A general question about the Weapon Packs.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Conduit, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Conduit New Player

    I was going through the weapon packs on the Market Place and I noticed the older ones were really... Well... Redundant.
    For instance, the Ice, Electric, Cerebral, and Fire One Handed styles all look like the Demonic Sword.
    I understand that the Digital Blast and Sorcery[Can't remember the name] styles are the newer ones, but it surprised me that they weren't that thought-through. Especially considering how many people use/used One Handed at that time.

    Oh and another thing, anyone else think it'd be an awesome idea to actually make the Cyan/Blue color on Digital Blast subject to color changes? Make it more available to everyone?
    I personally don't like the color, but the styles are amazing. And I won't buy it just because of the color.

    All replies are welcome.
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  2. Nitefelina New Player

    I like katanas. Ooh free in game. Nothing constructive to add, just saying katanas are cool.
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  3. tukuan Devoted Player

    I would like to change the highlight colour on the digital stuff but I can see how it opens a kettle of worms for the devs. First to make it so only part can be changed would likely requires some changes to the object model so for it to not require fundamental change it kinda has to be an all or nothing thing.

    This leads to a different issue, if you can change the colour say of the earth gear you could make it look like the ice gear and there goes incentive to buy both. It also goes without saying that when the light weapons are released (assuming there are) all the rage, hope et al folk would change those as well, again not to SOE's advantage.

    So short answer, yes I'd like to be able to tweak it to match the red highlight of my gear, but I don't see that happening soon. As it stands I am using the pistols and MA styles and am growing to like them a lot.
  4. tukuan Devoted Player

    Re-reading your OP, I should also add that yes I agree that most of the early one's are a bit thrown together. It would be awesome if they could revisit and tweak them a bit, but not sure that will happen.
  5. Cloud_9 New Player

    As an Ice user, I'm extremely disappointed in the Ice weapon pack and massively jealous of pretty much any pack that came out after. Why did the first four powers get the bum deal? We didn't get new weapons. We got re-skinned weapons. And it's bull.
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  6. Laff Riot New Player

    I am not really fond of the weapon packs really. Like the OP stated, they are the same but only different effects on them. I know some people really like them and more power to you whomever does buy them. I just dont like them.
  7. Conduit New Player

    Well, my thing is that the Electric weapons are all Blue... I'm DPS and my powers are mostly Yellow/Golden. Which gives me no reason to buy any weapon pack currently.
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  8. Palus New Player

    Yeah i think the older weapon styles need to have a revamp because they all look the same. For example the mental weapons look like weapons that would suit mental before the revamp, so they don't seem to fit with the revamped animations for mental the same could be said abouth the ice and fire weapon packs.
  9. Legion_of_One Well-Known Player

    I was thinking about this. Isn't it weird that in-game weapons, the items that drop all the time, are fully customizable in termsof our colour choices, yet the ones we pay cash for are so very limited? I really like the general appearance of the digital weapons, but found (after paying for them) that they are an odd shade and don't look right, especially the hand blasters. I honestly think that if DCUO is going to put the money, time and effort into creating these items and then ask for money for players to access them, that they should absolutely be as useful, if not MORE useful, than the stuff we already have, meaning fully customizable.