We're exactly five days away from the big stream so I am publishing new announcements. Thanks everyone for the amazing support so far! The test stream on the last Friday was a success too. Caroline - special thank you for the raid, it was so sweet of you <3 Follow My Twitch channel to be notified: https://www.twitch.tv/metanitetv More details on the stream itself. Join the fun!
Just curious here. Why do you change your avatar pictures so much? I've been wondering that for awhile now.
Nuuuu Oh yeah, I change it cause I'm bored while waiting for the Grail Avatar Megzilla made that Mepps said he'll upload after they finish working on the forums, then I'll never change again. Lol you're not the first to ask dw lol
God it's been 3 years since Megzilla made them (though Mepps' comment is very recent) thank you though lol
3 Days!!! I ordered new emotes & sub badges ( Should be uploading them today, hopefully they are approved by Friday ) but I am soooo excited to hang out with y'all!!!