A Daily Dose of Heroism/Villainy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Carbon Based Unit, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    I have done these missions and I have a few comments. See, the Heroism does not seem very heroic and the Villainy is more like public service!

    Some examples for Heroes:

    One time I did the "Can't a guy get a break!" heroic act 10 times in a row! No joke. I was working towards the 20 acts feat and I caught a guy breaking into a roof door, window, etc. Pop him on the head, move on. Other than giving the guy multiple concussions, he never learned. How is that heroic?

    I once had Ironkurtin spawned right next to... Ironkurtin! Is she and Captain Kruel that much of a threat? Especially if there are so many copycats with no skill....

    And those suicide people we stop, really? No counseling? No checking up on them? Oh no... they just go free, problems still lurking.

    But the Villainy is the real funny one.

    First off, Titanic Trenton... there needs to be a Hero quest against him too. We villains are NOT hitting Trenton for bad reasons. Spandex is a PRIVLIDGE, not a right. The fashion police need to get Trenton off the streets and into a gym OR into some other clothes.

    Thugs trying to disable antennas on roofs, commit a mugging, or rob an ATM. These are teaching moments! The antenna guy could have blown up the roof or landed the dish on innocent people. We would not want that. The mugger is pathetic and needs some tips, as does his victim! They both need to learn how to do or stop a mugging properly, not be there on the street 10 feet away from Braniac forces arguing over a purse! And the ATM is not a real ATM! Why would it poof after if it was? So we are teaching people they were being ripped off by a fake machine.

    Cop and suspect on the run? We go to instruct the cop on the proper way to nock someone out. They go down... so we take out the suspect too. NO VILLAINY THERE! We are trying to HELP the police!

    Suicidal people? They lack a true sense of conviction and we just go help them make up their mind with a nudge in the proper direction.

    Guy on the phone who wants to call his lawyer? He is walking in the street, etc. being a nuisance. We are just trying to cut down on jay walkers and other issues this guy causes.

    Guy on the phone who owes Falcony money lenders? First off, he borrows from the mob and does not expect a collector to come by? It is Falcony money, not his! As for Timmy's operation, what respectable doctor takes mob money?

    So as you can see, the "heroic" acts are not very heroic and the villainous ones are just misunderstood!
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  2. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player