So, I am that guy who hates this new update (I can't call it episode, becasue there isn't any interesting thing or content in it). What is my experience so far? Let me tell you: So, overall this update is tried to implement things which we, the players, suggested to the devs years ago, and back then, it was neglected and declined. Now they try to sell us this sloppy, borderline uter garbage. What is the problem with it? Here we go: - The new que ui is useless. Even we can't even que for different things simultaneously. Why? Nobody knows. Instead of making a valid group finder tool like for example WoW has, we got this nonsense. Kudos. - The new HUB is unnecessary. Not interesting, not new, waste of time and energy so far. - The Omnibus thing is just a not fun. Remember when they said that you just click on the button and you can play? So this not happened at all. I clearly waited minutes and minutes without even a pop, and wasn't matter that I was support role or dps. - This clamp caused that old raids became timewasters. For example: I qued up with my healer for Omnibus Raids. I got Happiness Home. We did great, reach the end boss. 3 times in row when Black Adam was on realy low hp, suddenly started to one shot everybody. Even when we did the tactics and mechanics. After the third wipe, tank left, others left, group disband, 1 hour of my life just wasted. After that, I qued up again to raids, this time I got Shattered Gotham. We got a full group, but the tank and troll didn't switch to thier roles, they stayed in dps. We reached the first boss, troll was behind because of series of falling, our tank, who didn't switched to tank pulled the boss, then do nothing and died. We managed to kill the first boss overall. After this, I tried to votekick this guy but thier hero palls voted no. So there was no option for me then leave this instance. Waste of time again. And I can tell you that in my first Ominbus Alert, which was Oan Scinel already got a speedhacker in my group. And of course I reported it, but come on... - Save the Universe is also a joke. Why do you implement a que menu for it, when ppl are not using in the first place? Do you know how much time I got in to the normal alert or raid because of this new que menu? Zero. - Also, this StU... The solo is ok, the alert is also, but the raid... oh my the raid... The last boss... just to throw 1 hour of my life away because constantly wipe on the last boss (this time I was on my troll)... Come on, do you even play your game? - The prices of the pvp style items are ridicoulus and a huge spit on our face. The reason why we cant earn it nowdays because you, the devs, are ignoring the pvp for years now. Then you put the styles with 100 Marks/piece? What the hell are you thinking? This is my experience yet. I won't cancel my sub, but I realy thinkig about it that after I maxing out my artifacts, I'll vote my wallet a big NO.
Agreed, Just look at all of the posts & all of the chat messages in game hating the changes in the update, A lot of existing / exiting players hate them & are leaving / disabling their Sub Auto Renew.. Also be prepared to be attacked here for being a selfish & toxic DCUO player for stating your own dissenting opinion. The Hive Mind is real.
while you and I disagree, I do understand your frustration, and even your anger at these changes. They were implemented poorly, especially at endgame. In general I support this change (don't hate me), I do wish it had been done better. And you're right, the venom, on both sides is very unhelpful.
I agree with everything the OP said. Played the FOS2 regular raid fine, upto the last boss. The Pull attack is a 1-shot. The Purple ball it tosses is slow, but its AOE damage is 1-shot, even when blocking. The Orange bouncing ball is too hard to see. I have seen players KO'd within 2 seconds simply by being near it and trying to resurrect players. Make this ball more visible. Its kinds hard to see if its above and behind you sucking the life away from you and you instantly die. WTF... - Save the Universe feature: I queued into the raid and did my dialies. It did not pop at all once. I switch to an alt and tried to que for the alert and did my dailies. Nothing popped. Another thing is, why cant I que for more than just a alert/raid. The "Custom" (old gui) way lets me que for ALL instances (normal and elite) AND for all types (duos/alerts/raids) that I want to play. Queing for only 1 type of instance, and only able to choose one difficulty (Event/Normal/Elite), is VERY limiting, unless this is the way its suppose to work. If so, it gets a big thumbs down. Custom feature: - This is the original way to queue into content. Please keep this since the "Save the Universe" method is too limiting. Stat Clamping: - I understand the reasoning to keep the old content challenging, but it defeats the reason for continuing to strive to get the best gear. Why bother, when I will just be clamped for that content. - Make this an option in order to receive special rewards. If clamping is off, then just provide source marks with a loot lock. - The content needs to be adjusted for difficulty. Some of these bosses are hitting way too hard or their attacks are not visible. - Blocking should be a viable way to reduce damage. Enough of this "Ignore blocking" mechanic. Its cheap.