1 question of nature healer...

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Ciowen3, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. Ciowen3 New Player

    Hi all,a doubt that I have, the ability blossom indicates that it restores additional health to the allies with pheromones but, refers to all the allies of the group that have pheromones or only the weakest ally as it would be its main function?
  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  3. Ciowen3 New Player

    Yes wat...? 1 alied or all alies ?
  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Yourself and the lowest ally
  5. Makaveli2989 New Player

    If you are assuming that he is asking about the main priority heal of blossom then That is not what he is asking!
  6. Makaveli2989 New Player

    The additional heal will heal all your group members as long they have pheromones on them, and will be about 40% of the main priority heal.
    So if you are in 8 Mans group and you use blossom while allies have pheromones on them you will heal like this:

    7k+3k on you and the most injurie group member.
    3k on everyone else.

    Doesn’ work on pets and none players allies.
  7. Ciowen3 New Player

    Ok thx for the info ! Is this information published somewhere?
  8. Makaveli2989 New Player

    no it's not published. these are tests resaults. the strength of the healing will be based on your stats.