframe.

    Awesome-Level Performance
    It is intended as a long-term goal that Advanced Mechanics and also Weapon Mastery be capable of executing at an "awesome level" of performance. It was already widely known that not all powersets performed Weapon Mastery equally to the same level but they were relatively close enough to serve as a benchmark for how the AMs should perform. We hit the big reset button and started from there.

    AM Development vs. AM Performance
    It was also pretty clear that not all of the implemented (green checkbox) AMs were performing equally. It was pretty darn obvious that some of them would need to be revisited. But before that happens, it makes sense to get through all the powersets that didn't have an AM at all. That meant getting through Electricity, Fire, Ice, Gadgets, Mental and Quantum in whatever order. We're all riding this ride together. We've all witnessed that not all AMs were created equally. Some set a whole new benchmark for the type of damage possible above and beyond the old WM-based benchmark and some didn't get implemented at that same level. But they do have AMs now. They exist. They now have a green checkbox in that chart.

    AM Balance
    Now that every powerset has an AM (yes, including pet-based AMs for Sorcery and Earth), are they all performing at a reasonably equivalent balanced "awesome-level" of damage for both AM and WM? The obvious answer is no. And that has nothing to do with that chart. It's a different discussion. It's a discussion about balance. Balance is an ongoing discussion we'll never stop having. It's obvious that Earth AM is significantly worse than Quantum AM just like it's obvious that Nature WM is significantly worse than Sorcery WM.

    Ongoing Balance Adjustments
    Because of imbalance issues, we saw adjustments being made to existing AMs interlaced within the timeframe of new AMs were being developed. I'll be the first to admit that Nature didn't need a second AM added BEFORE Quantum got its first AM added. The sequence may not have been how I'd handle it but that's easily forgivable because it really ought to have been addressed eventually. But we're not done here either. It's pretty clear that Sorcery, Earth, Rage, Mental and Fire will get a second look as well. Maybe it's not clear if you look at today through the lens of a 9-month old AM chart, but it's clear to anyone who has been following the last 9 months of developments.
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  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Wonder how far they are going to buff the pet mechanics.
  15. Aggro Well-Known Player

    i just brought it up, so that the subject can be corrected has far has this chart, the chart also needs an update of course but light and nature got the updated tweaks before quantum as well, I just keep hearing people saying earth has a am like it's not getting fixed is what I'm running into all the time.

    Maybe you should of posted your reply has a thread. Cause you cleaned it up nicely.

    We all know they can't make crystal hit like a Skyscraper is falling down into someone skull.
  16. Errorcode1058 New Player

    For Earth, there should
    1) be a shooter cool down on Fortify Golem
    2) a power refund for Fortify Golem and any PI spreader when Golem+Totem are active

    3). Summoning the Pet should scale in power cost with relation to how much health/power the pet is re summoned with...I should not be charged a full Summon Golem power cost if I am summoning a Crystal or Brick which only comes back with 10% health and an empty power bar...

    Oh, and if the pet dies in a fight, the user should be able to see the re summoned pet's health/power bar...this is not happening in some raids/situations.
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  17. HersheyKiss New Player

    Where do people keep getting that rage is next? I havent seen this even hinted at much less confirmed by a dev. Plz provide a link showing where any staff member said rage is next if u can, thanks. Same with pets being buffed, this has been said nowhere. People just start rumors on here and spread misinformation. Its really annoying imo. I woudnt ever just throw out info to people about anything unless i know its 100% fact, thats just me. Not saying u did this OP, just wondering where people get this info from, cuz ive asked the people saying it to provide a link a few times now and none of them could do it. That tells me its all rumor started by players with nothing better to do.
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  18. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Supposedly it was mentioned in a livestream it would get AM tweaks...

    Wait till the next test server build is up before getting hopes up would be my suggestion though.
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  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    It was in the last FNL. Also Rage follows the sequence of powers, hence the release Quantum, celestial, rage.
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  20. Veritech Loyal Player

    It's all part of a cycle that started with celestial. The order up to earth was celestial, rage, sorcery, earth.

    If devs plan to follow this cycle, earth can expect to see an AM review after rage and sorcery.

    If no update by GU49 then I think you should switch to rage, because you'll show signature traits of a rage lantern by then :p
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