Wanted to balance out the Constructive Criticism Crowd VS the Fear Mongering Crowd war thats going to be going on for awhile, by adding my own...
I must say.. I was hearing good things from the test server about this DLC, Im glad to echo that same vibe from Live. Very well made DLC. From...
So are we still ignoring hackers in these parts of town even with multiple footage?
(If you are a new or returning player asking of if the game is worth playing or returning back to, scroll the way down till you see dedicated...
With the recent dlc launch I decided to come back and try dcuo again with the new episode. The duo and alert were very easy to beat sadly, but I...
For you avid gamers who are starting to notices that recently released games are now doing a Lootbox system or Micro-transcations in every game, I...
Ok, now I can totally see where yall where going with the shield damage cap.To me personally, shields were definitely a meta, and some powers took...
So, spec might and power. Go Superpowered spec. Your loadout will be: The sword construct move, the auto crit buff, shield, shield, dot sc...
I enjoy dpsing with the power I am, but the meta for it has been established(at least). When I try to do other specs and focuses, I can't get the...
They are more so for the devs. Do not take the changes you hear as the final result of your chosen power. It is a very early build and will most...
So alot of thought has been going through my head and deep discussion talks with my friends about dcuo atm. So 1 we talked about is gearing. So...
I can't wait till this stat update revamp and everything with it comes through. Some people need to be taught a lesson. #BatmanOp #ChildishBehavior
Howdy ! My Ign: Ringz on hero side - CR 173 dps/172 healer - 220sp, Pvp Cr 100 - . I play both pve and pvp.I have 2 other alts that is a troller...
With the new pvp gear being talked about around the grapevine and im not in the same town as my home desktop, my questions are as followed for those...
As I was enduring through another one of my shower thoughts, the topic that came up hand involved dcuo and the whole concept behind WM and AM....
Soo yea... There gone... just gonna.... Leave this here.
Soo yea........ flame cascade in am mode.. able to block-break plus doing considerable consecutive damage o_O !?!? Working as intended or whats the...
Recently got back into dcuo and is currently Legendary. Ig: Ringz, and i am 20yrs old. I am a Healer Power currently Celestial (but will switch to...
Separate names with a comma.