A Note on the Booster Bundle’s Auras

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by BuzzWerd, Sep 24, 2014.

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  1. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Well, that sucks. If you want to include something very special and unique in these lotto boxes, at least make them ugly. I find these Booster Bundles to be a big "screw you" to people who don't like gambling with real world money and don't have hundreds of millions of dollars in in-game dupped cash. It's a shame, because I would buy these things for the deal on the other items, or buy the auras themselves, but I can't support such a poor business model. My wallet is closed.
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  2. NightBlade New Player

    There are some greedy people over at DCUO am never buying anything of market place again. Telling all my league mates and friends not to buy this booster rip you off pack.Here is an idea put the rare auras on marketplace for a limited time for 1500sc problem solved.
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  3. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    It is annoying how people like me wanted a Black aura for a long time and have to spend alot of money, and try to gamble to get one. Not all of us are made of money. We have rent, kids, bills and other necessities to pay for. It's BS I'm sorry. As someone stated above me. Why can't you put these Ultra rare Auras on the MP and Loyalty for like 3 days and then take them off. Same principle of uniqueness and rareness but the whole player base will be 110% more happier!
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  4. Jokerbatman New Player

    I don't think you understand the meaning of exclusive or limited editions. I was mislead into buying Booster Gold Boxes for a chance at rare auras which I am told are not exclusive and can/will be sold again in the future.

    If I was informed of the said facts, I would not have dropped the hundreds of dollars that I spend on the last Booster Bundle Boxes.
    I have again spend $ 200 on the latest Booster Bundle and after reading this thread, I do not think I want to ever spend a single dollar on any of these items ever.
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  5. TheDark Devoted Player

    Aww shh...oot. It's the coolest looking aura.

    I haven't bought one yet. How rare is it?
  6. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Very rare, and it will never be in DCUO again after this Booster Bundle retired. My friend bought 7 Booster bundles and got no black aura. I have been waiting for black auras to come and this is how they treat us? I will never be able to get one. I can't afford wasting money on Booster Bundles for a small chance to get one, and I cannot afford one ingame. Very Disappointing.
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  7. pyroshade13 Committed Player

    So question. How exactly did you guys expect us to know you meant for that specific booster box when all booster bundles have the exact same name/ icon/etc? For example if i took the booster box for the OG plasmic and the booster box for the OG nimbus and put them together could you tell them apart?

    That's just lie there is no "confusing" words here. Instead of lying about it you guys could have released the bundle for a short amount of time with all the plasmics/nimbus and said from here on (explain whatever rule here). Between this and the marks of fury/symbols of power we really can't take what you guys say seriously, regarding any future aspect of the game, because no matter how much you guys make promises apparently its always subject to change
  8. Alekimsior New Player

    Wait. Did you spend $200 or $600? There is a huge difference between the two, and to me this just sounds like a scandal.

    Also, if those auras are exclusively released and rereleased on the Booster Bundles, which happen only every once and then, then the auras keep being exclusive.

    What really needs to be taken care of is the chances of getting a rare aura
  9. TheDark Devoted Player

    If it's that rare, then I'm only going to buy 1 BB. Before I open it, I'm going to watch the original willy wonka movie.
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  10. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    I dont think they are that rare. A league mate of mine bought only 1 BB and got the smokey black aura. I was bummed cause i so wanted it for my toon. Would fit him perfectly. I bought 3 BB's and recieved the green nimbus, orange plasmic and green plasmic. I logged out shortly after that and came here to read what people were saying about this "elusive" aura. Seen alot of people saying they got this aura on lower cr toons. I was like WTH. Logged back in onto a lvl 1 toon that was still in the brainiac ship, bought a BB and guess what, got that "rare" aura
  11. DerMorat New Player

    The last bundle that came out my friends all bought 3 or 4 each and got the rarest Auras. They talked me into buying 2 my self saying they all got the rare auras right a way. I thought to my self, why not? If they got an aura I can to.... I got a Purple. Flipped out because it was a HUGE waste of cash for a gamble on an aura to get the most common aura that you can buy for 10k. I calmed and they convinced me I should buy the second... Dark blue. Seriously!?

