BumblingB is still here too gosh, you guys must be Omega level at this point with like 1000 skill points
Idk man I think they just don't care.. A lot of the PvPers you knew years back had solid ideas and were really passionate about the game. There...
Bruh it's interesting as **** seeing you here of all places, maybe this is my chance from God to network let me get a follow back on Twitter I'm...
Why UE4? Just scrap whatever this game is now and move on to DCUO 2 in UE5
NOM NOM, YOU HEARD HIM gimmie the good stuffs!!
All I have to say is, if they wanted to, they would. Plenty of suggestions have been made to improve this game, all to be ignored :(
Are you THE afro senju? The anime game content creator?
After all these years I'd expect you to have enough stuff Proxy :mad:
Uh Chill, why is your name pink? WERE YOU YASSIFIED?!
Hello! Not sorry for the clickbait title, I assume not many people visit the PVP section of the forum these days. I'm hoping we can discuss something...
Wiggigity wack
Yeah I have 6 of them
Get good
No developer wants to dedicate the time towards fixing PvP and the company doesn't think its worth the time, effort or money. They could easily...
Yeah for example, season 1 battlepass includes some cosmetic "cool looking" aura at level 60, that aura would only be available during that...
Are you implying someone's holding a gun to your head to pay for this said subscription??
Separate names with a comma.