Nice to see that after a long Hiatus the names have changed but the questions haven't - Lol.... Simple answer: Pick a power any power will do -...
Ah...A Timeless CLASSIC! Be it Comics or, Movies and From Head to Toe - The way Superman should look, ALWAYS !!!
IMHO....and to keep anyone from going crazy.. YOU can't be overly CONCERNED with what Others HAVE or, DO - Otherwise - ONE, Will become...
I must admit that every time one of those Blue Rings scans me I hope to hear a voice saying "You Have Been Chosen to...."
Same here still using my purple 75 level all wildcard u-belt...too bad they don't have a Utility BELT UPGRADE mod or, some type of R&D solution...
PS4 Outsells Xbox One by Nearly Two-to-One
The Iconic "The Hunt" and "Test Subject One" are the only viable place for Combat - PVP type - Mechanics in the PVE world to thrive and flourish....
This is such salient point that you raised, it needs to be echoed - As There are just so (too) many "One Trick" Pony(s) that are...
The funny thing is that the new DLC 9 has solo content that is WEEKLY instead of DAILY? As Replay Badges use goes up.....;)
Hidden Tricks for the advance huh...that statement alone worries me! Makes one wonder....What else is hidden - That is Good or, Bad!? If that...
I'm for everyone having a good time in making their contributions, but not at the cost of others. Which, in this case, can be very tricky at...
I truly do not get why the Developers have this amenities base limitation - it's like putting up a 4 lane Highway and then telling you that you...
Yes, and you are coming from a point to where; 1) the Math off - that is understood! 2) The amount of resources spent by the OP was done so at...
DLC hasn't even been out 40 days - 1/22/2014 I think?In this case, no matter how you slice it or, (calculate it) it is still a ton of resources...
Welcome to Viva Las Vegas! aka DCUO version 2.0 style.... Would that be; Roulette, Craps or, the house favorite - Baccarat? We also have an...
YEAH...You just named 2 out 4 wildcards slots that are in my U-belt:)
And that is the worst thing about that trinket especially if you're a flyer - use it early so you can revert back!
Important, It's not for me - I'm not there to TOP a chart - I'm there to assist in successfully completing an objective! If I look at anything of...
Some, I guess, would argue that is an MMO and killing Time is a given Yeah, especially if you need to warp between one base to...
Yep - That 4th DD could be tops by anyone's standards .... however they suffer under these conditions.... Just one more reason that the...
Separate names with a comma.