i run 1x1 batcave earlier.. in 2 consecutive fights, i ALWAYS get 14 s respawn time. i mean, i dont even remember respawn time that long exist.. i thuoght the max is 10s. and when i said always, i really do mean always. i get 14s respawn time everytime i died.. so is this a bug? or just a connection issue in my part? (which never happen before) or is my opponent cheats or something? do any of you ever experienced this same issue? thanks in advance
This has happened to me as well in Arenas and Legends... I'll be getting normal timers, then all the sudden I'll start getting constant 14s timers the rest of the match.
okay.. this happens again to me.. and now im 100% sure i have no connection issue.. if im lagging my power bar loading time will be in some kind of delay, and it loads normally.. but im still getting 14s respawn everytime i died.. is this a new mechanics that im not aware of? is this depends on how good u perform before u died? coz earlier i died all the time in 1v1 and i get the 14s time, and just now i killed 4 ppl before i died and i still get trhe 14s time.. so i dont think it has anything to do with ur performance
I have experienced this as well. I guess I have never understood how the spawn time is decided. Sometimes I will have a 10-14 second spawn time, and others will be less than a second. and there seems to be no rhyme or reason on what decides it. The most frustrating part is I will die and get a long spawn time, but when I beat someone I don't have time to heal or anything before they are already back and attacking me again. and when it happens in a close match(at a crucial time) it basically decides the winner. I would also like clarity on this.
haha 14 seconds ... i was playing connected to my router and internet supply not wirelessly and i got 366.54 was in a fight in batcave when i told my opponent in vs chat he said wait your joking surprisingly i didn't kick me from the instance i was just laying on the floor till the match was over .
Well it's set on a timer... If you happen to die at the 10 seconds timer mark nearly every time then you'll have that as your respawn time. Though it shouldnt be going over 10 seconds and shouldn't be every single time. Your case just seems like bad luck.
this has happened to me numerous times i think its just a bug in pvp its random. also sometimes when playing batman all your powers and hold melee/range become unusable
Never understood why there were so high respawn timers and how they're assigned. Get rid of the activation cogs of a k.o.'ed enemy. Make the respawn time a standard 2-3 seconds. Add the "get up" animation to every restpawn. Tadaaa a fix 4-5s respawn. I don't see any reason why there should be 10s+ except for my enemies of course, because they deserve it.
OMG i've just made an exact post of this spawn in timer upwards, wtf is this, I had 14 seconds spawn in timer 3 times in one match. wtf i'm here to pvp and not to count seconds of my life passing me by. How has pvp timer not been changed to 5 seconds for everyone. Serious what do meeps and spytle do all day with this game? it seems like they need to get there act together and listen to what people are asking for and not what they think we need.