A Little Disappointed

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Horrorshow, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Horrorshow New Player

    I am not complaining, Arzeal. I am stating a fact that these players are exploiting a glitch to get ahead in PVP. This armory glitch is the equivalent of a speed hack. Players should know better not to use this in the game. I am sorry you think I am crying ..... or complaining ...... or doing whatever else you are accusing me of. Best of luck coming up with another accusation to accuse someone of.

    A temporary ban will be fine as well.
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  2. Mr Sinister Well-Known Player

    Don't ban people, the game needs the money. Hit their accounts with a permanent deserter tag and let them suffer never being able to PvP again, always having to walk-in, and being locked out of half the alerts & duos in the game.
  3. Kroye Loyal Player

    I remember in January of 2012 when the big banhammer came down - they suspended en masse. I'd like to see suspensions handed out in this case too.
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  4. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I'm doing my part in reporting these people and sending in tickets. Now it's the dev's turn in punishing these players properly.
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  5. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Permanent may be much IMO, but a month would be awesome! lol, I like it! No more vacation, let them hang out in the game still... but with nothing to do!
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  6. Kroye Loyal Player

    Back during the last "ban sweep" some folks suggested a "jail type" instance the perps would load into. They can communicate with others, but cannot zone out until their suspension is lifted.
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  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    They like to PVP so much, lock them in the PVP phase of the other factiosn base! LOL
  8. yssandra Active Player

    When i started seeing the glitch I thought that the devs would be taking down the servers ASAP to fix this and I thought it just looked funny, but stopped doing legends, because people abused it like crazy.
    There has been no official word from the Devs yet and that is the big problem.

    Are they going to ban everyone who used it ? I dont think so. It would send a strong signal, but who do you ban? someone who tried it once in their base against a dummy to see it?

    I think they should ban those who abused it in Legends and Arena PvP, because using it there is activly ruining the match for some one else.
  9. Kroye Loyal Player

    Lol...that would be like how criminals improve their skills while locked up - they would come out as better pvpers :p
  10. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    They should prema ban anyone dumb enough to do this in an Arena or Legends match. Simple as that.
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  11. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I agree, this is kind of sad to see people doing this. Suspensions should be handed out en masse.
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  12. Tocimus Committed Player

    there hasnt been a peep from the devs since saturday on these forums..... something is up.
  13. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Oh there is no doubt they are discussing what they are gonna do. If they track it down and find a small number of players were doing it in actual matches it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see some of those doing it gone for good. Just like when they surprised the hell out of the few people that decided to glitch on the EU server a month or so ago and some of them ate perma bans.
  14. Breakforce Loyal Player

    I was running Legends 2v2 lairs last night, and while it was not super prevalent, I did notice it once and a while.

    I did queue into one match where the player I was teamed with was using it, so I just stood back and let the 2 opponents whoop him. I think in that instance, AFKing the match was justified.
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  15. Dirty Fred New Player

    But Jeebie that sounds more like a reward then punishmento_O?

    For a guy like me i love being alone at the opposite factions base:p!!
    But then again im a bit mad aswell...

    Well could put the worst offenders in a virtual rack on the Town Square where everyone can trow tomatos & other rotten fruits on them ^^ !
  16. WL Corpsman New Player

    It's not the communities' fault at all in my opinion. Human beings will be human beings and exploit what they can. Its SOEs fault for allowing it to happen. EVERY update and DLC, a mechanic is broken in some way shape or form. I thought mistakes were made to learn from but apparently that ideology doesn't apply to this game.
  17. Horrorshow New Player

    It is the player's fault for using a broken mechanic. The majority of us know what a speed hack is. The majority of us know when something is broken that it should not be spammed in arenas or PVE. These people know better but they use it anyways because they think they can get away with it. I am continuing to report players.
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  18. Giggles Loyal Player

    I am doing the same as Horrorshow. I have my customer support ticket up, and I just add to the list every time I run into a player abusing this exploit. I personally have only ran into 3 of them.

    The best part is my partner and I actually beat a pair of John Stewart and Two Face who were both using the exploit at the same time, we each just separated and focused each one, and they couldn't do anything to us. You know that had to hurt them on an emotional level, and then when the GMs look at their logs and see what they were doing they will be on long, hopefully permanent, vacation. :)
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  19. Yallander Loyal Player

    If this was something everyone was doing unintentionally then I'd agree. (Like zoning outside starting areas, getting stuck in stealth in Legends, or falling through the floor on a map.)

    It is impossible to forsee EVERYTHING that people will use as an exploit while programming. Heck this stuff was missed during the Test Server run as well (or at least not mentioned by anyone.)

    Players decide for themselves how they will interact. Saying it isn't the player's fault is like blaming weapons for all murders committed. We make up our own minds to act, these players are responsible for their own actions.
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  20. Giggles Loyal Player

    I just think the devs need to take this instance extremely serious and they need to make an example out of everyone abusing this. That way if anything like this ever happens again, this new generation of DCUO player will know better next time just as those of is who have been here a while saw in the past.

    Another idea would be to do what Rockstar does when people cheat in their games. Make a cheater only matchmaking pool, place all the cheaters in there together, and let them all play against each other constantly. They will all quit eventually. :)