a question for tanks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by pultinski, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. pultinski Well-Known Player

    ( besides a few places / bosses in specific instances ) in general, when you are tanking do tank pets from dps players ( earths brick / sorcerys nicer looking brick ) cause problems / interefere with you?.
    pulls / getting and holding aggro type of problems specifically.
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  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Not from my experience...
  3. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    yes it can happen. someones sidekick or henchmen trapping ur target, blocking the pull. u have to adjust at that point and work w them. also ive seen brick and sidekick hold aggro better than the actual tank using them lol
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  4. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Pets can interfere with tanking. For example, they can get in the way of pulls, and occasionally aggro gets lost to them, especially in Throne where aggro is based on proximity.
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  5. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    They get in the way when you are trying to kite, move, pull, roll away, etc. same as any player that could be in the way (at least we can ask the player to get out of the way). But they don't get the aggro from the Tank. If the Tank loose aggro is because the Boss has a scripted mechanic that will intentionally ignore the Tank once in a while, Another Tank uses a pull/Taunt mechanic to get the aggro or the Tank himself loose the aggro for not doing his/her job correctly.

    My 2 cents.
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  6. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    The only issue I ever rean into with tanking was when I used Pet Tanking. Brick would pull aggro and be away from me, very annoying and resulted the boss being on brick and not me. That is the sole time I really had any issues with pets when tanking...
  7. HersheyKiss New Player

    All pets, backups and sidekicks can be annoying when your tanking. Ive had times as a tank where i needed to move and couldnt bcuz i had 3 sets of backups, a sidekick, and 2 robot sidekicks around me and i was pinned in. Im not sure how others can say they have never experienced this. Its very annoying imo.
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  8. Gottcha Well-Known Player

    Depends upon the content and the only time it ever seemed it might be an issue are when too many differnt sets of back-ups are out at the same time hindering movement or positioning, not so much pulls and aggro.
  9. RapidRay Committed Player

    Back in the day, NOTHING drove me crazier than trying to tank through mountains of meteors by the fire DPSers. Man they ALL spammed that when we first started.

    Since Home Turf, the sidekicks and backups can be a chore to navigate around, through and sometimes over. Even some of the visual effects of powers and / or orbital strikes can just make SEEING difficult. But as with so many things, you simply have to adjust.
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  10. Lionxoft Committed Player

    In Nexus, a DPS pet cornered GCPD batman into a wall and tanked him for me. It was a pleasant experience since I didn't have to do anything. :p
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  11. AL Lonso New Player

    pets like brick and guardian do steal aggro and they'll never stop taunting till they run out of power because that's what those pets are designed to do.

    it's kind of a good thing because it gives you abit of breather, but if/when the pets run out of power or dies and you still haven't regained aggro, the boss or adds that it taunted will target the healer for healing the pet.

    The tank pets are reliable now that they've been updated so long as the owner keeps them powered. Back then, this dude here specially[IMG] would steal your aggro but he loses aggro easily, allowing the boss to target somebody else. Everyone blamed the tank T-T
  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Hmmm, guess the tanks I've run with aren't that good then. I know a few times, I've brought my backup out and the boss jumped to me after the backup was dismissed. Had to block regular attacks (not scripted) for a few seconds until the tank got aggro again.
  13. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    I love that little dude in his new form I watched my guardian and a fire tank just circus juggle the adds in the first room of artifacts.

  14. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    One time in Necro all the sidekicks helped me pin one of the sub bosses to the wall...He didn't know how to react...It was great!
  15. Derio 15000 Post Club

    In throne, Ares fight, pets other than a sidekick are bad, very bad. Ares be like screw the tank Im gonna kill that pet, and then Im gonna kill whoever summoned that pet and everone around who summoned that pet.
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  16. AL Lonso New Player

    I love the new guardian too, better tank than some people imo lol
  17. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    o_O isn't that how Brick is supposed to behave when pet tanking?
  18. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    It depends on the situation. Sometimes yes. To be honest I don't like them. They like to block me into areas and I can't move during fights.
  19. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    There's a possibility for a DPS to get aggro and is getting in top of the Hate Table. To be able to do that in the presence of a Tank you need to be way over geared vs the Tank, do insane amount of damage and the Tank be about to cast his next power in the rotation to keep the aggro. That, or a scripted boss that will loose aggro no matter what the Tank will do.

    My 2 cents.
  20. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    This actually makes me laugh. I'll be beside Ares.. only 2 or 3 adds around. Powers going off everywhichway what from me.. and Ares is saying Screw this watcher in particular. I'm going to KILL IT!