2 requests.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kaladin, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. Kaladin Well-Known Player

    First of all can we please I love DCUO so get the cosmic material in the marketplace with an account lock on it? I opened so many bundles and never once got anything I wanted out of them, just girly sparkle auras. The Rng seems to just hate me because I cant even luck into the last collection piece for any of the TC auras either, and anyone that puts them in the broker is beyond greedy.

    Second can we get more classic emblems, not just superman, batman, and wonder woman? I am thrilled that the lantern corps ones showed up in the TC's, but can you put Flash, Aquaman, and others in as well? And please make them edit capable color wise so that if I want to make Zoom I can make the bolt red.
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  2. VV Dedicated Player

    1. No. Exclusive stuff.
    2. Yes. Would be nice.
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    1. No, probably not.
    2. Yes, probably.
    • Like x 12
  4. Delta796th Loyal Player

    1) NO (and yes RNG blows) but they are exclusives
    2) Hellz yeah!
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  5. Delta796th Loyal Player

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  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    dont forget Martian Manhunter emblem plz :)
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  7. Swiftduck Loyal Player


    and while you're at it. make some new materials...ya'll are sitting on a money maker and not cashing in on it
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  8. Pults Loyal Player

    No, why?
    It's terrible.
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  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I disagree. I think it's pretty sweet. Esp if you consider that water is coming SOON (TM).
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  10. Xibo Loyal Player

    In that case, if you give also Superman and Batman emblems would be nice too. We still don't have neither in marketplace and neither on time capsules.
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  11. stärnbock Devoted Player

    please: STOP. MAKING. EXCLUSIVE. STYLE. ITEMS. sorry for screaming it out.
    can old booster bundles get placed into market plaese, so what was missed once,
    could have at least a chance to get collected later?
    PLEASE: add a note that BB style items are NOT exclussive in the future of BB... thx
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  12. Caroline Dedicated Player

    D'aww, girly auras though. <3
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  13. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    To be fair, I don't think cosmic was specifically marketed as "exclusive." People are relying on tradition for cosmic. I noticed that the Booster Bundle promos for cosmic didn't say exclusive, or if it did, I completely missed it. There was something in there about buying now or face possible limitless sadness or something cheeky like that.

    My guess is that they intend to not re-release it but left themselves an out in case they change their minds.
  14. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Mepps have already stated in a previous thread that they are more than likely done with Exclusive Items.
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  15. Nodens Dedicated Player

    I think I may have actually figured a solution that will make a lot of people happy without going back on that texture's exclusivity! My suggestion is in my new thread, "an answer to the cosmic problem....".


    I really think this could work!
  16. DeadSteel Active Player

    I want a circled bat emblem, as well as just a full batfamily pack, and lantern emblems with the backs being colorable like the white or black being changed to other colors,
  17. lukelucky Devoted Player

    There is alot of stuff that would sell like hot cakes IF on the market place yet you guys with hold it.
    Cosmic material
    The over 80 auras booster has locked up
    SM rewards
    Seasonal base items ( the pub style has great items for a base like a penthouse. Winter is a classic hook up for any ice toons. Don't tell anyone but there are alot of ice toons)

    I don't know mepps why we can't have these items. Personally I spent over a hundred bucks the last two weeks on other games.......... The first time since 2012 I spent money on a game not dcuo by the way. Why? U got nothing to offer a long standing player such as myself. Armories I got tons. Base deeds are maxed on numerous toons. Legends are bought. Every style and skin I like and a few I don't are owned.

    As a long standing customer who spends NOT being able to buy so many items BUT have an extra fee for say elite contest frustrating.

    Just from me you are losing easily $300 and limiting my I retest into the game as i %1,000 refuse to replay Elite content out of principal. Its a sham. You take the best rewards and funnest content away and alot of like minded players simply move on to the next game or are unsatisfied customers.

    So PRETTY PLEASE focus on our market place so u don't need to lock content in attempts to force replay sales. So u don't have to change lock boxes into to e capsules so u can add another fee to sub carriers. So u don't need gimmicks like booster bundles.

    Hopefully that was respectfull and not negative because I simply would like u to understand how plenty of consumers who spend away on dcuo feel
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  18. Kaladin Well-Known Player

    I agree with Lukelucky. Anything currently in the MP I would want I already have, and Im not buying more legends that way as I would rather earn them all on one toon and buy the feats across my toons. So what else is a loyal legendary player to buy if awesome things like that are not added to the MP? I dont mind putting the cash in for things I can get 100% guaranteed, and its not just a slim chance in hell that they drop. Im investing in the game every month like tons of other players, where's the love?
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