5-1-1-1 = bad dps.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lukelucky, May 14, 2015.

  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    your view is for sure a view. controlling even solo trolling works and yes we can do ccing BUT IF YOUR NOT A POWER BACK DPS GO F YOURSELF = bad 2 me. add non power back dps and its battery time. non nature healer and your close to a battery again. so you can solo troll effectively but um your telling way 2 many roles to piss off. might be ok 2 you but NOT THIS GUY

    "adding damage to the mix" we see very differet results. being fair i have seen 5 tightly grouped dps with large gaps between dps and support roles as significant. the problem is this IS NOT THE NORM. in my experience and in this very post (a video backs this up) shows how ugly most runs are. bigdru as mental placed 6th. granted they ran 6 dps but with mental he ended up last. 1 million dps out while the leader hit 10 million. the support role healer had 750k. lost to a dps by a few hundred thousand.

    bad trollers. the teachers are gone because you tools run them away. trolling can be an extreme amount of fun but nope over work yourself to carry a dps. also WHERE DID THE ORIGINAL TOP TIER GUYS LEARN BECAUSE LITERALLY THE HAD NO TEACHERS? yup experience and that is exactly what i am preaching. i wont argue some 5-1-1-1 groups are doable with how sad they have the difficulty but generally this should not go.

    everyone hates scrubby players so lets stop building them
  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    if I play on my troll (CR117) and Im invited to something and there's not another troll I leave. leave ppl's ***es high and dry. I can solo but I refuse to. there's is no sense in forcing someone of any role to solo just to stack 1 role.
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  3. Mousebreaker85 New Player

    Lol be honest people dont know the roles especially support roles
    Everyone wants to be dps and most cant clip for crap ,rotation suck, just am cycling ,jump canceling at the wrong time,
    And swear they the bomb...
    I have dps'd with many people and proud of my numbers
    But when running with people like dazed, prime,smashndash,kaiser,splits
    JT,and reign that can put up 20 mill plus you realize a 15-17 mill is just inferior to great damagers.
    Time to bow your head and farm some support gear instead.
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    this is the CR + scores of everyone from that video down to dru based on the scoreboard, remember dru was a troll so comparing his dmg out to the other 5 ppl listed is well here it is lol:

    baby - 118
    rusa - 116
    wong - 122
    echo - 125
    hyper - 125
    dru - 120

    hyper - 10,596,862
    wong - 9,805,553
    echo - 4,820,030
    nusa - 4,249,278
    baby - 3,870,523
    dru - 1,071542
  5. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Of course, mine is just a subjective opinion.

    That situation used to be common with ANY power, before the introduction of the AM. I don't consider that a bad thing. After all, although a controller can do much more than just being a blue battery, giving power is and will always be the main (the main, not the only) duty of a controller.

    As a healer I learned how to keep the team alive without burning through all my blue bar. The problem here is not the healing power but the player. I healed with both Electric and Celestial (my celestial character used to be Electric) and i never run short of power, even when I play without a controller. In moment of crisis I swallow a soda and I am as good as new (and it seldom happens). Too many players, terrorized by the possibility of losing a companion under their duty, just spam their healing power regardless of necessity. Others don't bother to keep an eye on the red bars and, to play it safe, they just spam so that they don't have to use their brain.

    Honestly, if a DpS doesn't do at least 3 times the damage of my support character, I kick him without thinking about it too much. While having too many DpS in this game is indeed a problem, that made each one of them easily replaceable. If you under-perform, you are out of my team. At this point, I have no more mercy for damage players.

    calling me a "tool" is not very nice. However I am not overworking myself to carry a DpS. I do my job and I do it well. If the DpS is a burden rather than an asset, as I already wrote, he will be kicked.

    I don't know about the others, but I had teachers. Some in my former league, others were random people that shared some of their knowledge with me, and then again, the forum will always be a precious learning resource that not enough people are willing to use.

