About the CR Skip

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheBatmanFanBG, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. TheBatmanFanBG Well-Known Player


    The new CR Skip will be 255 and you will have access to Episode 34: Justice League Dark! I saw this when i logged in today and decided to share this information with you guys!
  2. zor ile Well-Known Player

  3. OVERCAP Level 30

    i didnt see a Cr skip at all
  4. zor ile Well-Known Player

    server restart like when they take the world down
  5. OVERCAP Level 30

    i got the box of materials and the nth metal box but i checked the selection screen and nothing so im thinking its for EU currently
  6. mrcheap Well-Known Player

    I just got my loot a nice box of artifact stuff which is greatly appreciated and a chroma box. I didn't see any level skip.
  7. gemii Dedicated Player

    I think I’ll use my cr skip on a villain For style unlocking
  8. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    They gave away more feats?