A plea to the devs: We don't want dramatic changes to the game mechanics

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Peacemakaz, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Lightws Dedicated Player

    This is a little late don't you think?
  2. Feenicks New Player

    You are not speaking on behalf of this experienced player! And the new changes gave us more options then we have ever had before!
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  3. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I'm an experienced player. Been here since launch. You don't speak on my behalf. That is presumptuous. I like change, even dramatic change. It makes things fresh.mif it does NOT work out, it will be adjusted or changed.
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  4. Pandora Demon New Player

    Eh, I have no problems with them implementing Dramatic Changes or Weapon Mastery; in fact, I was all for it, until...Until I realized it made the game less Dynamic, and less fun. People are saying it mixed things up, but it didn't. Sure you had to change your load-out a few times, but now you just use a power, WM, power, WM. When it used to be all about the power itself. I love weapon Mastery to an extent...that extent is when we have no option to not use weapon mastery and get Great results. This is not a: I Hate Weapon Mastery, and I want it gone; it's far from that. I want it to stay, but I want our Powers to be Even with Weapon Mastery so we can actually have an option to use WM or Raw Powers and get Great results.
  5. Lokkii Committed Player

    I loved a little resonating gale non splitting action myself but it needed to be fixed, no reason to be so dramatic
  6. Feenicks New Player

    Before it was power weapon clip power weapon clip power weapon clip......

    Now it's set up power buffing power WM #4 power clip
    set up power WM #2 power clip
    WM #3 WM #1 power clip
    WM #4 WM #4 WM #4

    Point is I have several different rotations depending on the situation. I like that. I like that a lot!
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  7. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Was cookie cutter before, is cookie cutter after.

    Change is scary sometimes, but don't be the old man yelling about kids on his grass.
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  8. blklightning New Player

    I'm tryiing to get in today. I guess I could go for footage that uses Ionic Drain, just cuz it's pretty.

    My main bit will be showcasing the VB DoT in healer role. I've got the guide part down in the War Room, but need mobs and a boss fight to add in.
  9. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    It absolutely had a lot more thought put into it. Where all my rotations consist of now is WM, Mass Terror and Cryokinesis for adds, previously I used every single power on my bar and often made substitutions for different situations. Now, its just the same thing over and over again. The speed is only part of it.

    Clipping was a skill, and its hard to argue against it. Some people were really good at it, others weren't.
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  10. Archangel Rafael New Player

    The game was never meant to be this way. Trollers were turned into batteries and people learned to spam-clip powers with inexhaustible energy.

    You recharge you energy through the combo meter. DCUO is designed for weapon damage to be significant at all times. It was never meant to eb a system where you could dps "weaponless" relying almost entirely on powers for damage.

    I understand that jc+clipping evolved the game into this but that is not a designed system. Clip-fest was taking a designed mechanic and using it to an exploitive extreme.

    Lots of people for used to it and now they're sad. If you've been around since launch you remember the game before the rise of mega-clipping.

    Back then there were often threads of "I don't like to use weapon so much. More powers!" asking for more slots on the bar, more energy regeneration. This is how controllers-as-batteries started.

    Im just saying to be aware that power vs. weapon is a long-standing issue in DCUO. Some people see it as a game where we should use powers almost exclusively and really wish they didn't have to use weapon combos at all. However, the game was really designed more for damage to come from weapons and the powers exists to augment with a variety special-effects. The dps clip-fest was an aberration, not the norm.
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  11. Archangel Rafael New Player

    Some people are really good at cracking their knuckles while others aren't. Wouldn't call that a skill.

    really pity the poor kids who thought the ability to hit buttons fast was a skill. That mentality is a long way off from understanding what game skillz are.
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  12. Feenicks New Player

    I never really got into the clip fest mainly because clipping doesn't work for some of my load out. And I LOVE using my shield!
  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I know electroburst does the heal and DoT in healer role, but does it consume the PI or is it a spammable DOT/ insta heal as long as you keep refreshing the PI with voltaic bolt?
  14. blklightning New Player

    eBurst no longer consumes the PI.

    But... once you've set up the combined DoT into VB, you only use eBurst to heal. The DoT from the awesome mechanic PI is greater than what eBurst gives. In my little guide, you'll see that the DoT dropped from 1 big one to a double (1 from VB and another from eBurst). All I had to do was hit VB again to combine them.
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  15. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Lets not act like thats a good comparison here.

    In a pre-WM world, if I was able to hit buttons faster then other people using the same, or comparable, powersets I was a better DPS then they were. A HL player that can make it so their fan animation doesnt show up every time in the middle of a raid or a player that can hit 3-4 powers in a second has a skill that not everybody can do. A new player couldnt pick up the game and do what someone like Kaiser or Omaar or ObsidianChill did with their HL combos because he likely worked on a set rotation until he could do it as fast as humanly possible. Hell, when the Creative Director of the game tried, he could clip some stuff, but it wasnt good.

    It took a certain level of skill to clip as fast as possible, while still maintaining a certain rotation and is the reason why there could be a big disconnect between 2 players in the past. Its okay if you dont/didnt like clipping, but to say that a DPS that performs his clips faster and more effectively then another isnt more skilled is wrong.

    Either way its in the past.
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  16. thelostczarnian New Player

    at first i thought "its like playing a different game every month!" then i realized i could just go play different games :)
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  17. Feenicks New Player

    The main reason not everybody could do those things is because it doesn't work for a lot of the other powers. I can clip some of my powers but not all or even most. And forget about JC on my powers. Didn't work. So are you more skilled than me because you chose HL over fire?
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  18. Peacemakaz Committed Player

    I do know what weaponless dps was. Tap tringle pop power, then it was hold triangle pop power...The reason we were forced to dps like that was because they kept on nerfing power sets and weapons.

    What I am talking about is the DPS methods that were available and common prior to origin crisis. There were never any power issues, there were multiple ways to dps, and it was a lot more fun, in my opinion. Again, even if it is just the opinion of say...30% of the veterans, why not allow for both methods of play?

    Again, I am not saying there shouldn't be revamps, and I actually like weapon master as it is vaguely similar to one of the many dps options we had in our arsenal before origin crisis dropped. I am only saying that we should not only have one viable dps option. The game was fun because of the diversity, no matter what power set there was something new, a unique play style that was often fast paced, and now, no matter what power set you go its the same weapon master hand blaster arrow fling/haymaker combo to get the maximum damage.

    And just so people can get a visual of what I am saying and not assume something entirley different, here are some of the previous ways we had to dps...

    Typical Pre Origin Crisis Gadgets Dps:

    The typical HL dps Pre GU 36:

    The average dps now...:
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  19. Archangel Rafael New Player

    again and again the clip-junkies equate "fast" with skill. This is non sequitur. again I reply:
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  20. Peacemakaz Committed Player

    That is besides the point. For many players in dcuo Fast=Fun. What purpose do the devs have to take this away from us when literally, there is room for all styles of play, which would only make the game more unique and diverse.

    Dcuo's unique combat style was one of the only factors that differentiated it from the huge amount of MMO's out there. Sadly, it is beginning to get as slow as FFXIV, IF NOT SLOWER, with 1/1000th of the content.
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