A winning combination.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ash Inferno, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    I've been putting some thought into the concept of stat clamping. The only way it could work and also be a huge benefit to the player base is to also incorporate teleporters for all instances. The only problem with stat clamping is that some players would rather just go into an instance/op and steam roll everything, but does this really help new players to the content? I think not.

    If instances were only clamped while actually queueing for them while the walk-in versions could be unclamped I think this could be universally beneficial for all. Let's face it, even at maximum cr (let's say 78cr for T3 content) that content would still be pretty easy but the instance/op would still have to be done as intended. This would at least show new players how the game is supposed to be rather than just going into fos3 and 1-shotting everybody.

    This, imho would make the game much more entertaining while still posing some challenge and a sense of accomplishment to the newer player base. This is what made me fall in love with this game (hope that doesn't sound weird lol) not being carried through content and just trying to keep up to the 1 or 2 godlike players steamrolling my instance.
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  2. Hector Danger Well-Known Player

    I agree 100%. While sometimes I don't mind getting carried though some things to get a particular feat or something (I guess instance teleporters like the BC's and Fos' would solve that issue), I'd rather run a new toon through content as the game intended.
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