A few appologies to all of you long-time forum users out there...

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Gunny, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. The Great NK Well-Known Player

    You say that the census data should be taken out, right? And you also claimed that you've been on break since the release of Halls of Power? Then later in the thread we find out that you did infact play the game during the new DLC. You claim that you haven't glitched for the gear? Later in the thread we find out you did infact have multiple pieces of elite gear, and that you are quantum and multiple leaguemates of yours are as well.

    I have a question for you. Now, we know that you've certainly haven't been on break during this DLC. Why is it that you bothered making this thread after the announcement was made for people that glitched getting consequences? Why didn't you complain about census data being used to find glitchers days ago when this situation was at its peak? And why did you take your elite gear off?

    Your stories have holes in them and this thread is an obvious attempt at taking attention away from you. The fact that you're quantum with multiple elite gear pieces will arise a debate on whether you are trustable or not. To be honest, I won't be running with you or any of your leaguemates if I see you around. I'll make sure my mates don't as well.
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  2. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I agree with Malachyte in so far as I don't really care if you or anyone else cheated.
    The census data is what it is and is and I could take it or leave it.It's neat but I don't need it.

    The quoted line made me actually laugh.
    This thread makes it one of those funny cause it's true moments on both sides of this.
    Petty agendas,manufactured stress and conflict in a virtual fantasy world have to be one of the funniest things to spring from our space age tech and entertainment.

    A lot of folks (more everyday it seems) seem to believe that reality/talk shows and teen skank war soaps reflect acceptable behavior.

    Back to the census data being used in nefarious ways that must be stopped.....
    If you got caught cheating move on. This "drag me through the mud if you must" crusader for justice thing is silly.
    If you didn't cheat and someone falsely accused you of doing so,again move on.
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  3. ForumJunky New Player

    Can you do one thing and admit to everyone that you were apart of the throne glitched runs please :)
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  4. RachaelRay New Player

    Look who's leagueless now. What a tool. Hope he quits the game again.
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  5. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    And I know what it is....there are no cat gifs in recent posts. Funhouse rules require cat gifs in the Funhouse.

    Deathstroke kitty has spoken.
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  6. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    This thread can be put to rest as apparently someone in his league and that ran with him has clarified the issue that he indeed was part of the groups that glitched the last boss and some of the them have manned up and are willing to accept their punishment. So, can we all now move onto other things, like bareheiny said, kitties.
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  7. Gunny New Player

    Wow, some amazing stuff here while I was gone from work.

    Bombarded by kitten photos (WTF, is this what you guys do in the funhouse?) and of course, this famous little post by Llyza.

    I should have seen it coming. I left inconquerables out of my own volition before heading to work today about 10 hours before this post. Obvious, everything we do being logged and visible by everyone, it was very much noticed later on in the day. I have hate mail from 3 different people in that league today upon logging in after work.

    So let me get this straight, "Llyza". You are either an imposter or the real person. I cant even choose one, because honestly, ANYONE could have made a new forum account, came in here, and posed as Llyza.... who also is one of the most fully-geared toons in the game right now - that is also in Inconquerables.

    But hey, we'll play along and give the benefit of the doubt and assume it is you. Inconquerables as a league is under a large amount of scrutiny due to a large number of high-ranking members undoubtedly involved in the glitch. I left the league earlier today, and a few of you do actually venture into the forums. Isn't it a little strange after I left, two of you appear in here later on in the day to post? Not before, not initially, etc.

    Of course, Llyza of all people would be here to drag me down too. There couldn't be more rock-solid evidence she did all of this. Admitting it wouldn't exactly be much of a stretch. It can't be hidden what she did.

    So i have 114 CR, no Hades elite drops, no throne feats other than kill thrill, and am currently wearing 114 Cr as well. I have past experience venturing deep in Survival Mode, and I am a quantum controller (formerly mental) - controlling being quite a bit easier than any other role in these raids. I've proven on multiple different stages I can certainly work in a group capable of reaching Hades Elite legitimately, and i have NOTHING saying I glitched, other than I am 114, Quantum,, a few perfectly capably earned 101 drops, and a bunch of butt-hurt former league members.

