A possible solution to CR Relevancy hate.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Great Architect, May 1, 2019.

  1. Great Architect Loyal Player

    There isn't really a one-size-fits-all solution to out of Relevancy content, because the reasons players past the CR Relevancy barrier do not run older content vary. For instance: -

    1. No guaranteed Marks rewards.

    2. Relative uselessness of low-level Exobytes from Salvaging.

    3. They already have all the Feats.

    4. They already have all the Styles.

    5. No desirable (i.e. Brokerable) Epic drops to farm for.

    6. (Elite) They already have full Renown.

    7. (Elite) Collecting the Elite Style grants only a Title, not Feat Points.

    Since those seem to me to be the major deterrents, and in many cases *all of these are true*, Daybreak would have to address all of those issues to get the queues popping again. Adding Marks Relevancy just for showing up is, it appears, not something they are willing to consider. And I kind of agree with that. Because it doesn't address the main issue - which is content longevity.

    If I can run *any* content for Marks, I'm not going to run the hardest instances - and those are the ones that are in desperate need of revitalisation.

    So to make *every* piece of content desirable to run needs a bit more thought - otherwise some things will still be wastelands, and other content will be farmed to death.

    So - what is unique to each piece of content, that made them worth running in the first place? And which pieces of content are run still, despite CR Relevancy?

    The answer is, I feel: - Styles, Feats, Unique Drops.

    Adding Unique Drops to older content has many issues - not least that the people that ran it at the time could/should have got that Unique drop eventually. So I'm afraid we will probably have to discount that, but it should *definitely be a thing* going forwards on new content.

    So, an obvious way to reward people for playing older content would be to make collecting a full Style *again*, or completing a Feat *again* reward you. Doubling up on Feats (i.e. rewarding the same Feat Points for completing it a second, or more, times) doesn't work - because *again* the easier Feats would be farmed, and the harder ones left to languish.

    And an obvious way to make salvaging old gear useful would be to be able to acquire plans to upgrade Exobytes from (e.g.) Mk 1 to Mk 2, all the way up to Mk 13, if you have enough Exo Materials. The way that the experience granted by different Mks of Exobytes currently stands doesn't lend itself well to an easily-understood method, though - but being able to upgrade Exobytes that have particular characteristics, and are currently *not* upgradeable (Dominating, Vital, Mighty and Precise) *does*. If the reward for completing a particular Style a second time were to be an R&D plan for those Stat-centric Exobytes that drop from salvaging gear from *that Tier*, then people would be (at least in the short term) farming for those. And it would encompass the whole game - because if you can't advance an Exobyte past Mk 5, then you need to run the Mk 6 content. So no picking and choosing there for the easiest things to do, either.

    Feats, on the other hand, are - with the best will in the world - not equal between content, and some aren't even *in* content. If I can get a 25-point Feat for completing a 4-piece Style (e.g. Schoolyard), I'm just going to buy the pieces over and over, yes? I'm not going to run DSWF for a 10-point Feat. Ever.

    The only way to make that sane (without introducing some kind of obscure weighting) is to make the rewards for completing a Feat a second time as just one part of the reward. Completing 1 Feat from content grants you a minor reward - guaranteed Marks, for instance, but completing *all* Feats from a piece of content grants you a *major* reward - and in this I am talking about something along the lines of stuff that is currently only on the Marketplace. An Armory. Seals. Auras. Base Amenities. Something solid.

    I'm well aware that looking at things from my perspective is prone to blindness :). Constructive criticism and things I have missed are welcome.
  2. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Things that you have missed...


    How about the numbers from census.

    I believe you will find that the few thousands that have what you were referring to does not come close to the ones that you left out.

    I could be wrong and hundreds of thousands of players managed to earn them old styles and completed the old feats, but it will not be effective because all that you are suggesting...

    The vast Majority need and they are not running in of that.

    Are there any census still running these days?
  3. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I'm not sure what your point is. I've made *two* assertions in this thread, and that is that many people have at least one of those issues with running old content. And that the majority of people that have passed CR relevancy have more than one, up to and including all of them. Do you disagree?

