110 Utility belt

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gr33n Static, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Gr33n Static Well-Known Player


    I haven't seen one yet, but is there a 102 or 110 utility belt with all wildcard spots? I don't usually use the three (3) trinket and one (1) consumable item.
  2. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    The 110 belt sadly has the dreaded consumable slot in it also.
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  3. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    just use the 101 utility belt with a 110 trinket and you will still be 126 cr
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  4. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    The 101 elite belt or 100 belt is the best thing to use since it has all wildcard I believe. Won't affect your CR at all I don't think as along as the rest of the gear is 110.
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  5. Stark23 Committed Player

    I'm sure there is some reason, but for the life of me I can't understand why all utility belts can't be full Wildcard. What impact would it really have? Why force a certain slot? People who want to run consumables will, people who want to run trinkets will. There's small little controls like this all over the game that I really just don't understand.
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  6. Nodens Dedicated Player

    My leaguemates tell me that the "all wildcard" utility belt only drops in the elite version of HH.
  7. Agnetta Dedicated Player

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  8. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Developers hate fun. #bait
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  9. Backseid Devoted Player

    No one knows why the belts are like this. When they first came out, I guess it was to have that carrot to chase (getting all wildcards) but now it's just irratating. Most people never use a consumable as they are even more pointless than ever.
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  10. Gr33n Static Well-Known Player

    Thank you for all the advice, I guess I will be staying with this 100 belt.
  11. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Even if you do though you still switch them in, as you'll generally have 4 trinkets to use during combat. I always keep a stack of shields in my inventory to switch in if needed, but I don't want them there full time and still use my 100 utility belt over the 110.

    They should be all wild cards, there is no reason to take a step backwards from the 100-101 belts we had/have.
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  12. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Not only fires it have a consumable slot, but it's in the wrong place too. Wtf were they thinking
  13. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    T4 dropped the first belt with 4 wildcart. Every belt with higher stats from then on should only have wildcart-slots.Otherwise it's not a real upgrade.
    It could also be made a feature: Let us craft out a sh*tty consumable-slot from a belt and turn it into a wildcard-slot, which we want to use for the stats and CR.

    Why the high costs to unlock the slots? We need to own the DLC/feature or be subscribed to have access to the belt.
    Why not completely remove the renting-part or at least give people, who own the DLC/feature or are subscribed, the slots-unlocking for free and give people without that DLC/feature those items, but with the unlocking cost?
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