I don't understand why we can't have Dex-Starr. There's already a Krypto. I would pay real money for Dex-Starr.
See now that would not work for me.. I LOVES me some pumpkin Pie. My team mates would be dying left and right and I'd be in the corner eating slice after slice with cool whip on top. LOL I like this idea.. Now I assume that anyone with any power set and any role can use this Magical healing pumpkin pie so I can get it for my trolls, tanks and DPS as well?
Do you have any ideas how that would work? How are you going to use brawling or any action animation on a broomstick? Skimming worked because its fluid whereas a broomstick movement is hard to imagine.
Yep it will be just a nice halloween trinket treat that you can spam to recover 1/2 of 1% of your health. Not to mention I would like to more food as consumables since we have colas.
I still hate that I got the Demon tail, and didn't know how rare it was or that I could trade between accounts, and put it on one of my first characters who doesn't even need it.
At least you should eventually be able to unlock it on other characters with Style Unlocking. I wish I could tell you whether or not that's possible now, but since the Lockboxes STILL won't give one to any of my characters, someone else will have to tell us whether or not it's been added to Style Unlocking yet.
I'm pretty sure it's not, I haven't seen it on any of my alts. Of course, if it was, people would be complaining about how their having the Demon tail isn't special anymore, so... *shrugs*
It would only help if you were able to transfer one to my character that needs it! But since it's Account Bound, that's not an option, otherwise I'd have already bought one on the Auction Broker for that character.