A plea to the devs: We don't want dramatic changes to the game mechanics

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Peacemakaz, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Feenicks New Player

    Full on agree. Hated his legend skin. Made me sad.

    But still.......
  2. Pandora Demon New Player

    Dude, DLC 11 might be the breaking point...sadly, but it could be a great beginning, too. Think about it, they could make freakin' Apocalypse you know how awesome Apocalypse would look. They could have Darksied hinted at, and when he's a main villain in the Justice league movie they launch the DLC that brings him in more, and it could be a great character to make a whole new Story for the game. And think about the unbeatable boss in Survival mode is: Darksied his Omega-Beams follow every group member and kills them( they're vulnerable to interrupt, but if you get with-in a certain range he stomps the ground and one-shots everyone). And a legendary Legends Character oh my god him being exclusive to Legendary subscribers would be a great incentive for legendaries and future Legendaries. Soon after DLC 11 They launch a GU that introduces the new UI which will be more customizable and make the game's customization go further. And maybe when the majority of the population of DCUO moves to Playstation 4 they make Updates to the game to make DCUO look more like the New 52 line, and that might make it easier for WB/DC to approve of content.
  3. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    FFXIV really is faster than dcuo now, at least as a melee dps. if anyone on here has played dragoon/monk to level 50 in FF, im sure you'd agree that it requires you to be much faster than WM does, in terms of executing your abilities.
  4. Multiverse Creator League

    Always. ;)

    But let's take your Cop in another example....

    If there was a robbery.... and the same COP would stand by not doing his job because his team is too small..... he does not have a team 5 times as big like the FF14 Police department.

    Would think that everything is fine??

    Or would you question how your tax money gets spent?? where does the money for all them speeding tickets go??

    You pay taxes and even pay for extras like speeding tickets.

    So why does the DCUO Police Department not have a team as big as the FF14 Police Department??

    That is a rethoric questions.

    I know that not much of the money we give DCUO actually goes back into DCUO.

    Essentially the money goes to SOE and they decide how much money they want to inject back to DCUO.

    Heck most of the money we pay for DCUO could be going into Everquest 5 for all we know.
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  5. Multiverse Creator League

    I get that..... I just am a bit tired of people defending the lack of content on the fact that DCUO has apparently a very small team working on it.

    With all the money we give them.... not only with subscriptions... but with replay badges... Legend toons.... styles.... Armories.... and now Amenities.... you would think that they would have enough money to hire more people on their dev team.

    But sadly it seems that despite all the money we give them..... we keep on getting as little content as possible.

    Sadly odds are that all that money only serves as maximizing profits as opposed as going back into developping the game itself.
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  6. Multiverse Creator League

    But.... I thought that Apocalypse was busy preparing for the next X-men movie Age of Apocalypse??

    Sorry I could not resist. ;) ;)

    Although I did wonder for a few seconds what an X-men villain had to do with this..... unitl I realised you meant "Apokolips".

    Yes it will be cool if we can actually get to Apokolips.

    And I like your idea of adding Darkseid as a Legend... and keeping him as a Legend exclusive.

    But I don't think that will happen.

    If the devs put something in the market place.... they will want as many people as possible to buy it.

    So I strongly doubt that they would restrict who could buy the character or not.

    As for the NU52 bit..... I am not a NU52 fan.

    I would prefer to keep DCUO as a Classic DCU game.

    But maybe that is just me. ;)
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Yes in lvl 100 gear Monk, Dragoon attack is much faster than dcuo, even with the clipping on there, heck even when I am summoner my spells are faster than sorcery on dcuo.
  8. Blade Damone New Player

    You like everything the devs do, I haven't heard you criticize a single thing they ever did to this game. They've completely ruined pvp with weapon mastery, DPSing has become very repetitive across all 12 powers as well.

    Sorry if I come across as hostile :)
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  9. Blade Damone New Player

    Options like: wm > hardest hitting power > wm > hardest hitting power > wm...

    I can't even spec into might right now because wm is so op and spec cling into anything but precession is a waste if I want to optimize my character. Yes, all classes can do roughly the same dps now, but that's not options. Our only option is to use weapon master or get left behind, the powers are an afterthought now.
  10. Pandora Demon New Player

    Eh, I'm a fan, but I like some of the designs for some of the Super heroes/Villains( joker design doesn't fit for the game) mostly I just want new character designs because I really want to see the future Hero/Villain designs; they look awesome!
  11. blklightning New Player

    I'm preferring getting to use and see my powers rather than clip them all into oblivion.
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  12. Blade Damone New Player

    Lol what powers? All I see are weapon attacks being spammed into oblivion.
  13. blklightning New Player

    I don't know who you're watching then. Seems like the friends in my gameplay videos have no issue using weapon mastery AND their powers.
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  14. Blade Damone New Player

    My point is that powers are now an after thought, nothing is really distinguishing them or making them unique. My mental, ice and gadgets rotations are almost identical, just different colors and effects. Play one, play them all.
  15. blklightning New Player

    LOL, that's what I thought of all the powers before WM. I do think that WM is a bit OP. The change of precision buffs from 45% to 15% may help out a bit.
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  16. Ilunis Dedicated Player

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  17. HermanRuth New Player

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  18. Blade Damone New Player

    The difference is that all 12 powers had their own "cookie cutter" rotations before wm. Mental, ice, gadgets, etc.. We're all played very differently and at different speeds depending what you liked. Now due to wm, they all roughly play the same. That's fine if we still had the ability to play our old way, but so many things were changed to make way for weapon mastery and wm is just too op for the "old" way of playing to be viable.

    I wouldn't be against wm, if it didn't force me to use it to stay competitive. It really needs to be toned down to make both methods if playing equally viable as the devs originally stated.
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  19. SkillorElitism New Player

    DPSing has definitely changed, and the facts are that it is much slower, and the options are limited. What I don't understand is the conclusions that people are drawing. Based on the likes, about 1/3rd enjoyed the old play style and 2/3rds enjoy the new, why are those 2/3rds against allowing both play styles in? They claim to like diversity yet they don't want us to have any.

    In MMO's, change is needed, but change to the point where you can no longer recognize the game is not something many veteran communities will enjoy.
  20. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I've been loving WM and the new changes. Not only am I doing more damage, but I'm also using less power. I've love, love, love the new specing requirements. Makes me so excited for the future and I'm actually hunting for feats again. I had no real reason to do so before, but since WM hadscome out I've gotten like five SP, definitely wouldn't have done all l that work before.
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