2014 PC Legendary Membership Benefits Update - UPDATED

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by RadarX, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. iLLusion New Player

    At first I was like Legendary Membership Benefits Update? Bring it on! More bang for my buck! Oh, how wrong I was. While not necessarily a bad thing, I still fail to see how we "benefit" from this change. What a great way to start the new year.
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  2. Will Power Loyal Player

    Looks like Booster Gold has finally invaded the PC Legendary Players community via the Skeet's legendary emporium. You go Booster Gold!

  3. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    So I know ps players can buy psn cards to purchase things without a credit card and since sc is gonna die off too, will the sc cards be useless? Or will there be a new card style that I can purchase without being forced to use my credit card online?
  4. The Johnny army New Player

    SC is still going to be here, there's going to be two currencies, we are going to be rewarded Loyalty Points to use in a vendor similar to PS players, but Marketplace will still sell items for SC. It's not changing a name, it's introducing a new currency which holds an unknown value so far. Or rather, it's worth 5$ according to SOE, we just don't know what we will be able to buy with those 5$. And we won't be able to add to them, meaning we will still have to buy SC.
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  5. Circe New Player

    Now that this is implemented, how about an update to The Vault? Let The Vault drop Loyalty Points and Replay Badges for Legendary members. This would make The Vault much more interesting, and make people much more likely to run it. I know I'd run The Vault everyday if this happened.
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  6. Kato99 New Player

    From what i can tell, this is not a benefit at all rather a detriment but i am not at all surprised i mean for being loyal and paying for membership we get a Tom-bot a 25th century communicator ( i would have preferred the free 1 month tbh) i wonder what exactly will be available on the LP vendors ? Legendary once meant you could have aura's (something that showed you spent real cash and supported development , now every one has it ...) it used to mean something now it seems to be we are just cash cows to be milked with no actual "benefits"
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  7. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player


    So I pay my money, but I'm busy and forget to log in this month and I've lost my benefit.

    So I pay my money and SOE says here's a nice sale... but you can't spend your loyalty points on anything in it.

    So I pay my money and there's something that costs 1000 SC and I either need to wait a month or hand over enough money for 1000SC rather than just adding 500SC to my account.

    So I pay my money and think hey maybe I'll use some of it to try out one of Sony's other games... and that's not possible.

    So... basically I'm getting a downgrade just because PSN players always had it worse?

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  8. Aislin New Player

    Here's a better idea for all of your loyal customers, especially the one's like me, who have been with the game since the beginning. How about offering us the option to purchase the lifetime membership. I mean SC is nice and all, but in these economic times you may just lose a good number of "loyal" customers when gaming is just an expense that they can no longer justify.You do not have to do it for everyone, just send out an email to the truly loyal customers with the offer. Come on SOE, offer a real loyalty gift to we the loyal!

    And, on the SC issue, is the loyalty $5 going to be equal to or more than the 500 SC? Because 5 is far less than 500 but maybe USD is greater than SC. Please clarify.
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  9. Eschelar New Player

    Good points there Aislin.

    I had exactly this scenario. I got really busy last year around this time due to wind-up for a trade show at which I had a *lot* of work to do. I didn't notice until later that my credit card had been getting charged as a recurring thing and when I went to cancel it, I discovered that I had already paid a non-refundable 3 months. I had hoped to come back later on, so I figured I'd just leave the account going for another 2.5 months and cancel at the end and collect the SC for when I had time to come back.

    Of course, I forgot and ended up getting another 3 months charged on my account. And I decided to do the same thing. If I hadn't just received some nice fat paychecks for a handful of 90-110+ hour work weeks (yeah, I got abt 3 or 4 hours of sleep on a mat under my desk in the office), I'd have been a bit more concerned about that.

    So I paid for almost a full 6 months of legendary membership with 0 logins for 5 whole months.

    I figured it wasn't a big deal since at least I got some SC, although to be honest, a couple thousand SC for $80USD is kind of a crappy deal...

    Now there's a free month of membership and I have been back for a couple weeks, I've had a chance to spend some SC. So far, I've purchased a 400SC skin. Not much else in the marketplace interests me to be honest.

    But if I hadn't received the SC for those 5 months, just because I didn't have time to log in, I'd be ******PIS$ED*******. It's already pretty lame that I had to keep my membership active right to the end in order to receive SC for TIME I HAD ALREADY PAID FOR AND WOULD NOT BE REIMBURSED FOR.

