Hello! I have a few questions: What is your future plans now that some of big companies, like Ubisoft and Microsoft came up with the monthly sub style which allows you to play a tons of games? Will you upgrade your business modell and the perks that the legendary status gives us? What is your point to choose you instead of them? The engine getting realy old and the graphics need to be improve. Do you have any plan to switch engine (for example Snowdrop), which can gives us visually a better quality and better character visuals? If not, how and when do you want to improve characters and thier facial expressions, like blinking, and stuffs? Even a mobile game have better and greater facial expressions nowdays. Do you even expand the recently city limits in the current locations (Gotham and Metropolis) and add new and areas instead of reworked old zones over and over again? When will you add outworld activities, like robery, kidnapping, random assault from Brainiac, Darkside or other stuffs and counter parts which will make the game alive? PVP. What is your plan? You don't even answer at the forum at that topic. Looking for a green one to answer my questions.
Hello! I'm may not have green skin, but since J'onn J'onzz isn't likely to answer your questions, I'll do it for them. The All-Access/legendary status is not limited on one game. Once you have subscription you can enjoy perks on other Daybreak titles as well. Besides, what subscription not provided by Daybreak gives you benefits in DCUO? You do have the option to not sub since that's not a prerequisite to play the game. They are working on replacing old models with new ones but even that takes time. Do not expect graphics overhaul to match the standard of games launched in 2019, just slow advancements with what we've got. City limits are pretty much a big no. They do build new maps and it's just this particular recent episode's new environments are limited to one raid so the overall impression feels like a giant rehash. Nobody bothers with everyday heroic/villainous acts. Formulaic though episode content is, your miscellaneous activities won't help to enrich the overall game. Open world feats like discovering tragedies and looking for injured iconics in Doomed Metropolis is the closest thing to your suggestion. If you've already made the observation on their lack of engagement in PVP matters, why would you think they'd reveal their PVP plan to you even if they have one?
Hello. Some of these are not the type of questions that would get answered directly but as someone who has been here awhile I tell you what I know. - I don't believe they will be changing their business model or such any time soon. They already give access to all DGC's games with one subscription for the PC players. - This is a two part thing. 1. The graphic are actually still really good and perfectly fitting for the game's subject. But they have been working on somethings such as the Iconic NPCs, which has had limited success IMO. 2. Replacing an engine is no simple task, you pretty much need to rebuild the entire game, which is quite costly and time consuming, not to mention DCUO's code is a huge mess down to it's foundation. So no they wont be doing that. Plus there's really no need for the facial expressions you mentioned. - Simple answer, nope. They have done various new locations over the years but it is far more beneficial to keep things simple by reworking old maps, costs stay down and content can launch faster. - Not something in their plans. People have made suggestions like that before and it just doesn't fit into how the game is designed. - Ah, PVP. They have made comments on that, the last one I believe was just earlier this year. Basically do to a lack of monetary gains and the fact that none of the players can ever agree on what to do with PVP, DGC is just not bothering with it for the foreseeable future. Just to add every change that was done to PVP over the year as far back as the Last Laugh DLC were based on player suggestions, to which players did not like.