A Community Update from EG7’s CEO and Founder, Robin Flodin

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 30, 2021.

  1. ALB Dedicated Player

    I'm glad he play the games he owns, but he didn't really say anything.
  2. Inconforme+ Active Player

    You right, are MANY MANY more things to fix, and to improve to have a better experience interacting with the stuf inside, like mail, bamk, teleporter (bases to visit), etc., etc. 9 million and 999 thousand more
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  3. Inconforme+ Active Player

    If read this long accumulated experience trought my more of 9 years here, don't answer any, if maybe, maybe want to hear what kind of stuff non cassual DCUO players think gonna benefit the game, open an space to us can give to you ours ideas.

    Here no are hate, are frustration for a sad produced from something i apreciate, by the way... no is all things, are almost 9 years of acumulated things.

    In short: say's things gonna be as are at moment, a very expensive (in many countries) Pay to Win game (is impossible for no members up an artifact to 200, even now selling the marcks that suppose we fight for).
    With the same issues since i playing (around november 2011).
    The game have SO MUCH potential, but still remains equal, just add content, but in generaly still the same, few visible improves, to people who likes the game so much as me (talk with other people about this, and they think same way like me), is sad, many of us ask us why we still here trought the years, and many more questioning itself why pay for a game when some fights mechanics are injustice , with delays till point being kicked to desktop, only actualization of the marketplace with pay to win stuff (things supousse you must fight for), and one of the worst of all: the absurd price of stuff to buy inside game to get styles/feats, 400 marcks for and aura or material, and only can win 1 marck for a solo, 1 mark for a duo, 4 marks for an alert, the worst of that is that only can got if your CR is the correct one, so the old content just to trash, many of the new players dont see in his entire life some instances of the game, sad, content lost, LOT of content nobady play, only the 3 last dlcs (many time a go). i love the game, was my first online game and introduce me to that crazy world, introduce me lot of people and friends from countries around the world, even teach me other languages.
    The game not have any of Free to play (if you gonna do the higuest instances) is like a demo to the people can't pay for it, the game gonna be better just pay to play, gosh the cash, the brocker only can be used for legendary people, premium users are ESACTLY as a free users, just can manage a bit more cash a bit, even if u buy a dlc u CAN'T buy all the stuff in that dlc if you no are a "member"
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  4. Inconforme+ Active Player

    Maybe no many people knows, but are jokes about the development team, like they no play the game at all cos no fix many things in this 10 years, or like they still using the same software and hardware since game was launched (same type of delay in the style tab, mail, bank, etc. many of the US players migrate (means start from 0) to EU cos CAN'T play cos are many people and server can't manage them (means is just one server for US?, no is just USA people who play in that server), and many more stuff.
  5. Inconforme+ Active Player

    You right, but in his job he must be like a politician, and that is the things politicians do: say A LOT saying nothing (cantinflear)
    And you can be for sure he no have at least a 100+ CR character playing it like a "free player" (btw, that doesn't exist in dcuo, the game to "free to play" players is just like a kind of demo)
  6. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    DICE QUE QUIEREN ESCUCHAR NUESTRA OPINION??? Pues creo que los players estamos todos deacuerdo ... NUESTRA OPINION ES "NO BORREN LAS AZAÑAS DE LAS CAPSULAS DEL TIEMPO", Solo espero... que despues de leernos a todos los players... despues ustedes los DEVS por favor NO HAGAN lo que les de la gana, o lo que haga falta para sacar mas dinero. NO TODO VALE AMIGOS para ganar dinero amigos.
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  7. NelielTu New Player

    My dude, he's a CEO, and as he said he will do things that CEO's do. That is managing a company and (among other things) make sure teams work efficiently. Of course he's not gonna say anything about actual game development, also this proces is in a very early stage so we should only expect information about this in a while.

    Robin introduced himself and announced that he will look at internal processes.
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  8. NelielTu New Player

    Very interesting stuff. Would you mind explaining more why it's hard to make big changes to this game? Because we haven't seen any major changes for many years. There are many games running on UE4, so can't it be ported or anything? I don't know much about this so forgive me if I ask stupid questions.
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  9. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    In fact, this is a very big mistake. Feats in the TC bring tangible income for the company. If you simply remove them without replacing them, it will deprive the company of some of the income. It is not difficult to remove, it is difficult to create a new system that will effectively replace the old one in terms of generating additional income, which are feats in the TC.
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  10. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    “ I also understand that implementing significant solutions takes time and does not usually happen overnight. Our plan is to...”

    Try telling that to the countless DCUO players who had nonsensical hopes for new powers or a full PVP update/fix within a couple weeks of the acquisition LMAO.
  11. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    “implementing significant solutions takes time and does not usually happen overnight. Our plan is to first identify some of the most pressing pain points you -- the Daybreak community -- are experiencing today and to determine the right course for immediate action. This includes implementing systems, adding tools, resources, or people where needed...”

