1H Range Hold Still Out Of Line

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Giggles, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Not seeing that big of a difference here /shrug. I see like 5k and 6k. Non crits of 1h is like 2kish.

    And if you read my earlier post I have 1600 prec.
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  2. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Must I repeat 1h is not op ppl are using it because the charge is shorter then dw and staff plus the fact that when they fixed them it ended up breaking them. Sometimes fully charged attacks from dw and staff hit single digit numbers this ia a fact those weapons are broken. If the damage was as consistent as 1h ppl would still use it but its not the fully charged attacks be all over the place. As I said previously ive use a fully charged staff attack that critted for a 9. Thats the issue here no nerfs or buffs needed just fix the dw and staff to where a fully charged attack registers correctly. Ppl are complaining that everyone is using 1h so what its their choice and just because you choose not to doesn't give you the right to claim its op. Its a situational weapon good for single target it would be op if there was aoe damage from it.
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  3. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    I agree!

    One handed is OP... Hold square and I get hits for 1100 to 1500 normal and crit for 2500 or better every time I use it! (1100 pre)

    This is way OP, I normally use Brawling and the top Hold square hit is 500 at best and crits for maybe 1100.., some thing is way wrong here!

    I run with a friend and we use the same loadouts and I'll throw on my Brawler weapon and he kills me in damage with the One handed, when I equip the One handed, I can jump over him with ease... again, One handed is OP and broken!

    Folks that argue this fact are the one's using the broken weapon and if and when it gets fixed, they're bumming, just saying!

    This has been known for awhile now...

    Dev's what are you going to do when it's fixed and the OP One Handed bandwagon come crying?

    Never in 3 years have I seen sooooo many One handed users, ever, PvP, PvE, it's out of control really!

  4. Frankzilla Committed Player

    The thought of even comparing brawling to 1h is an epic fail. Which makes it clear why you are geting destroyed by you friend depending on situation certain weapons are better then others and also depending on role certain weapons are better then others. Loadout means nothing you can have the same loadout as the next man doesn't mean it will work for you the same.
  5. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    If weapons are suppose too be equal, what the hell is the difference?

    So One handed is suppose to be OP compared to Brawling?

    No weapon should be better than another, period! (unless the CR is higher)

    One hand is a up close and personal weapon, geeez that sounds like Brawling!

    We are talking about the hold square button, did you not comprehend that part?

    If you read the whole statement then you saw that I said I outscored him with his weapon of choice and used the same loadout!

    When he did the same and equipped my weapon of choice I out scored him, again, explain!

    Put that One handed down and see how good you really are, just saying!

  6. Clutch Committed Player

    It's not out of line. It's charge is single target so the high damage makes up for it. But go ahead and qq until they nerf it to uselessness. Same pattern over and over.
    Maybe people wouldn't gravitate towards it if there were better options. There aren't many because people keep crying and getting them nerfed one by one. I never used 1h until staff and dw were nerfed.
  7. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Can't reply for some reason, maybe broken like One handed! See what I did there?

    It's way out of line!

    No other weapon hits that hard with hold square!

    Brawling doesn't, MA doesn't, Rifle doesn't and the list goes on!

    Sounds more too me that you sir are QQing over the fact that you may be nerfed and just can't admit the truth about its OPness!

    Call it QQ, I call it balance and using this weapon and being here for almost 3 years I can tell you it's not right!

    Like it or not!

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  8. Dump Truck New Player

    Brawling and 2H are in need of a buff to be in line with 1H. If they nerf 1H then DW and Staff will be FOTM again. 1H is not the issue.
  9. Dump Truck New Player

    I'm sorry, I did not know .5 seconds longer was more than double the time. If that is correct, how long is the 1H charge for you? Exaggerate much? LOL
  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Unless it has recently changed it's under 1s for 1h, and it's 2s for dw /shrug.
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  11. Dump Truck New Player

    Brawling and MA do not, MA has a shorter charge as does rifle. Which while not hitting as hard, these enable you to clip with powers faster (or get free triangle dmg if HL) which makes up for the loss of power with speed of clipping. Brawling and 1H on the otherhand need to be buffed to the levels of staff, DW, and 1H.
  12. Dump Truck New Player

    1 second for 1H, 1.5 seconds for DW according to my count. That is hardly double the time.

