95 CR requirement to buy gear in an 84 CR zone...you've got to be kidding me

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. LisaLoeb New Player

    Why don't you run the alerts.....? Could be full t5 and able to get in the new stuff by now if you ran those all along.
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  2. Darth Loyal Player

    I don't believe that needs to be fixed. It's at 95 so that people purchase the 85 set first before moving on to the 86, It's simple and makes sense.
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  3. Dump Truck New Player

    I like this method much better. It's like how they did PVP gear and offers more tiers of progression than the old T1-T4 content.
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  4. Conduit New Player

    Ever since the sockets were added to the 81,82, & 83 rings, CR95 is easy to get to. If you find it difficult, it's probably because of your own will to run the content or not.
    That, and it's their internal test server, you can't take anything in that server seriously.
    I can't believe you thought for a second that it'd be that high of a CR requirement...
  5. Larfleeze New Player

    Why bother actually running the content and earn the gear when you can get on the forums and whine about it till it's all nerfed into oblivion and then pick up the scraps?
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  6. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    This exactly.

    It gives a reason to keep running content for marks, and allows for more progression per tier.

    I hope future tiers implement this method possibly with 4 levels of armour so you can go say T5>T5.25>T5.5>T5.75 bring us up to the next tier. More progression is good and it will help removed some of the boredom or at least push back when the boredom starts.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Getting to CR95 is nowhere near as difficult as you make it seem...I have 2 DPS and 1 Tank at CR95 (well, my main DPS is CR96)...and not one of them have stepped foot in Nexus, and have only 3 pieces of Atlantean Monarch/Lvl85 gear. The rest is 82/83 Item level gear that drops in Brothers in Arms and Family Reunion.

    You can run BIA & FAM daily, without using replay badges....and if you don't run too many alts, you can get to 95 CR pretty quick (and yes, you do have to mod...but that's the new reality since the introduction of the mod system. That's also why recovery kits were introduced...reducing the bit farming times a little).

    With the new daily missions and Duos plus Alert in DLC8 you'll be supplementing your current Mark of Reality intake...making it just a tad bit faster to get a few more pieces of 85 Gear to get to CR95 without replaying with badges (besides, you're supposed to get the full 85 gear before going for the next tier up).
  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    ^^^This right here^^^
  9. Conduit New Player

    Exactly! I'm working on my 2nd AND 3rd toon to get into full T5. No replay badges.
    [Not trying to brag, just adding to the point through example]
    Point being: Quit QQin' and run the content.
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  10. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    Maybe in the future. As for right now, they ruined it. Out of 8 pieces of purchasable gear most of us have 4 pieces of 86 already from Raid drops. That means that for the purposes of stats...... This DLC is worth exactly 4 pieces of gear IF you don't have those in 87 already. That's it. Oh and another style feat that probably won't even be iconic. So yeah... great reason to keep running stuff for marks.
  11. Cloud_9 New Player

    I think the point has thoroughly been made by now. The gear being purchased is better than Manta/Monarch. This CR lock is to keep people from skipping a tier. I'm also sure that the gear that drops, when fully modded, will kick you up to CR95.
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  12. Disatria New Player

    I don't get it this dlc has been out for almost 2 months I've gotten both troller and dps sets of t5. On one to one and working on healer for another. Your asking for a lower cr requiremen for the next dlc gear when cr 90 can't even survive in this dlc's raid wth. Stop being lazy and collect the gear from origin crisis f*** how it looks if u want to progress get ur behind thru the content. That's like asking for a lower cr requirement for t4 when u don't even have t3 gear."I wanna skip t3 gear cuz it ugly so cr req for cr70 gar shoul be 55" get real
  13. Baron Fell New Player

    Ok now, there is a limit when complaints and suggestions just become pointless whining. As a community we asked for buyable 86 gear because the drop rates for the items just stunk. The devs in their kindness took pity on us and gave us what we asked for. Now that they have, you want to complain that they arent just going to give it to you. You've got to have something to work for or the game would be pointless. Most of us players dont mind that the cr requirement is 95 because they realize this. I would suggest that you just be happy that they took our requests into consideration and not look a gift-horse in the mouth.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Ahh....no....my main DPS has 3 Pieces of level 85 Gear (2 Atlantean Monarch and 1 piece of Time Traveler)...the rest is T5 modded (not expert) 82 & 83 Green gear, and one Promethium Lockbox (now vault drop) ring...cause I haven't seen a DPS ring drop since the latest update. Without being full T5 I am at 96 CR. So yeah....you don't need to be full T5 to get to CR95...you will have to do some modding though. Between a little farming and recovery kits, that shouldn't be too difficult ((especially if you're not running too many alts).
  15. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    I was trying to easily explain it circe. But yes its even less work then I said to be able to get this stuff.
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  16. TroEL Dedicated Player

    If the OP farmed exobits as much as she cried about not being able to mod she'd have enough mats to mod every new release of gear through the next 6 DLCs...and then some. Truth of the matter is, once you have enough to mod your current gear you hardly need more bc of the recovery plans.

    Stop crying. Start farming.
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  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    At CR53 you can purchase 103 weapons...you need to be at CR68 to purchase 113/MKII Sparc weapons. ;)
  18. Trees New Player

    I don't understand anyone's issue with modding, I've modded myself 20 times over, all my alts dps and support role. I've modded full sets of gear for friends/ leaguemates for free. Ive probably made 200-300 mods since they came out. I never have an issue finding bits or materials etc.. Just mod your gear the stat boosts are really nice and you won't have to worry about cr so much.

    Plans are outrageously cheap now too so I don't really understand all the fuss over something that adds more play time to a game you....... ummm is enjoy the right word for you? lol relax a bit Circe you get so upset over everything in this game.
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  19. Ala Rebelde New Player

    Most people in this game are very lazy, they want everything easy and on a silver platter.
    Stop QQ.
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  20. AIpha New Player

    Here is the only issue I see here. People who purchase dlc instead of being legendary they can not mod higher than beta mods in their gear due to cash cap. Full T5 with beta mods is not a 95 CR therefore the people who bought DLC 8 can do the content but they are not allowed to buy the gear. I understand the requirement for the new gear but you have to look at it from the other players eyes as well. Legendary makes up a large portion of this game, but there are still those with a cash cap that can buy the DLC. Now I would have no issue if had the devs not stated in the past that everything in DLC is accessible to all tiers of memebers. The devs screwed themselves with that statement and now its coming back to bite them in the form of Circe.
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