1H Range Hold Still Out Of Line

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Giggles, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Giggles Loyal Player

    I can tell you right now brawling is also single target, and it hits nowhere near as hard. Brawling is fine as is, 1 hander is so out of line it isn't funny. Come on man, stop making yourself look bad. Accept the fact it is broken and it will be adjusted accordingly. If it does not get done prior to season 2, I assure you it will be fixed shortly after when EVERYONE comes on here to complain about it. Either way, 1 handers time time is numbered, enjoy this little bug while you still can.
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  2. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player


    Real constructive there Bad Luck!

    Kids these days!

  3. Clutch Committed Player

    Brawling has a shorter charge and you can even clip the animation and still crit for up to 2k.
  4. Giggles Loyal Player

    Let's also not forget that almost every attack 1h has is not single target and therefore does more damage than brawling period. Come guys, why even argue that 1h is not broken when there is proof all of these forums demonstrating how broken it really is. The sooner you acknowledge it and get better without utilizing this broken mechanic, the better off you will be once it is fixed and brought back in line.

    Also in the future, to prevent any misconceptions about what is or is not broken, use common sense. Ask yourself "Hmmm is it normal for an attack that takes not even a second to crit for over 5k?" if the answer is yes, your reply in the future should be "Oh man, this is probably broken, let me go report this bug in the Arkham thread". DO NOT say to yourself "Oh wow! this is awesome! Now I will be the pwnerz!", because you are only setting yourself up for heart break because it is only a matter of time before it gets fixed. You are welcome, in advance. :D
  5. Giggles Loyal Player

    How am I not accurate? Please elaborate. Facts about this little broken mechanic are all over these forums. Jeebie posted a nice video demonstrating it as well. How are we not accurate, again exactly? You made a statement yet there was nothing to support that statement in your comment. :D

    I am a lifetime member to this game. I assure you, I belong here. ;)
  6. Clutch Committed Player

    Why do people crying for nerfs only use those rare high crits to support their argument? DW can crit for over 8k lets nerf it but no one cries because it isn't FOTM anymore.
    As our gear and weapons keep getting stronger, crits will get higher. Should they nerf every time a new tier is released?
  7. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Its funny you call it a exploit see what made dw a exploit was the fact you can get full charge off of 10% that isn't taking place with 1h you get full damage of full charge. And last I checked the dw and staff still crit .arder then 1h so what are you even speaking about here. Is it the fact the animation time is shorter. Fyi 1h is only useful in single target situations so like most ppl do I switch weapons try using 1h an entire nex run vs ppl using rifle or hb then what is the rifle or hb op. lets be realistic here hand blaster solar flare crits as hard as focus blast staff and dw crit harder rifle and ma are faster bow explosive arrow crits hard. The only weapons the really need adjusting are brawling and 2h. I really suggest using these weapons with no buff no modifiers for its pure damage then making a judgement rather then watching youtube videos of someone using prec and crit buff and keeping a 50% modifier up and saying its op.
  8. Giggles Loyal Player

    Where did I say anywhere I had trouble with it? Show me. It seems like you either aren't reading before you post, or you are making assumptions you can't back up.

    The main reason I said season 2 would bring everyone here is once the amount of people abusing the broken mechanic are in almost every arena match, and 9/10 players are 1H in PvP, it will be a huge red flag that anyone with common sense will notice is broken.

    This game is definitely for me, as I rather enjoy it. Maybe this game isn't for you since exploits don't last very long before it's fixed. Enjoy it while you still can.

    My middle name is civil. Do not worry. ;)

    No one is questioning anything but the amount of time it takes to land the move itself. It's time/damage ratio is way out of line. Simple math and a tiny bit of common sense shows us all that.

    Look it will be fixed sooner or later. Just go enjoy it while you can, it's time is clearly numbered. :)
  9. Giggles Loyal Player

    An exploit is when a player knows something isn't right but continues to use it regardless. You can say it is working as properly, just like all the DW guys did, but eventually it was fixed. One Hander will be fixed as well. You will see. When it does get fixed, eventually, I will make sure to PM you and say "I told you so! :)". ;)
  10. Giggles Loyal Player

    Words are cold, so there is no way you can get a "tone" from words. You gave no facts. All you showed us is that you are good at selective reading and making assumptions. Either way, I think it's funny you are in here defending it with all the proof in these forums.

