A Note on the Booster Bundle’s Auras

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by BuzzWerd, Sep 24, 2014.

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  1. Ra7ie11 Well-Known Player

    What ever i got my Smoke Aura absolutely free thx to my friend who returned recently to DCUO he bought 15 and totally lucked out 3 smoke 2 Green Nimbus 1 Red Nimbus and and the rest plasmic and he basically gave me one now that's true friendship.:D
  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    That has what to do with my post? :confused:

    I gave away quite a few auras from this bundle but am keeping the extra smoke I got last night..... Doesn't have anything to do with the people complaining they paid for the bundles and didn't get the aura they wanted. You're not paying for the aura, you're paying for the marketplace items.

    If someone spends too much on them trying for a smoke aura and then being upset about it then that's all on them.
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  3. yagamison New Player

    But almost no one is buying these for the marketplace items. I'd rather buy the marketplace item individually and still get more return on my investment (ex. replay badges $10 for 350 vs. $10 in bundle for 150). People buy these for the special rare aura in them and though I haven't spent $100's of dollars, I think it's a major slap in the face for those that have.
  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Well if they're buying them simply for the aura that's on them. Looking at the booster bundle ad it looks pretty clear to me that theyre paying for the marketplace items with a bonus aura.

    Don't want to be disappointed? Don't buy the bundles expecting to get the aura you want and acquire it in game. I can use all the items in the bundle and the auras are indeed a bonus.
  5. Atomic Phantom Active Player

    Thank you for clearing this up. Now all the little cry babies can stop the pointless complaining since that's all they are good at.
  6. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Well, I'm NOT one of those. I bought it for the replays and take the aura as a bonus, however, the aura IS the first thing the marketplace says is in it. Buy the bundle named after yours truly and get a bonus aura box or something like that.
  7. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    You just said the same thing I did. Buy the bundle (marketplace items) and get a bonus aura....
  8. Tule New Player

    It is a bonus, but its obviously made to sell the bundle. If they really just wanted to have a promotional offer they could just say for these two weeks every purchase of 350 replays (something people buy anyways) comes with an aura box. People are truly getting what they want and the aura is truly a BONUS.

    That being said, I don't care, I like grab bags. And other I never buy repair bots or scanners, its nice to have them.
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  9. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    You can't gamble and get mad if you lose. They have been very clear since the very beginning by saying that you were in no way assured to get what you wanted.

    You guys took this commercial initiative completely wrong!

    The Booster Bundle is convenient because you can buy the radar boosters, the repair bots and the replay badges at a reduced cost. The aura is just added value! All of the people who are crying here are individuals that thought the other way around, were the aura was the reason to buy the bundle and the rest was the added value.

    I did not spend hundreds of dollars over those bundles simply because I didn't feel that a chance to get a rare and exclusive aura is worth the money. You made the decision, you gambled and you lost.

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  10. Ra7ie11 Well-Known Player

    I was only mad because i didn't get it, i have it know. Oh and it's time to say the truth i only bought 3 bundles i got 1 green plasmic and the rest 2 yellow the green i used to on my main and the rest i sold for 2.5 mil each and bought 2 Nimbus Green and Red.

    P.S I got Smoke for Free :p.
  11. hardstyle83 New Player

    one week farming collections and selling them on broker and you can afford to buy one w/ spending real money, i did 100+ million this week and bought it before the booster bundle ends and the prices goes up

    mementos of Mr Miracle / tools of Apocalips spawn in small area of the mission intergang...

    Scott free and barda weeding announcment goes from 5M to 8M
    First appearence poster from 800k to 1,5M
    Broken mind control device from 1M to 2,5M

    (these are the prices i sold them in the last week depending if someone else was selling them or not)
  12. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Your lucky, congrats! But I'm very unlucky in this game. I have in fact been collecting collections for the last week and a half, and got nothing worth big bucks. I don't think it'll be of benefit anyway if I was lucky. On EUPS they are charging the smoke aura for around 100mill. The most expensive collection pieces are around 3 mil max. I think it's ridiculous and wrong that some poor folks trade 5 of their plasmic and Nimbus auras for one smoke aura. Hopefully they release another type of black aura in the future, because right now I'm still ticked off.
  13. hardstyle83 New Player

    read the post above for the best spot i found to farm collections, im on EUPS to, and bought my smoke for 98M, those collections spawn in small area ( 2 tall buildings + a few ground spots)
    farmed it like crazy this last week, now its just while i wait for missions to start

    edit: the "scott free and big barda wedding announcement sold it at 5M (if someone is selling them) or 8 (if no one else is selling) the most i got was 3 in one day.
  14. Mad9 New Player

    My only grudge is the introduction of red and blue plasmics. I had saved those from the last Booster Bundle pack. I had been saving those to be able to sell those exclusive auras at a later point but with their return, all of my saved auras were rendered waste.
    If something is exclusive, it should stay so and not like now when the same aura is reintroduced and becomes a common drop. I do not buy the BS about it being a mistake. I see it more as a fraudulent transaction based on deceiving the player base.
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  15. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I did the same thing, yes it sucks but I believe Mepps just misspoke on this one.. I'm not going to fault someone when they admit to making a mistake and give them the benefit of the doubt.

    If anything it just clears up how these will work in the future. The next bundle will have a new aura of some type, two colors of smoke, and a bunch of colors of nimbus (including red and green) so if people really want a red or green nimbus but don't want to spend a bunch on them, wait for 6'ish months and they'll likely return.
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  16. hardstyle83 New Player

    SO.... Porsche should stop selling cars..? cuz the amount of money is insane, i will never buy one and im forced to see other people w/ them on the street?

    ohh wait... you can get the smoke aura for ingame money (FREE) in the broker if you really want to
  17. Synerge New Player

    did you really just compare a luxury car to digital content and feel smart in the process? LOL
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  18. hardstyle83 New Player

    Same Sh*t, different smell

    move on with your life, you wont always have what you want.

    they could have made the auras to be account bounded, but they didnt, you can buy it from broker and get yours IF YOU WANT

    if you dont want to pay with ingame money, and you cant buy bundles until you got one.. is anyones fault?
  19. AthalwolfCOH Level 30

    i think if you Buy 20 booster bundles at once you Should have a chance at getting these damn things. you did teach me a good lesson with this tho = damned if i'll spend a dime on another booster bundle till you stop gimmicking odds. i guess the give away of the scam should have stood out in the name itself: "Boost" is a theft term.
  20. Archangel Rafael New Player

    This "bundle" represents what is worst about the MMO industry
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