    But hey, I'm really not going to bother defending this anymore. The entire story is in the thread, and the whole point of the thread was proven within the first 2-3 pages. The rest of this turned into pure nonsense and mud-slinging after that. Now its mostly cat gifs due to this thread for whatever reason being moved to the funhouse.

    This is my last post in this thread. Good luck guys, happy gaming, and its a shame to see some of you Inconquerable guys trying to drag me down.
  8. Letsallshutup New Player

    Again, I NEVER denied I glitched. I also said I was willing to accept the consequences but it's obvious you're trying to throw the blame into a different direction to keep your precious reputation on the forums. I got lucky and got a lot of gear, that will now be taken away. Whats your point? NO one in our league is complaining except for YOU.

    Now, since you want to spread allegations and make our league look like the bad guys, why dont I get someone from our league post the screenshot we took after glitching the raid with YOU in it.

    ..Try to talk your way out of that one once it gets posted.

    Oh, and if you don't believe it's me feel free to hit my character up in game and we can have a little chat.

    Lyza xo
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  9. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

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  10. Gunny New Player

    This thread is best summed up here. Rather than comment here, try reading this first. Thanks!
  11. lukelucky Devoted Player

    sorry gunny to switch topics on you but we went through time off around the same time so i gotta ask the million dollar ?. how long did it take you to catch up and run the newest raids? i missed league halls dlc and then WOTL2 and it took me 2 and a half weeks to blow through the 2DLC'S and catchup.
  12. Mad9 New Player

    OMG, the kettle calling the pot black.
  13. Mad9 New Player

    Didn't he quit right after he had a fight with you guys and came on the forums accusing some of your members of backstabbing him?
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  14. Mad9 New Player

    Good leagues don't need to glitch raids and neither do good players.
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  15. Mad9 New Player

    Sorry, your bubble is already burst, you are good for nothing and for all I know you have glitched every raid all along.
    I make this statement knowing that you have time and again posted glitches on the forum and perhaps one of the few people who know how to reproduce them most of the times.
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  16. Mad9 New Player

    Appreciate the honesty much unlike the dishonest BS the OP has been posting.
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  17. Malachyte Devoted Player

    They don't need to, but as sure as sun shine they have been. That is why this whole thing is so disappointing, but oh well.
  18. Louis Active Player

    Oh Gunny

    Let me see if I got this right. You're actually on these forums acting all self righteous like you didn't glitch this throne run? You have got to be kidding me. Then you come at my personal friend and league mate for calling you out on some of the bull you've been saying? Your entire story is completely fictitious. So let me grab my fishing pole and reel you back in to the real story. We glitched it. I glitched it and own up to it. It's whatever. I'm not butt hurt over it cause I care more about real life situations than this. I care about failing at my company that I own. I care about providing for my family so that they are taking care of. But last loot on Hades......not so much.

    I know i got off topic for a sec and I'm sorry. Back to you Gunny, you are literally the only person trying to side step the situation. You were in a couple runs running it. Hell, you switched from mental to quantum to go through the door lol. So what are you talking about. No body from the league would've even brought your name up until you decided for yourself to make this wonderful little story of how you weren't apart of it. Its a lie. Again as Lyza pointed out we can put the picture up of a run with you in it if that's what you want.

    I glitched the raid people. I admit it. Its not cause I'm some crappy player that can't get content done. It was just a means to getting some fast loot. I accept what the devs are doing and so are the others. But this "Gunny" or "Runningtheshow", stop lying to the community and admit your part.
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  19. Louis Active Player

    Um im sorry, whats you friends name. Because I assure you we didn't kick anyone out the group cause they weren't quantum. We have literally ran with the same group of people.
  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I should have been more clear, he did not get past the initial hey I want in and than someone ask if he was quantum and he stopped there. It is not he got kicked, it is that your group like most glitching wanted Quantum power.