3 Month discount sub gone from PSN Australia, legendary with escrow?

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by ReAni Mator, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. ReAni Mator New Player

    I'm in Australia and I was paying 36.95 for a 3 month sub, but this option is no longer available to me offering me a much higher price of 52.95. I know the discounted legendary is still available to my European league members so I'm wondering why I'm getting shafted. Also, I payed for a month of legendary to cover me whilst I go through the process of getting run around by customer support, yet I still have dlc locks and an escrow..

    30 mins after paying my legendary works properly at least.
  2. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    SOE's gone totally crazy.
    That really seems to be going on across-the-board.
    I can't tell what they think they are doing any more and I'm not sure if they do.

    I'm sorry to hear that they are jacking Australians so badly.
    I would have thought they would have been preparing for All Access over there like in the US.

    Did Australian currency get devalued recently? I've been a bit out of the loop in keeping track of the currency markets.