    While the meaning of the word “soon” is naturally highly subjective and context dependent, this process won’t start bearing fruit for the end-user at any point that that average gamer would probably deem as “soon”. But that’s not for any reason other than that is simply how these large restructurings happen. They’re warships, not speedboats.
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  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    So when's the survey?
  13. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Not true. Everything stat based progresses over time via a specific scaling model they’ve implemented. While not overly strict (ex. total obtainable SP will vary by a few from episode to episode), removing that big of a chunk of regularly occurring SP opportunities without replacing it would skew the scaling model in a way that was not desired or intended.

    That’s not to say that the scaling model doesn’t need to be revisited, tweaked or even heavily modified. Perhaps so. But if that were the case, the changes would be for that specific purpose and have little to nothing to do with people’s complaints about TC RNG and other people’s expendable income.
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  14. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    My god man. SP grinding can be done quickly and easily with just a little bit of basic organization and focus. I used to know a guy who would make a new account, get it up to 400+ sp (when max was like 540ish) within 4-6 weeks, sell the account then wash rinse repeat. He didn’t speedhack and didn’t do TC feats unless one was just released and he’d play the broker for a couple days and make enough flipping to get them. He was able to do this because he knew every mechanic of every instance and feat like the back of his hand, knew exactly what all 2, 4 or 8 people had to do to get the feat and used effective leadership and communication skills to make sure everybody did their job like clockwork.

    Now that’s an extreme example, but nevertheless, it’s still possible without cheating or “paying to win”. So if that many skill points are possible in that small of a timeframe, there’s no excuse to not be able to get to 450 in 6-8 months. You just need...


    Here, you’re welcome...

    DISCLAIMER: I didn’t know my buddy was selling the accounts until like the 2nd or 3rd to last conversation I ever had with him. I just thought he was very indecisive about his choices for hobbies and leisure activities or maybe had an on-again-off-again relationship with a gamerhater chick or something like that.
  15. Radstark Active Player

    So, I think the 3 main things that the community currently wants are pretty clear - PvP update, graphics overhaul (mainly old textures update, shading update, vfx update) and time capsules feats. It's probably more important to set up the priorities though - what should be done first? What last? Personally I'd like to see the graphics being updated first, then the PvP, then time capsules. I would actually love to also see new powers before looking at time capsules, but that seems to be less wanted. A poll would be great to see things more clearly as a whole.
    As I understand it, UE3 was only taken as a starting point to develop DCUO, and the devs basically used it as the foundation to build their own game engine since it didn't have any optimization for MMOs. For this reason a port isn't possible because DCUO isn't really running on the original UE3: remaking the game with a new engine would likely be as hard as making a new game from scratch, meaning it would probably take years to be done. Sadly it just seems not affordable as an option. At least that's what I got from reading previous discussions.
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  16. myandria Item Storage


    You should check out Everquest; as the CEO mentioned that game is now 22 years old with only a few improvements. The graphics of that game are very, very old, yet it still gets support from its dev teams and its players. Many players make jokes about that game too, but it is still around. If a game is well supported by the players and the dev team, it has a good chance of being around for a very long time.

    EG7 will only guide development teams to help their games grow and perform better; it is up to the development teams to fix and improve their games. This will take time, as each development team have specific issues that need to be addressed and worked on.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't agree, sorry, episodic progress is not tied to feats obtained in TC's which sit on top of any episodic progress. The TC's don't even have a set release schedule and are seemingly at the whim of the developers.

    Notwithstanding our disagreement however, not including feats within time capsules irrespective of whether there is or isn't a "scaling model" as you call it is simply a case of making a decision, it doesn't require them to actually do anything in game, in fact if anything it actually requires them to do less.
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  18. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Don’t take this the wrong was as I always try my best to respect and consider other opinions. But this is a matter of math which is objective, not subjective. Our average player stats scale up with every DLC, Time capsule and seasonal and the rate of scale was decided a while ago (stats revamp I imagine) and is continually maintained by the decisions they make what and when opportunities for statistical increase are made available to players. Like I said, there IS wiggle room but all stat increases are kept within a mini/maxi parameter as to maintain the rate of scale over time.

    This is done because it is certain points along that over time trajectory of scale against which the content is balanced for difficulty. It’s not only important for the rate of scale to be maintained (barring a purposeful complete overhaul) so that current content can be more accurately tuned according to the dev teams goals but also so that as older content scales down against our stats it neither stays too hard so that elite feats are never attainable by casual players or too easy where we’re soloing content from only 5 DLC’s ago only using weapon taps.

    I’m not making a case for or against TC feats. I’m not even making a case for whether or not it’s possible or feasible to remove them. I’m just saying, it’s not as simple as “just stop”.
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  19. Megastar New Player

    Pocket D....Good Times.
  20. Megastar New Player

    You can earn stabilizers for free.
    Your estimation is egregiously over-exaggerated.

    There are far bigger concerns that should be attended to first then fixing silly little inconveniences.
    Servicing those non-essential interests for years may have suited the purpose while the previous controlling investors did not wish to invest/improve the game.

    However, because the practice of indulging certain "faux L33t" forumites inane requests were a necessary evil...to keep them as cash cows...during thinner times, alot of unnecessary changes were made and the necessary changes were pushed to the wayside.

    Now that the crown has changed hands it's time to start removing the bullhorn from the underserved, uninformed, and unrealistic.

    Quit whinging.
    Get a clue.
    Or shut the front door.