    I should probably add that I am also a paying customer of Sony for Vegas Pro 11, 12 and a few other pieces of software that I like to keep up to date. You can imagine what would happen to that if I was in the position of paying $80 and not receiving a reimbursement NOR SC for that time?

    Wow. You'd have one angry, angry Sony "fan" on your hands.
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  10. Ice Lantern New Player

    Basically, they want you to only spend your benefit on this game rather than have the option to spend it on their other games. There's probably a few Lifetime members who never play anymore and have been earning their Station Cash and perhaps spending it their other games.

    It also prepares for when the game is eventually closed down (I am not saying this game is ending soon or that it is the primary reason they are doing this). Players will just lose the loyalty points forever rather than be able to save some money on other games.
  11. Dr Petros Well-Known Player

    Now here's another question, since as mentioned in the first post the LP will be replacing SC will LP be usable in other games like SC was or is it exclusive to DC Universe?

    - Petros
  12. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    So wait, now for being a loyal paying legendary player, I get punished? If I got that right, the marketplace sales do not apply for the loyal cash, so I'd have to buy SC now to get a discount every premium user is getting? :/
    Also, does this apply to EU-players? There seems to be no announcement in the forums.
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  13. Conductiv New Player

    From what I've read we just got bilked out of our SC monthly. I mean , yeah I already get SC cards on a pretty regular basis..but this doesn't seem all that great to me.
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  14. akaivy Dedicated Player

    ok. I am going to try to help, because I see all different kinds of answers and some of them are partially correct.

    I am on us ps3/4. Up until recently, our purchasing system worked this way: We got 500 loyalty points each month to spend in skeets Anything from the in game psn store had to be purchased with real cash. We also got replay badges, but I can't remember how many. 300 I think.

    Now, we still get 500 loyalty points each month to spend in skeets. However, if we want to purchase anything using the psn store link ingame then we have to purchase marketplace cash through psn, then we can buy things with our marketplace cash using the psn store link ingame. We still get replay badges.

    We were not thrilled when we moved over to the marketplace cash system either. Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I was not thrilled.

    I guess it's easier for them to manage one overall system than two different ones. Not seeing where either way is a benefit to players, but there's really no overall change, except getting used to a different currency system.

    Although, it does appear that some things cost more now that we've been switched. It's hard to tell unless you look really close because there is no longer real money directly involved in item purchases.

    As for the Station Cash question about it being usuable in other games, well, I can't answer that because I don't think ps3/4 has any other games that use station cash. If they do, I don't play them.
  15. spedog Active Player

    I don't understand how a demotion is a promotion. How is getting less but spending the same amount month after month helping to insure a "vibrant player base" when it would be less frustrating to quit and just spend money on DLC for another game that has not rewarded me by taking away options or awards? You nerf content, you make us spend more to get anywhere in the game, you make drop rates on some content so rare that statistically it is IMPOSSIBLE to get unless you pay and re-run it 4-5 times a day, and if that has not run you off yet, you downgrade benefits to those who actually PAY to do this. Who is in charge of your business plan, because he must have gotten his degree by sending in cereal box tops.
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  16. Aislin New Player

    Honestly, I don't care about the SC. I mean it has been nice since I was able to buy some extra character slots. I would just like the opportunity to purchase a lifetime. My husband (who plays constantly & loyally to DC) purchased it back in the beginning when DC started. We joined just after the launch. We were dating then and I did not have the funds to buy it. What really stinks is that if our funds run out, he can continue to play and I won't. I know, personal issue. But, I just think if they are going to pretend to give something special for loyalty maybe they should give a gift to the gamers have been with DC since the beginning and loyal every month since. That's all.

    And, I hope that I never have to see the day this game closes.
  17. akaivy Dedicated Player

    I think, perhaps, the title should have been worded differently, such as "change in monetary system for PC". This title does make you want to look more benefits to being legendary, which only lead to disappointment upon reading the post.
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  18. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Yep, that's pretty much it. PS users are used to that part of the system as it has always been that way for us.
  19. Mediocre Username New Player

    You can really tell the PS players from the PC ones in this thread...

    Glad the two systems finally have parity, and despite what someone said earlier sales do take place in the loyalty vendor (which has all the content of the marketplace minus the DLC).
  20. akaivy Dedicated Player

    If that was me that said that and if I am incorrect, I apologize. When I go to the skeets vendor I only see loyalty point purchasable items, as I recall. Not at home though, so I will be sure to check it when I log in. That would be so much easier, since I hate going to the marketplace. Takes forever to load for me and I keep going there accidently. Sure do miss the "are you sure" option on that link....