A Healers view on PvP.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. DC-Doll New Player

    Name one other power where you can take somebody fully geared out in 2 moves and restore your health completely with only powers ;)
  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I don't seem to know a power that can one shot a geared enemy unless you are referring to beserk.
  3. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    However as he stated a power doesn't give the player skill. How I took this statement was using a "crutch power #Rage# doesn't make that player better:p."
    Anyways that's what I took from Sabigya's post.
  4. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Personally I hate healers in pvp, so I will attack one and beat him down whenever I see one. I don't think that it's fair for me have to beat down 5 health bars worth of health to get a single K.O. in pvp because a healer keeps refilling themselves and teammates. It's especially unfair when I DON'T have a healer to heal me and the enemy does. It's aggrevating, so I kill healers.
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  5. forumuser123 New Player

    I've already started a post saying weapon mastery is ruining pvp even more than before
    I was a troll in pvp but swapped powers and went back to dpsing because of how bad pvp was screwing me with dps using wm and killing me with in about 10 seconds

    I'm waiting on pvp revamp and hopefully they wll make pvp skill based and now who has the most op stuff aka armour, home turf mods, mods, colas or anything else that makes them op