131 Home Turf Weapons???

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by raaddd, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. raaddd Well-Known Player

    After finishing the Home Turf missions plenty of times, I have only managed to get the weapons with 125 dps. I saw some people with 131 dps on their Home Turf weapons and im wondering how did they get it? Do I need to be a certain CR?

    Please Help!
  2. PaperGirl New Player

    I don't think you need a CR , you need luck , and i dropped a lot of them in Ace solo and Stryker solo instance .
  3. raaddd Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the reply.
  4. PurpCity New Player

    For me I noticed that I tend to get 125 dps weapons from the ace chemical solo mission and 131 weapons from strykers
  5. Tesseract Well-Known Player

    Likewise. I tend to get 131 more from Strykers. So far I've gotten mostly 131 from Strykers and only a handful of 125.
  6. ItsRem Well-Known Player

    68 CR. It says it at the top of the weapon I think, someone who actually has one or the other should post up a screenshot. I deleted my brawling, but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing it...
  7. Snix Dedicated Player

    I've gotten a 131 One Handed from Strykers but just before that I got a 125 Shield so it's random.
  8. raaddd Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the replies. Il try out Strykers a couple more times tomorrow to see if i get one
  9. BumblingB I got better.

    Strykers, Ace Chemicals, Arkham Asylum, and Steelworks all will drop an item. Usually a blue 125 (Prime Level) weapon. There are slight chances you can get a ring (about lockbox level but no socket), a neck (better than lockbox as you can socket it), or a 131 (Runic Level) purple weapon.

    I have gotten a couple. Most recent was the retro futuristic rifle on my villain which was 131.
  10. RamsesVIIX New Player

    Strykers Drops them more often, I've gotten 131 STEEL'S looking two handed hammer, Rifle, and Shield. From Arkham I've gotten a 131 Sword.
  11. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Are they supposed to be dropping an item every single time? I've run Ace 4 or 5 times and have only gotten two drops (a troller neck and a 131 troller handblasters... on my troller... who uses handblasters... thought that was a bit weird considering how much the rng usually hates me).
  12. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Not necessarily true... I got three 131 weapons from Ace (Rifle, Dual Pistols and Dual Wield) and two 125 (Handblasters and Staff). To me it's just a matter of luck and not which one you are doing. Keep playing and they will drop.
  13. RamsesVIIX New Player

    There was a glitch that was recently patched up in STEELWORKS, that's how I was able to get a bunch of 131weapons from there.