    Derio made me consider something... he said that many people don't play support roles because they don't want to learn strategies and do the hard work; they just want to smash buttons through the content and be done with it, without thinking too much. I think that's partially true, sadly, and it doesn't surprise me that the community, being what it is, keep creating scrubby players. People don't want to learn and also the newbie support roles have the same attitude.
    It's a "generational" thing. Players that started playing about one year ago or earlier had a totally different attitude and approach to the game.

    Look to the kind of threads this forum has now: complaints about DpS balance, discussion about damage and AM, QQ threads about rewards... where are all of the strategic issues that we used to discuss before? Those used to be the great majority of the arguments treated in this forum. Threads to help new controllers to do their job, healing and tanking strategies, most power-efficient loadouts for support characters... Did you see many threads like these lately? Regarding the existing ones, look who's opening and discussing them: you will notice that mostly are long-time players. That's a clear signal of what the community has become.

    The pew-pew horde took over. Good luck finding a good support character once the old players will move on.
  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    i gotta make this clear. never ever did i intended to imply you as a tool. simply some people dont have the grasp you have and are in fact tools. that is fair. the kicking the low dps is better but bud it does not happen often at all. just goes by helping no one.

    you learned from a leaguemate but the 1st guys learned from experience. blue bar healer is a claim you made. fair but i dont think we had recharge originally. could be wrong but pretty sure. so the ccing is every bit a part of our jobs but we are robbed by this setup.

    your last statement is my entire issue. plenty of us been here long enough to understand what perversing the system does to the game. we both know the bad players are again slidding by and we both know how this ends. hard content destroying the masses and the nerf hammer of doom appearing again. my least favorite dcuo memory was my 1st nexus run post nerf

    hey bud i am rushing so i probably missed something. most importantly beside the 1st sentence is id like to say thank you. having a decent adult conversation while disagreeing is both pleasnt and a change of pace
  7. No Crying Committed Player

    If more people just did support roles instead of everyone wanting to Dps everything in this game it would be better but people just love to Dps..I personally love support role if you think about it a Dps is nothing without a heal in a raid or a troll in a alert they are begging for tanks in raids but they wait and pay us because without us a Dps is nothing but DEAD WEIGHT
  8. SkullGang Devoted Player

    At times I need that extra burn there because players refuse to stop what they are doing and do objectives/pick people up. I remember being kicked from a pug because my dps was low but they all forgot to remember I was the one running around picking up those who were severely lacking in awareness.
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  9. No Crying Committed Player

    Like in lab when all the Dps just keep burning and let the support roles die trying to do the objective lol
  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    My point exactly. I'm always the one who does the objectives. One time I actually stood there and watched as no one picked up any barrels to get water. I was not shocked.
  11. Radiohead Restored Active Player

    whaaaaaaa other people don't play the way I want them to... :cool:
  12. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    I am glad I misunderstood you. thanks for explaining :).

    I don't know how it was. I started playing a few months after DCUO became F2P.

    While I do stand by my opinion that the main duty of a controller is to keep the blue bar filled, I would love to see that provided in the same way a healer refills the red bar.
    Controllers have only 3 ways to recharge power: PoT, dump and supercharge team shield. Only one PoT is allowed to act at the same time.

    I don't see why keeping the blue bar filled must be made harder. If it's true that a dead character is of no use, it's also true that a character with a depleted blue bar is not much more useful. Why refilling the blue bar is considered a minor priority by the devs?
    Healers have the tools to accumulate different kind of healing powers so that it's hard for a character to die unless he's one-shotted. Yet, i don't see healers being truly limited by the game in doing their job. Hot powers can coexist (provided they come from different power sets).

    A healer can potentially refill an almost depleted red bar in one second, a controller has to dump power forever to keep up the pace. Why?

    I am frustrated by the difficulty of certain raids, but I am happy they exist, because I need to know that the they I cant a challenge, they are there waiting for me. Alas, you are completely right about that.

    Thanks to you as well :)
  13. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Man, you can talk because the way you play is good and you know how to play, but trust me, if the way someone plays goes against the best interests of the team, that person needs to learn. The problem is not about people that don't play in a standardized way, it's about people that have no idea of what they are doing and don't care about improving themselves.