    The DCUO Census tells you how many Characters exist. It's reasonable to expect that anybody of CR 260+ is active. It's not reasonable to attempt to divine anything else from that. And that's practically the limit of what the Census can tell YOU (but not ME). Just as it's not reasonable to extrapolate from Steam numbers - because that only logs people that play through Steam.

    Additionally, you're not contributing. I'm not quite sure what you *are* doing, but it's not contributing ;).
  4. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Yes. I run the Census API on my web server. So do at least two other people I know of. But we don't have the money or bandwidth to make it a public access thing. Sorry :(.
  5. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Well how many have 100 SP, how many have 200, how many have 300, how many have 400?
    Maybe it's me and I am not following what your initial post was saying, but to me you were implying that the varying reasons were what you have listed.

    Since in your following response you said you run your own census API, you can see for yourself how many actually need the older content.

    Now it will not give you a complete answer, but being that styles weigh heavily on feats to SP, you should be able to see the difference between the two groups being that running numbers by CR and adjusting the SPs will be a much bigger picture than assuming that a majority of players are at end game and need styles to run older content.

    Not everyone likes the styles and once you are past content the gear from earlier tiers become essentially useless outside of salvaging and even then people bypass it in hopes of double weekends.
  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Renown conversion token. Converts elite renown into source marks. I'd run old elite for that.
  7. HL4LYFE Well-Known Player

    i dont see why we cant get source from everything still like i said in another thread sorce marks do not help you in any way in the new content, you cant buy the gear you cant buy the op stuff for current content, its only our mods/orbial/suppley ect and catalysts boxes, and tbh i think that right there is the true reason why. "catalysts boxes" think about it, seals were removed from drops i was told now you have to buy them, breakthroughs at 90% success rate fail like 40% of the time, for me, an we cant get any sorce except atlantis an JLD currently so if they up the cap of artifacts or bring out new ones you will need the sorce, the less to, the more likely some ppl will buy replays then on top of that ppl will buy the seals to make sure they break through. Untill i hear an actual completely legitimate reason as to why we cant get sorce marks from anything under cr relevancy i know its all about them trying to take more money
  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

  9. Daedrike Active Player

    I've tried tackling this issue before, especially considering most people attach a "stats clamp" to the conversation when it affects lower CR content.

    Honestly, I think the best way to not only make the experience better for everyone, but to expedite the process of farming old style feats, would be to add (what I've come to call) Style Marks. To explain;

    Style Marks are earned by defeating the final boss of any instance and subject to loot locks, regardless of CR relevancy. You earn 4 Style Marks each time, and they are limited to earning a maximum of 100 per week. This is to prevent over farming of lower tiered instances. Style Marks are only redeemable at the Style Vendor, located in your factions main area. The Style Vendor will have literally all of the styles available for Style Marks. Theme Styles will cost 2 Style Marks each, and Iconics will cost 5 Style Marks each. Materials and Auras will each cost 100 Style Marks each.

    It's not the best idea, but it's not the worst. When you think about it, the average player runs at least (during the JLD episode) 14-20 instances weekly. Introducing Style Marks could get players to play a bit more in older content to trade off for unearned style feats.

    As to stacking feat points for achieving the feats multiple times wouldn't be popular. First, I can't count the number of times I've done Blackest Night feats for people, so what I'm sort of driving at is that people wouldn't want to keep redoing the same feats over and over. Also, the issue with a minor or major reward would be how it's determined; Are you saying a major reward for completing an episode a second or third time, or completing an instance getting all of the feats possible? As some, if not most, of the feats are achieved over multiple runs. (KO all adds one time, and KO no adds another)

    I've been working away at an alternative rewards system that doesn't "force" people to use it, but also gets them to play a bit more outside of their relevancy windows. Skill points are a really important part of the game, and a lot of people don't realize it. I've been lobbying for some feats to get the nerf hammer; 250 Battle for Earth duos is literally 3 months of doing all 3 daily, or you can run them without loot as much as you want faster, but then that leads to burnout. All the Paradox Reaper slaying, ugh. Iconic Solo instances, yuck. Some feats are literally designed to be completed over the entirety of their respective episodes, but going back for them is a huge task.

    Anyways, the point of my long winded rant here is that you should keep working at it. Eventually we're going to come up with an idea that is so great, they'll steal it without giving us credit, but it'll be in game.