I seriously need to sign back in to this game lol. I went munitions just to try it out and I think that brain dead power is why I took another break...
Word, anything with rally timer changing? Like 14 seconds (I think was only a PS problem) or closing the timer window would pause your rally?
So this update really did what I'm seeing typed here? Time to sign in when I get the chance.
I'm missing my Controller friends :(.
Rd as 'Don't think I don't know who you are.'
Someone maybe asked in the thread. Im on this garbage phone. But are you taking into account how often some characters are able to unleash their...
That shouldn't have occurred. Distract has nothing offensive about it to have gotten you countered. Sounds like the match you were in was just...
Is it bad that i think C-Field should constantly be putting up 1 of our 3 Pi's while its active?
Is it really earth next or is everyone getting together and praying it's happening.
Yep, I thought it was just me but others can't scroll down either. (USPS)
Nope still tied down to the power.
If youre saying you want the ring ALONE and still be another power it cant happen, you MUST be rage to have one.
Gotcha, I may be able to find someone by then.
Question about battle drone. It gives power to ally's not in your group I know but, I noticed it's ticks go to pets (golem, watcher, fury, etc.) are...
Really? Must have been bugged the time I was using it, or someone got hit really, really, hard.
Only problem with reinforce is if the player got hit for 40k you will be hit for 40k. It does not get reduced by your absorption or defense.
I understand the intent but, you do realize there are powers that hit harder than an orbital? Seriously might as well want stat clamping on the whole...
I I think wolf's bb is just as quick as the rifles if not quicker to add on to that.
Lol people and quantum's stuns there was a Halls of hades group I was going to join until I saw they wanted quantum trolls only because their stuns...
In here to laugh at the typo "breastroke". As of now no, except wait for them to be a promo legend and test them out then, or YouTube them.
Separate names with a comma.