5-1-1-1 Groups the New Optimal Way to play

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    The thing is, some of the stuff we want has already appeared in game. Jor El, for instance, does that whole room ground pound and pop corn attack. There is a side boss in Artifacts that you can debuff a shield off of. In Inner, you used to have to kite the Zetta drone to one side of the room while the controller stunned the healing bots on the other. Just give us this stuff for the duration of an instance, rather then 1 boss fight (or partial boss fight) every other DLC.

    For instance, I would have loved to seen, in the Zatanna fight of L&W, the adds that carry the crystals to the teleporters be able to be stunned Manhunter style and spawn more frequently rather then counterable only and when Zatanna does her immediate AoE attack, that be turned into a room filling DOT for a few seconds.
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  2. Ultimate BioHazard Well-Known Player

    Thats right, i forgot that one.

    But i meant REAL meleeing, not repeating range combos from midrange like Gadgets, Quantum, Munitions, Mental, ect...
  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    'Splosions is a Melee only move...you can pop it from mid-range, but it won't hit ANYTHING unless you're in Melee range of an enemy.
  4. Opamp Committed Player

    I agree with your statements. Unless there are 2 bosses - it doesn't make sense to have 2 tanks. However -> I think this is due to the shield supercharges being so strong. If a tank dies - you can pop a supercharge and pick him up while the group doesn't die. I feel that if the tank dies - the boss should be able to kill the team. So 2 tanks would solve that. It's just my opinion.
  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I guess one major problem is that there just isnt enough tanks in the game period.
  6. Cirocband New Player

    Something's I've noticed is the control role has three debuffs, yet only one is actually needed and used. Maybe if you make bosses that require two or all three will force groups to run two trolls for power and debuffs.

    When it comes to healers, maybe having mechanics that debuff the healer for a fight.

    I like the lunging idea that you guys implemented with the Forge Master in HOH, for alittle while that fight required two tanks for a little bit.

    Personally I wouldn't be upset if you made the game one role only. That would actually help people all around form equal groups. And will also make people create acts for other roles, which could potentially increase profits for you guys in the long run.

    In a nutshell, there has to be some resolution for ousting healers and controllers in the community.
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    And tanks too. If devs want to maximize profits, just get rid of support roles entirely. Now I know many people are saying lol what to that statement, but lets be real here. All the content in this game requires minimum or less than minimum support. Its already bad enough they have to keep making role gear. You see they eliminated that in pvp, why not in pve?

    Eliminate role specific gear, and give all roles a power back mechanic. Simple as that.
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  8. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    And in their games, a tank is a tank. They also have excellent messaging about what characters have on them as far as game effects go. Our console based UI does not indicate a boss has a special buff on them, nor can you determine what that buff does or how to counter it. Therefore we often make these things opportunistic so that it does not become an enigmatic wall of failure for the majority of players. The new UI was a chance to address that, and we were very excited about where it was going to lead as far as that kind of messaging goes. But it is currently on hold, and so are those hard mechanics for the reason stated above.

    Additionally, I have no idea what their systems are like, but every game has different constraints. One of ours has to do with the way AI is set up and how it access rules that govern their behavior. It does not always play well with CC effects. Therefor boss fights can easily become trivialized. And the "Well change it" response is not as simple as it seems, so we deal with the cards we have been dealt as far as content creation goes.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand what you are saying. I was also clear that this is a two way street. I am not simply "blaming the community" but it is naive to say that their are not two sides to this coin. People have play preferences, and when we have altered them too much, we have all seen the reaction.
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  9. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    I don't want this to become over stated. It is goign to help, but it isn't the silver bullet people are taking it as. We also made sure that less things off the boss were cone attacks, they are direct to target, so melee folks, get in there and mix it up again. Don't be afraid, have fun!

    But don't be reckless either. lol
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  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    FOS2 second boss has mechanics that implemented everything. Large AOE damage that implemented 2 healers. Controllers stunning adds to prevent them from reaching crystals. And the bridge, OMG epic. 2 tanks to pull adds away and carry the crystal. Jor El groundpound you definately needed 2 heals for that.

    It seems we have strayed far from the path of "The basics".
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  11. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    We never ran a second tank on the Bridge, just controller pulls and pushbacks to keep adds away.
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  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    We did when our controllers dominance wasnt high enough. This was like the first week it launched. Also allowed us to get the speed feat for doing the split.
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  13. TheDark Devoted Player

    Before the new UI was put on hold, were you guys thinking of putting up warning icons of when a boss would do something specific as a cone, direct, or 360 degree aoe attack? Like a line for direct, triangle for cone, and circle for 360 aoe next to the skull icon 2 seconds for an attack?
  14. TheDark Devoted Player

    I once did all the pulling by myself in that part when our tank fell asleep XD

    edit. During the days Fos2 was still new.
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  15. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Nope, it will just make people complain that the single troll isn't good enough if they can't handle it. One troll can handle giving out POT on Cerberus, stun the handlers, and keep both defense and healing debuffs on the dog. Three debuffs would be easy enough too.
  16. just an honest dps New Player

    but without proper data to prove your point you will never know the truth
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    None of that is necessary when you have excessive burn.
  18. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Late to the party (Was on holiday), but I too agree that the whole 5-1-1-1 is getting ridiculous. I try to heal the throne raid for example, and the guy replies, we have a heal...
    Again a raid for halls of Hades came up, so I pm'd the guy saying healer here. He replies again, got solo healer already. This happens all the time now. I have had to be forced to get dps gear, when I've been happily healing for nearly 3 years. I don't mind dpsing, but I don't like to do it. Like 75% of the population is dps. On top of that, it's more time consuming to get appropriate dps gear.

    My proposal is:

    • Add mechanics that require support roles to kill npc's, like how tanks need to kill the essence in Throne. But implement this to healers and controllers also.
    • Make npc's punishing. Make them debuff healers, and tanks resto, continuously. Make certain npc's lose aggro for a short time like the 2nd boss in Halls of Hades.
    • Raid mechanics, that jail, freeze and banish support roles, like the Paradox Tyrant and Hades boss fights. And no clown boxes! ;).
    • Huge AoE pools, that make healers heal for their lives! Examples include Jor-El in FOS2, Prime Battle ground, The Batcave with the Brainiac boss (Forgot the raid name)
    • Make support roles useless, as in make players not be able to use their abilities. This includes Hades turning people into statues.
    • Support role bonuses. Maybe some exclusive rewards, etc.
    Just some ideas at the top of my head.
    I have tried making groups with the 2-2-2-2, 2-2-3-1 setup, and have been abused, called a noob, and people just end up leaving. DCUO should be balanced among the roles.
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  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This X 1000000
  20. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    Well content and the community slowly killed them all off. T4 days and beginning of OC there were plenty to go around. Back then it was the healers that were scarce. Good roles are always scarce but back then you at least had people who could somewhat do the role or wanted to learn how to.