    And the DW and staff take longer but hit harder, DW hitting multiple targets. I don;t see a problem here. If there are three targets you'll do far more wpn damage with DW, rifle, or HB than 1H. You can;t dispute it. The 1H is only OP in a world where everything is single target. I'll smoke DPS of the same class using 1H while I'm using DW, HB or rifle in Nexus... because they do more damage to multiple targets. The OP talk is strictly dox related, and in no means should equate to a nerf. What should be done is brawling and 2H charges should be brought in line with staff, DW, and 1H
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  13. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    DW Splits on multiple targets, and Staff can completely miss. Both the DPS, is much less. THat's th key DPS, the scale of the more damage does not match the more time. If I'm gettnig 5k crits with 1h I should be getting 10k with DW, that simply doesn't happen.
  14. Dump Truck New Player

    You are not getting 5k crits every time, stop lying already.

    Also, I have received 10k crits on DW. so you are incorrect, again, there. And with less precision.

    Give it up Jeebie, you got newbs agreeing with you. You lost. Read the posts, do you think Martis, myself, and others are wrong? DO you think we have not tested all of the weapons? The 'last I used' is not gonna hold weight versus people who have and do use. We're telling you. Stop agreeing with the know nothings you are better than that.

    Fact is, you dont get 5k crits everytime, you dont even get them half of the time you crit (which is not all the time as well btw) you are getting 5k crits roughly 10% of the time, where as most the time you are critting in the 3-4k range. This puts the 1H crits at about half the DW crits, but with .5 seconds less to cast. How is this not in line?

    The entire arguement, and defense of it, is a farce with half truthed information by disgruntled DPS's who cant take the ego hit that there are other players better than them.

    And that is the truth.
  15. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Its like you just cant grasp the concept so ill repeat once more the 1h isn't broken the other weapons are broken. Brawling needs a buff but ppl will probably still chose 1h over it because brawling is still slower it will have a charge like dw and staff. Ma and rifle have faster animations than 1h so they dont hit as hard but you get damage out faster its all about play style. Ppl are leaning more towards prec so they base their rotation off weapon damage 1h gives the best single target option right now. Not because its op but because the amount of damage and length of animation not to mention its fully charged attack are consistent there will be no single or double digit off of full charge unlike dw or staff at the moment.
  16. Magical Reset Committed Player

    Why are you even arguing with middle-schooler? They haven't learned algebra yet, they'll figure out these things for themselves when they pick up more math skills.
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  17. Dump Truck New Player

    I agree, HB and Rifle are better than 1H in a clean nexus run.
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  18. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Dw may split damage none the less its still a capability 1h doesn't have at all which is aoe. 1h also misses targets if they are not stationary. I dont get the complaint here claiming 1h is op rather then taking into acount maybe the other weapon where indirectly broken with their so called fix. Why not complain about that there were ppl using 1h before but there were no complaints while ppl were getting there rocks off with dw.
  19. Dump Truck New Player

    Because It's far easier for people to take the highest of the high end crit, state it as the normal crit so that others suspect they get this high of damage every time, and use it as an excuse for lack of knowledge or lesser skills on the joystick than to actually have a reasonable discussion.

    Fact is, 1H is single target range and melee aoe based. The damage it does in Paradox is being compared to as the norm. Truth is, in multiple target raids, like Nexus, HB, Rifle, and DW are superior. You only notice the 1H single target damage topping the charts after multiple wipes and hours spent in failed paradox runs where the high single target damage starts to top other wpns.

    In a clean run of dox, no wipes, 1/2 hour or less, you barely notice the difference between who is using 1H and other weapons. You only notice it after 2+ hours of continually wiping at the end when you are playing 3/4 of that time in single target mode. At which point, the disadvantage the 1H has against multiple targets is out weighed by the extended amount of failed time spent on single targets.
  20. Frankzilla Committed Player

    This is fact. I even tried it yesterday im hl I normally switch from rifle to 1h and visa versa depending on situation aoe or single target. Yesterday I decide to try a entire nex run with only 1h and I ended up second behind another hl user that used rifle the entire raid. Yes I hit hard during single target moments but for the first room all the adds and last room I was losing damage using a single target weapon.