24 hours is at 11:30PM Pacific correct?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quantum Rising, Apr 20, 2021.

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  1. Doctor Anomaly Level 30

    I still cannot log in. The launcher is telling me "dcuo is down for maintenance" still.
    • Like x 2
  2. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Me too.

    Edit: I've restarted as well.
  3. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

    I’ve been playing for at least 15 minutes.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

  5. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

    That’s too bad.
  6. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    It's up for Switch US.
  7. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    Should I feel terrible that my initial reaction to the world being up was... "Damn!"?
  8. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

  9. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    It seems so far the game is up for PSN, but not PC atm. Looks like PC will get the extra rewards. Lol
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  10. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player


    At least I can log into the Forums now. Someone really needs to take a look at the capcha, it seems it can't tell the difference between a parking meter & a mail box.
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  11. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    DCUO is back up, I just played the stabilizer fragment mission.
  12. SilkyPawz Bunny

    PC is still down I just tried to login here is the message I get

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  13. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    So since pc is still down and we passed the 24 HOUR MARKS FOR PC .. Do we get that extra reward ?? :DDD
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  14. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Yup. PC is still down.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Extra rewards for PC players, excellent
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  16. bennedict69 New Player

    I still can't log in. Been almost an hour that the server has shown to be up and started with low population, now has medium and I still can't log in. Launcher just says they are under maintenance.
  17. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    well if the forum message is to be believed the downtime started at 11:10 pm
  18. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    Rubs hands and starts laughing !
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  19. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Still a no go for me at midnight PDT.
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  20. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

    They’ll give everyone the same rewards, regardless of server.
    • Like x 1
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