    Since you like making assumptions, let me join you. "I'd like to think you are a pretty low caliber player if you have to rely on an obviously broken mechanic to get anything done". See what I did there? I made an assumption, but the difference between my assumption and your assumption that based on the facts others have provided to prove 1H is out of line, you defending a broken mechanic shows my assumption is most likely correct. :)

    I'll add you to the list of PMs I send out when it gets fixed to say "I told you so! :)".
  11. Giggles Loyal Player

    Funny I read all your posts, and none have facts in it, just poor assumptions. Care to point out those "facts". We are very much on topic. You made a statement with no argument or facts behind them. I am simply asking you to elaborate on your so called "facts" :)
  12. DeathLoli New Player

    Why is SoE so slow to balance. Already tested and posted the damage comparisons between all 4 charged holds clearly showing how it's not tuned correctly.

    I swear they must hire straight from the DMV.
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  13. Giggles Loyal Player

    All assumptions. I guess you don't know the definition of an assumption. Let me help you with that.

    https://www.google.com/#q=definition assumption

    You have no proof. Therefore, you are making assumptions, again.

    Again, I personally have no issues with 1H, and most certainly do not have issues with Healers. However, I understand you are trying your best to derail this thread. Even if this thread is closed or derailed, the issue is out there and devs are aware. Enjoy your little broken mechanic while you can. It's time in our game is numbered. Once it is fixed, I'll pm you to let you know. :)

    I love how you guys keep making the focus of threads about me because you lack the ability to real examples and facts. You crack me up. Thanks for the attention yet again, however this thread is not about me, it's about an obviously broken weapon that needs some tuning. :)
  14. Claytoun New Player

    It seems somebody "has got a focused blast in his back"/"has been outdpsed by a 1H user", pretty 99% of people arguing with 1H nowadays :rolleyes:

    EDIT: again, devs with last update have fixed the charge time for full damage but they didn't "fix" damage so probably it was unnecessary for devs and if they do it will only because of you crybabies
  15. Giggles Loyal Player

    Your word doesn't match up against all the hard proof provided. It's like you people who don't see a problem with 1H are telling us "the sky is not blue" while those of us informing everyone of the blatant imbalances are trying to tell you "Just look up", yet you refuse to do so. The devs will fix it eventually, just like they always have. Enjoy it while you can. :)
  16. Giggles Loyal Player

    Again, you made absolutely no sense. You made another 3 assumptions, and provided no proof to back up your claims. If that is your opinion of me, that's awesome. It's your opinion of me. What does this have to do with the thread again? You wouldn't be deliberately trying to derail this thread, would you? :)
  17. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Like I said which is fact dw was broken because you could get full damage of 25% charge and now you saying 1h is broken because it gets full damage of 100% charge what sense does that make to compare the two is absurd. Plus im pretty sure if it was broken it would have been fixed right along with since its been this way all along where was your complaints when dw was the problem I've been using 1h the whole time. For single target of course since its only useful then. Stop complaining about everything and step your game up ppl like you is the reason we losing ppl then had 1h nerfd multiple times already guess you gotta keep your streak alive huh.
  18. Giggles Loyal Player

    If people leave because a single weapon was balanced, then they weren't playing for the right reasons. They were bound to leave anyways. You missed the issue entirely and I am not going to repeat it for you. Go back and read it all and take your time. The devs will ultimately decide for themselves, and just looking at all the proof provided by those us asking for it to be balanced, common sense says it's not looking good for you guys who think it is balanced. :)
  19. REEEPR New Player

    As i sit here using HBs & rifle to smoke people everyday, i laugh at such a useless thread. Try also to think of a Cr 53 player tryin to run a FOS raid. If you guys get your way, his choice of 1H will be for naught. Not all content is just a solo boss and pvp 1vs 1. Grow up and get back to enjoying the game. It's like saying "nerf the sniper rifle" yet the smaller caliber mp5 can take down 10x the amount of enemies.

    Just like a sniper rifle, 1h is very situational. Think a little more critically guys. Just leave my HBs and rifle alone please. Don't want those 2 hitting like range hold for MA does.
  20. Claytoun New Player

    I don't get why you are all blaming this freaking 1H when it's clear other weapons like DW and staff are very slow. Why not speed up them?

    You all know that 1H has always been one of the fastest (if not the fastest) and best weapons for damage dealers in all tiers, don't you? So, for God's sake, stop with these QQ threads on this weapon and move on.

    - If you can't beat 'em, join 'em