    I will not buy the new aura pack like that again. If my friends want me to buy a pack I told them they have to provide me the network card to buy them (Some actually will). If I want the Auras I will just buy them off the marketplace. I already bought a red plasmic for 1.5mil and a Green Plasmic for 2mil. That tells me those are common and the nimbus are the rare Auras.

    I don't mind when the dev release rare items. Making it so others cant get it IF they are not willing to spend $50+ to get that item seems like a cheap money grab to me. If like the plasmics they become more common once the next pack is out that would seem fair. Or make it so they start dropping from lock boxes after a certain amount of time. I don't even mind if they are insanely rare from the lock boxes, but that would show me the people are appreciated.

    Anyways.. guess I will go buy a pack or two with my loyalty points or with that network card my friend just gave me.
  12. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    I wonder how many people are going to stock up on these auras and save them for a month or two and then sell them on the broker? Right now people are selling many of them fairly cheap on the broker, but in a few weeks, it will be a different story. Perhaps save them for when the next DLC drops and players flood back to the game, those people who only come back to play the DLC will probably not have had the chance to get these auras. :D
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  13. Moode1 New Player

    17 bundles, no smoke. **** you. **** all the people who will flame me for this post. Hopefully, EQ next does well, so you might have a job in a year.

    **** me for wasting so much time and money on this ******* fail game.
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  14. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Note... Want a fun grind? Just farm the crap out every collection piece you can lay your virtual hands on, and broker it. Race the clock. I managed 10 mil in a day (four hours of actual play time.) I'm shooting for the 40 mil mark, so I can get my smoke aura from the broker. I spent 20 bucks, got two orange plasmics. One for me, one for the wife (she's a villain...and before you ask, yes. We argue. And we resolve our disputes with scrims. LOL)
    After that, I said screw this, screw the greedy bean collectors, I'm getting mine from the broker for free (in terms of real world money).
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  15. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Someones a little angry.:rolleyes:

    Backing up your point though, If you spend your money, you'd hope to get what you want, not something by chance.
  16. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    What I find more disappointing is that once you get the unique and extra rare aura, it will be available only for one of your characters. It would be much more appealing if it would become an item you could claim from the market place for all of your characters.

    Said that, it's important to remember that DCUO is a product from a profit oriented company and that it will continue to exist as long as it provides profit to SOE. It's no surprise that they create a money making bundle appealing to the exclusivity of the items: "buy it now or you'll lose it forever". It's fair game, a very efficient commercial strategy and, on the long run, it will allow us to keep playing this game that we love even though we will never get a smoky aura.

    It's unfair to those with a limited budget and it's unfair to those who will spend hundreds of dollars, but if that's the bitter bite I have to swallow in order to keep enjoying this game in the future, I'll gladly eat it.
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  17. speedster1981 Committed Player

    by any chance will the original plasmic and original nimbus auras be available in lockboxes or vault drops? just wondering cause if you put them in lockboxes you could remove purple and one of the blue auras from it since they're purchasable in the marketplace and for those like myself that missed out on those 2 auras atleast they would still be in circulation especially for new players to enjoy aswell.
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  18. KrimsonScourge New Player

    So... exclusive means not exclusive except that some items are more exclusive than others...

    Where have I heard something like this before?
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  19. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Wait wait wait... Did a SOE employee actually admit that they personally screwed up? This is... this... I think I need to sit down for a bit.

    Anyway, thanks for clarifying this. Those darn semantics ;)
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  20. The Valeyard New Player

    What part of "never again" did you not understand? Clearly it must've been the part about "never". He didn't say "You might see this again somewhere else" he didn't say "Not for a very long time", he said NEVER. There is no exception to never.
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